Investigated issue with birthing calves after a mass butcher, unable to replicate but additional safeguards put in place.
Fixed issue with Coffee Harvesters not showing up to handle harvests of Almonds (The only other crop that uses this harvester currently)
Added 'Return To Farm' option for horse facilities and stall views.
Added in additional context details for horse facility overview page including facility number and location.
Updated horse details menu in preparation for re-launch,
Reached final phase of testing for loading/unloading of equipment to Salvage Ships.
Reached final phase of testing for helicopter sonobuoy operations.
Other phases are now going into initial testing, my hope is that we'll see a significant Archaeology update that will include the full line of salvage discovery and recovery within 2-4 weeks.
Added modules interface on salvage ship to handle up to 7 modules, more expansion coming soon.
Updated How survey ships handle anomaly discoveries. All anomalies will now go into the discovering companies owned anomalies and can from there be transferred or sold.
A note on the above, all discovered anomalies now start as 'unknown' until further analysis by a salvage/archaeology ship. (Still tinkering with change ideas here, be nimble for changes until set in stone!)
Updated the new player loan amount threshold from 1m to 5m for players under 21 days old. Given the growth of the economy/scale of Nauts, it was time for an increase!
Investigating lingering intermittent issues regarding toolcribs in attached/detached state and visibility. As a heads up I may do a hard reset of all dumptrucks, trucks and toolcribs to idle and unhooked status next patch to help squash the remaining issues caused by previous bugs.
Removed visibility of 'send to facility/mine' from movement tab for trucks and dumptrucks if they are currently on a site.
Added additional visual indicator if a truck or dumptruck is on a job site or mine currently.
Dynamic job generation has now entered full testing, which means we may be seeing NPC construction go live with it's first baby version in the next 2-4 weeks.
Updated the All for one perk with a fix to text in a couple scenarios.
Updated All for One perk to more often hit on Mining & Production boosts, then logistical boosts, then lowest chance being holding company bux.
Updated logistics boosts on All for one perk to be weighted towards ships first, then other types second.
Fixed missing image for Mystery Blueprints
Made mystery blueprints sellable on player market.
Added ability to activate mystery blueprints. Must choose location blueprint will be located at (In time they will be transported and must be at the site of the manufacturing facility that is making that item)
Global Exchange
NPCs now have begun to sell various finished goods sporadically. There will be less of these available than raw goods orders, so keep an eye out in your operating countries to see if there's anything you need and snatch it up!
Framework put in place for NPC companies possibly taking up residence in a country (Meaning a more steady supply of goods that company specializes in. This will tie into HoS options.)
Updated shipping center warehouse display to include liter calculations on balsa and mahogany.
Global Market
Updated used vehicle area viewing filters to prepare for the return of used semi trailer sales.
Readded ability to list semi trailers for sail. Must be unattached and available, usual 3% listing fee.
New Aircraft: Piper PA31T (Only available via used broker, coming soon with airlines)
New Aircraft: Eclipse 550 (Only available via used broker, coming soon with airlines)
Made an update to distance calculation algorithm. This should fix some of the visual issues when preparing to set sail to a port, but I will need to monitor. If you encounter issues with improper distances posted in the dropdowns, please submit a new ticket with as many details as possible.
Re-opened RORO's being able to load player equipment aboard semis, and semis themselves. (Note there may still be sporadic outages as sealane revamp continues.)
New Recipe: Wood Pallet, produced at lumbermill
New Recipe: Coffee Mug, produced at Ceramics Factory
New Recipe: Bag of Potatoes, produced at Food Factory
New Recipe: Aircraft - Jet Engine Small, produced at Aerospace Factory (RR)
Fixed industrial overview page showing total line group hours instead of total line groups in operation.
Updated industrial overview page to show what is properly remaining hour wise per line group in a more clear manner.
Increase production line capacities of all Lumbermills (Small was 2, now 5) (Medium was 5, now 10) (Large was 12, now 15).
Mission generