


  • Added in more in depth ledger entries (Not all items will have full entries yet). It will now show a proper category and subcategory and country of origin for a ledger item, which will in the near future be used for better report breakdowns for you to analyze your companies income and expenditures.


  • Added in practical knowledge into figuring of probabilities on new prototype designs.

  • Added in practical knowledge gain based on how a rocket launch performed.

  • Added in the completion and failure of missions, along with payouts or penalties.

  • Added in the automated movement of items out of the VAB, and automatical serialization of production items in the VAB.

  • Made archived parts not show up in the aerospace designer.

  • Fixed VAB line 3 delivery issues.

  • Fixed being able to see incorrect prototype possibilities in limited scenarios.

  • Updated contract system to include pay rate increase for sensor data required missions.

  • Added in next tier of missions "Stratosphere" level for missions from 12-50km above surface level.

  • Added in practical 100 tier of research possibilities for Aerospace companies.

  • Added in Engine efficiency calculations based on attained research.

  • Added in ability to add sensors to rocket designs.

  • Fixed issue with calculation of manuever weights.

  • Added in new practical 100 tier of fuel types.

  • Added ability to upgrade VAB Capacity based on practical knowledge and funding.

  • Added ability to upgrade VAB Efficiency based on practical knowledge and funding.

  • Fixed VAB not releasing rockets to go to pad in certain circumstances.


  • New Equipment: 2150 Planter

  • New Equipment: DB60 Planter

  • New Equipment: 1795 Planter

  • New Equipment: 3505 Planter

  • New Equipment: Puma 175 Tractor

  • New Equipment: 720 Tractor

  • New Equipment: M8 Tractor

  • New Equipment: T214 Tractor

  • New Crop: Wheat

  • New Crop: Oats

  • New Crop: Hay

  • New Feature: Ability to mark land for a field. A field will cost $10,000 in acre to clear and prep (This will put it in a plowed state to begin with). It will take 2 hours per acre to conduct prepping and be ready for use.

  • New Feature: Ability to plant fields. You will need a valid tractor, piece of land, and planter. Ensure that your tractor is large enough to utilize the planter, otherwise it won't work!

  • New Feature: Field growth. Growth for wheat and oats will take 4 days from planted to harvestable. Growth for hay will take 2 days from planted to harvestable. Currently you can plant at anytime of year, and harvest at anytime of year. Obviously, this is subject to change in the future, but in this baby version I wanted everyone to get used to the mechanics, also, for those of you who get busy at times, crops will not currently wither, though again, this may be subject to change in the future.

  • Added new field overview screen to view current field state as well as any equipment actively working that field.

  • Updated agriculture overview page for a city to have proper image based on field crop and field state dynamically.

  • Updated marketplace listings to show hp for tractors and harvesters, and hp required for implements.

  • Updated implements and harvesters to show their working width with their market listings.

  • New Equipment: WD1504 Windrower

  • New Equipment: W260 Windrower

  • New Equipment: Speedrower160 Windrower

  • New Equipment: Terraland 3000 Plow

  • New Equipment: Krause 4000 Plow

  • New Equipment: 6480 Tractor

  • New Equipment: Agrotron 150 Tractor

  • New Equipment: Maxxum 150 Tractor

  • New Equipment: Steiger 500 Tractor

  • New Equipment: Optum 300 Tractor

  • New Equipment: 942 Vario Tractor

  • New Equipment: 1000 Vario Tractor

  • New Equipment: 9340 TTV Tractor

  • New Equipment: 1200 Big Pack Baler

  • New Equipment: 6410R Tractor

  • New Equipment: T8 Tractor

  • New Equipment: Baler 2190

  • Fixed instances where some users may not see category dropdown in marketplace.

  • Removed construction lot link from fields and pastures.

  • Fixed create field/pasture not being visible to all users even if they owned agricultural land.

  • Updated pricing, working width, and hp requirements on STP 3000 plow.

  • Fixed being able to select 'None' and it still plant, leaving you with a planted crop that had no actual crop.

  • Added in proper redirect and error messaging for when tractor is not capable of pulling working equipment.

  • Updated the 6410R mislabel to properly read 8410R before the fanboys fling poo at my door.

  • Added in ability to harvest crops. Crops will be harvested and once the harvest is complete the raw goods will currently be sent to your local warehouse. If you do not have a warehouse, the crops will poof. so, HAVE A WAREHOUSE!

  • Added in ability to plow fields. Fields can be plowed when either in a harvested or a planted state. Please note that you NEED to plow to replant most crops, however hay WILL REGROW without needing to plow and plant. Keep in mind if you plow something you've planted, it will revert back to a no crop state!

  • New Crop: Soybeans

  • New Equipment: 6250R Tractor

  • New Equipment: 7250R Tractor

  • New Equipment: 600 Steiger QT Tractor

  • New Equipment: 9620RX Tractor

  • New Equipment: 9230 Harvester

  • New Equipment: S680 Harvester

  • New Equipment: 2633 Plow

  • New Crop: Barley

  • Added ability to favorite fields.

  • New Crop: Corn

  • New Crop: Rice

  • New Crop: Potato

  • New Equipment: Kwatro Rootcrop Harvester

  • Fixed Rootcrop harvester and windrower showing hp required instead of just hp.

  • New Crop: Carrots

  • New Crop: Coffee

  • New Equipment: CoffeeMax 200 Coffee Harvester

  • New Equipment: Plant 100 Tree Planter

  • Added new dynamic growth for coffee trees, initial growth takes 30 days, after 30 days, it will be harvestable every 3 or so days, this is subject to future updates. Initial growth represents tree growth time. No replanting needed unless plowed under.

  • New Crop: Almonds

  • New Crop: Cotton

  • Added new dynamic growth for cotton, growing takes 4 days as opposed to 3 for grain crops.

  • New Equipment: CPX620 Cotton Harvester

  • New Equipment: CP690 Cotton Harvester

  • New Crop: Cabbage

  • New Crop: Sunflowers

  • New Crop: Onions

  • New Crop: Grapes - Red

  • New Equipment: GL7 Grape Harvester

  • New Equipment: Braud Grape Harvester

  • Added new dynamic growth cycle for grapes.


  • Added New Treasure Hunt "Lost Rubies of Barcelona" in Lisbon Portugal


  • Added automated generation of "Mystery" auctions. They can be either a Collectible, A Vehicle, A ship or a Building currently. In the future, I will include more categories. They can have very cheap, or expensive prizes, and you never quite know! Enjoy!


  • Fixed officer vaults paying same amount after a certain threshold instead of paying interest dyanmically based on actual account funding.


  • Fixed being able to send a semi out to a construction site without a driver.

  • Added more status information on construction agreements about current building status to know if the building is still awaiting construction to start, constructing, or finished. If constructing it will give the timestamp for
    estimated completion.

  • Set up Decom for old construction equipment.

  • Added ability to buy construction equipment once more.

  • Added ability to put construction equipment on site and drive generators in.


  • Ensured that you cannot catch 'over' your hold limit of crabs, now full means full!


  • Created the initial data center area. This can be accessed via the Data > Data Center menu. The Data Central location to get a wealth of reports and data on various sectors of the economy around the globe, to help you make informed business choices. Overtime this will expand to literally hundreds of various reports you can pull on the thousands of cities and types of citizens we will have in our virtual world!

  • New Report Type: Tourism. The tourism report costs $5,000 bux and generates a one time report regarding the current number of people, at various budget levels, interested in a tourism related endeavor. Use this to help decide where to focus potential tourism operations leaving this city. In time this report will become more in depth with some wishing to travel domestic, some abroad, some a cruise and some a flight or a car ride to a resort. But for now, it has basic economic tiers, available tourists for that annual year, and this number will dynamically flux based on supply and demand provided by players and NPCs.

Diamond Den/Donator Shops

  • Added LE Liberty Semi

  • Added LE ATW Honduras Semi

  • Added LE ATW Panama Semi

Holding Companies

  • Added error and success messages to subsidiary creation form.

  • Added new corporate action, Specializing a Generic company. This allows you to specialize a generic subsidiary into any current or future specialty for Double what it would normally cost to create a new company of this type. So if you have built a company around something and want to start specializing in it, this is an easy way to make that happen without having to transfer a ton of assets.


  • Fixed inability to fly into or out of Caribbean nations in select situations where it should have been possible.

  • Fed the need of the Feed The Need truck, and I think we should see it stop consuming. You will need to top it off to get the refuel indicator to go away though. Will be monitoring to make sure it was addressed, this may be related to another issue that will be solved with revamp, but I'm monitoring!

  • Fixed fuel pricing sometimes showing a single post decimal number when it should show a trailing zero.

  • Redesigned fleet overview page to have pertainent data and increase load times.

  • Removed in freight and waiting status filters, as neither of these will be utilized going forward.

  • Added in better dynamic data pulling including semi trailers attached, what they are hauling, etc.

  • Bobtailing & Driving will now require 0.002% of the system resources it used to. (This means the system can handle WAY more trucks than we have now, with WAY less impact.)

  • Dynamic dropdown system will be based on the status of your truck, only see the items you can presently do.

  • Made NPC Load timers calculate correctly for LE vehicles where previously it would give a normal timestamp and arrive early.

  • Operations time for loading and unloading trailers has been reduced to 60 minutes, meaning a fully skilled operations perk driver can load and unload in 20 minutes.

  • Ferry time for routes requiring a ferry will be between 1 to 5 hours of extra time.

  • Made it required to have a driver in a truck to attach a trailer to it, even non-cert requiring trailers. Hard to hook up without a driver present!

  • Fixed issue where sometimes equipment loaded and unloaded frequently could lose a little data on what type of facility it was currently at.

  • Rebuilt the details page for semis from the ground up to be more user friendly and UI optimized.

  • Trains can now have nicknames

  • Trains used market now shows capacity as m3 instead of liters

  • New Train: EMD SD90

  • New Train: EMD GP30

  • Survey ships have the ability to go on surveying missions in shallow, moderate or deep waters. The deeper the water, the longer the mission will take. These missions can return nothing or potentially an anomaly. An anomaly can be sold to another player, or can be further surveyed to find out exactly what it is. Once it is known it will become either junk, a salvagable operation, or a potential offshore oil drilling site.

  • Survey ships will burn approximately 50% of the fuel they would normally burn sailing while conducting survey operations. Travelling slower will not only save fuel but potentially give a better chance at finding an anomaly so that the ships sensors can work to their full ability.

  • Currently, if any kind of anomaly is found, it will show up in your inventory AFTER the ship has returned to port. Be sure to check your inventory on arrival of your ships. In the future this will be tied into the new notification system and will notify you of any anomaly found!

  • Allowed trains to switch ownership and still be able to unload cargo that is onboard. (Had several users likely switching trains between companies with loads still attached and this was causing failures because company didn't match original load taker.)

  • Removed the ability to buy any train cars currently until the revamp of trains is finalized.

  • Fixed XP gains not working as intended in some instances on NPC load jobs.

  • Released Survey ships to main game population from Nut Gallery.

  • Released Salvage ships to main game population from Nut Gallery.

  • New Ship: Perth Drill Ship.

  • New Ship: Swan Drill Ship.

  • New Ship: Sparrow Drill Ship.

  • New Ship: Leonardo Drill Ship.

  • Created new filter category in logistics dropdowns for Survey & Drill ships to separate them from other ship types.

  • Removed Sea King link from ship menu, as that is now tracked in data center.

  • Added new Survey side menu which includes new 'Anomaly Tracker' section that will be used for keeping track of and interacting with anomalies you find or purchase.

  • New Port: Maputo, Mozambique

  • Added new upper threshold of 300 passengers on a international flight adhoc.

  • Added new upper threshold of 20,000 kg of cargo on a international flight adhoc.

  • Added 'Shore Leave' (Basically an hour rest function) for ships.

  • Added ability to see flight distance in nm for jobs that are available or taken for planes.

  • Added dynamic pricing per city to aircraft refueling.

  • Added a 30% reduction to Aircraft Fuel pricing from normal fuel, as traditionally in RL it is cheaper than regular gasoline.

  • New Port: Chittagong, Bangladesh

  • Updated Fleet Ranking to reset and now count new fleet sizes.

  • Added ability to create group tags in Holding Company area for Semi and Construction/Mining Equipment.

  • Made it so that semis can be assigned a Group Tag, and you can filter your semi fleet by that tag.

  • Updated Logistics leaderboard to now only pull logistics related ships and leaves other types of ships out for proper counts.

  • Added available load city filter to trains, so you can pick any available city with loads to filter by, this should help improve loading times.

  • New Ship: VLOC Ore Carrier

  • New Port: Tripoli, Libya

  • New Train: AC44i

  • New Train: IORE

  • New Feature: Electric Trains. Electric trains are now a thing! They will charge electric at the beginning of the trip to cover the entire trip on that line. In the future players will be able to make their own lines and set their own 'charge' rates for themselves, whitelisted companies, or public companies if they make the line public.

  • New Feature: Tandem hauling. You can now Tandem 2 engines together to double your load capacity. In order to tandem, the two trains must be in the same city, idle, and not have any loads attached to them. Upon tandem completion, one train takes over as the control train with double capacity, and the tandem train is locked into tandem status until unhooked, which again requires idle and no cargo.

  • Removed ability to bobtail equipment that is not a dump truck from town to town, a bug that would allow wheelloaders etc to go on joyrides.

  • New Feature: Ability to load player equipment onto trains and move it. To move your own equipment, or have someone move it for you, go to Business Operations > Equipment > Details page of the equipment you want moved. Then Click the movement tab and select the destination and hit Ship Via Rail. At this point the train load will show up as a player load in that city for anyone to take. Upon delivery the vehicle will be in the new city ready to go!

  • New Port: Kingston, Jamaica

  • New Port: Yangon, Myanmar

  • New Port: Victoria, Seychelles

  • New Port: Al-Ahmadi, Kuwait

  • New Feature: FREEroam semi load generation. NPC loads will now generate on the new freeroam system, meaning you will begin to not only see domestic loads, but international loads via the free roam system! Enjoy!

  • New Port: Suva, Fiji

  • New Feature: Ability to see all companies that you currently whitelist with your bunkering ship/company. Button is below your ship image and says 'current whitelist'. Here you can see the agreement number, company, rate, and date the agreement was formed. It will not show cancelled agreements, only active!

  • Reduced fuel requirements Temporarily for yachts so that people who are taking longer cruises can still fulfill the job requirements and not be stuck with a job they cannot complete. Will be reworking this more in the near future.

  • Upped the maximum loads per plane to 3, from 2. It will remain here until airlines launch! Enjoy!

  • New Port: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

  • New Port: Port Sudan, Sudan

  • Balancing: Paltala fuel efficiency buff, formerly $23.15/nm to operate, now $5.40/nm.

  • Balancing: Verdansk fuel efficiency buff, formerly $11.57/nm to operate, now $1.54/nm.

  • Balancing: Zepptimus fuel efficiency buff, formerly $15.43/nm to operate, now $2.31/nm.

  • Balancing: Yeah-Buoy fuel efficiency buff, formerly $27.01/nm to operate, now $13.12/nm.

  • Balancing: Rex fuel efficiency buff, formerly $30.86/nm to operate, now $24.69/nm.

  • Balancing: Flying Dutchman fuel efficiency buff, formerly $142.75/nm to operate, now $69.44/nm.

  • Balancing: Platinum fuel efficiency buff, formerly $29.32/nm to operate, now $18.52/nm.

  • Balancing: Prime Time fuel efficiency buff, formerly $115.74/nm to operate, now $65.59/nm.

  • Balancing: Discovery fuel efficiency buff, formerly $19.29/nm to operate, now $3.09/nm.

  • Balancing: Cheese fuel efficiency buff, formerly $26.23/nm to operate, now $19.29/nm.

  • Balancing: 50x5 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $138.89/nm to operate, now $69.44/nm.

  • Balancing: 30x3 fuel efficiency nerf, formerly $30.86/nm to operate, now $42.44/nm.

  • Balancing: 40x4 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $123.46/nm to operate, now $61.73/nm.

  • Balancing: 4x1 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $13.12/nm to operate, now $3.86/nm.

  • Balancing: 8x12 fuel efficiency nerf, formerly $17.75/nm to operate, now $21.60/nm.

  • Balancing: DB C1 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $16.20/nm to operate, now $9.26/nm.

  • Balancing: DB C2 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $20.83/nm to operate, now $12.35/nm.

  • Balancing: C1 RORO fuel efficiency buff, formerly $12.35/nm to operate, now $5.40/nm.

  • Balancing: C2 RORO fuel efficiency buff, formerly $13.89/nm to operate, now $9.26/nm.

  • Balancing: C3 RORO fuel efficiency buff, formerly $16.98/nm to operate, now $13.89/nm.

  • Balancing: C4 RORO fuel efficiency buff, formerly $18.52/nm to operate, now $16.98/nm.

  • Balancing: Liquid C1 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $12.35/nm to operate, now $7.72/nm.

  • Balancing: Liquid C2 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $16.98/nm to operate, now $13.89/nm.

  • Balancing: Liquid C3 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $23.92/nm to operate, now $23.15/nm.

  • Balancing: Liquid C4 fuel efficiency nerf, formerly $27.78/nm to operate, now $30.09/nm.

  • Balancing: Cryo C1 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $17.75/nm to operate, now $13.89/nm.

  • Balancing: Cryo C2 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $22.38/nm to operate, now $18.52/nm.

  • Balancing: Cryo C3 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $28.55/nm to operate, now $23.15/nm.

  • Balancing: Casual Diner fuel efficiency buff, formerly $17.75/nm to opreate, now $16.98/nm.

  • Balancing: RORO C7 fuel efficiency buff, formerly $30.09/nm to operate, now $27.01/nm.

  • Balancing: Robonaut fuel efficiency buff, formerly $23.92/nm to operate, now $21.60/nm.

  • Balancing: Delta fuel efficiency buff, formerly $123.46/nm to operate, now $92.59/nm.

  • Balancing: Mondako fuel efficiency buff, formerly $27.01/nm to operate, now $7.72/nm.

  • Balancing: Arabesque fuel efficiency buff, formerly $27.01/nm to operate, now $22.38/nm.

  • Balancing: Atlantic fuel efficiency buff, formerly $27.01/nm to operate, now $23.92/nm.

  • Balancing: Sleepy Hollow fuel efficiency buff, formerly $21.60/nm to operate, now $17.75/nm.

  • Balancing: Montrose fuel efficiency buff, formerly $24.69/nm to operate, now $16.98/nm.

  • This large rebalance contained 95+% buffs to fuel efficiency, this is in preparation for the upcoming rebalance of sealane shipping prices. You are expecte to see a drop of 40-80% in load values when that gets pushed through, howevever, the buffs above will offset that significantly, and ships will be able to operate from 250%-2000% profit margins on operating so long as they are being mindful of load choices and ranges, and keeping their ships filled. Formerly some ships were out of whack to the point that you could make 10-15 thousand percent profit on a load (Think C4 1 trip payoffs). This brings things in line with realism more so that we can continue to have a healthy game economy where profit is possible and relatively easy as long as you are actively paying attention and not just grabbing the largest load anymore!

  • As an additional note on the above, small ships received some of the greatest and largest buffs to make them more viable early shipping options, this combined with the multitude of new ports closer to one another should make them more and more viable.


  • Fixed issue with recently sold items showing as possible to buy in the used vehicle landing page.

  • Fixed issue with Officer Club not being able to redeem Love Potion Tanker in certain circumstances (This item will be leaving there soon!)

  • Added 'Experimental' tagging to marketplace items (May take a few weeks to ensure every item in every category is properly tagged). This will let players know something is new/experimental and is likely to see changes, possibly substantial ones, to both balanace and gameplay so that they have fair warning before making a bux purchase.

  • Changed government land caps per city and per type to a significant increase of 5x their previous limits to allow more land to spawn.

  • Removed restrictions from all new government land sales above 5 acres.

  • Added the ability for land plots up to 35 acres to spawn from government land sales.

  • Upped max threshold of semis to 30 from 20.

  • Fixed being unable to buy construction equipment if you were at current semi cap

Political Points

  • Added the ability to gain 1 political point for each 10 acres recycled back to NPC, to give extra incentive to return mines unlikely to be used (Remember also taxes will be coming!)

  • Added the ability to utilize political points to rezone acreage that you already own. You can rezone any amount of available acreage from one type of land to another at a rate of 1.2pp per acre!

  • Adjusted raw good images to be smaller and in line with finished goods pictures when viewing local warehouse from an industrial site.


  • Made it so that factory goods can be shipped properly via the newly allowed intercontinental freeROAMs that have been established.

  • Fixed being unable to airlift goods to project hub from Caribbean region.

  • New Recipe: Natural Gas, producable at Gas Plant

  • Fixed issue with Armament factory not seeing recipes for production properly.

  • New Building: Shipyard - Small

  • New Building: Shipyard - Medium

  • New Building: Shipyard - Large

  • Upped the maximum possible lines for a factory from 15 to 20, as long as the factory is big enough for such.

  • New Recipe: Ship Module - Fuel Tank Upgrade

  • New Recipe: Ship Module - Fuel Hose Upgrade

  • New Recipe: Ship Module - Ship Loading Sys - Basic

  • Above recipes require level 1-2 of Ship Module Manufacturing, as well as prototypes.

  • New Recipe: Bed Frame - Maple, Producable at Furniture Factory.

  • New Recipe: Bed Frame - Oak, Producable at Furniture Factory.

  • Fixed issue with water plants showing generic factory output.


  • Fixed bug that would cause you not to be able to perform two specialty researches at once if you were over the max quantity of one of your research facilities.

  • Added Level 1 and level 2 ship module manufacturing research to manufacturing companies. Level 1 requires 500 practical, level 2 requires 1000 practical.

  • Added in a safeguard to prevent researching various research items that are not yet ready to be researched at the level they are trying to research (So if something only has 2 levels and you try to research the third level before it is released, it will fail.)

  • Updated manufacturing research gain to be 2x as likely to accrue. Each hour every factory has a chance to gain a point in practical knowledge.

Resource Acquisition

  • Added ability to rarely get a strange ore sample. Strange ore samples can only be analyzed by Aerospace companies with atleast 500 practical knowledge. However, getting one can be a boon as they may be willing to pay a good sum of money to take the sample off your hands. The choice is yours. Hoard it for yourself and your own future use, or sell it to another company for gain!

  • Fuel use reduced by approximately 8% on mining operations.

  • Semi fuel use automatically calculated for assigned semis.

  • Fuel billed once per hour instead of in ticks, and bills all vehicles at the mine, including semis, in 1 ledger item.

  • New Underground Equipment - Jumbo Drill DR-2SB

  • New Underground Equipment - Bolter DS512i

  • New Underground Equipment - Scraper HFS25

  • New Underground Equipment - Shotcrete SPM-4210

  • In order to make mining continue to be realistic, but also meaningful and with playability in mind, players now only need to transport cleanup and material loads to the appropriate city warehouse. Once here, they will be counted as on site and can be applied to the cleanup or other process properly, with prep time simulating them being hauled out. The additional step of hauling out to the site was a little tedious and cumbersome and I think that getting the materials to the appropriate warehouses and then simulating the delivery time is a good middle of the road that takes into account playability and fun, while maintaining realism.

  • Fixed issues associated with purchasing drill trucks and cement pumps. They should now deliver properly.

Resource Exchange

  • New Crop: Sorghum

  • New Crop: Strawberry

  • New Crop: Tomato

  • New Crop: Raw Honey

  • New Resource: Beef

  • New Resource: Chicken

  • New Resource: Pork

  • Made it possible to transfer goods between warehouses of companies you own in the same city, $2500 per transfer.


  • Combined squirrels, pumpkins turkeys and eggs into one lump sum value for use at the Spring Shop!

  • Removed 'Development Roadmap' from the sidebar on homepage. This is now done in a quarterly image release, and will be available both on the site and via discord, as well as on the wiki!

  • Added Naut Club loot drop section. This will be available every month, and as long as you are a Naut Club member with a valid membership, you will be able to redeem a loot drop. This could score you bux, or rarely, an LE voucher! The drop can be used once per month, and will reset on the 15th of each month. Please note that if you do not use it, you lose it! They do not roll over!

  • Venture capital buyback will not trigger until 3 days after softbuyback window to ensure 1st interest payment always goes out even on a short term VC.

  • Added stretch goal bar to homepage. This bar will dictate how close we are to hitting a stretch goal for a given month. If we make it to the goal by the end of the month, that month everyone will receive a special feature release as voted on by you all in surveys!

  • Adding decomission banner to homepage. This will be used for decomissioning your old semis and trailers out of the old system. If you do a non-LE item, it will credit you with bux. If you do an LE item, it will credit you with a voucher to your inventory. Everyone will have until August 1st to collect credit. After August 1st credit will be lost, and the only recoverable items will be LE Vouchers. This is your heads up!

  • Added Construction decommission to homepage. This is to decomission construction and mining equipment per the vote blowout! You will be credited in funds with deductions based on the number of work hours. A clean slate for construction, mining and trucking! Make sure to have your equipment decomissioned before August 1st!

  • Rooted out the last hideaway ways in which you could get a lease voucher from fishing. It should now no longer be possible to get a lease voucher no matter how hard you try when it comes to fishing!

  • Subsidiary Deletion Added. You can now remove subsidiaries that you no longer use, providing that you have atleast one other subsidiaries. Holding companies, farm accounts and player business accounts are not eligible for deletion. BE SURE YOU HAVE ALL ASSETS OUT as once it is deleted, all assets and funding is liquidated into the abyss!

  • Added ability to activate FFG crates from inventory. Once activated they will go into perks and at this point can be opened via your my perks page.

  • Added the ability to sell political points to a private party by entering their company ID!

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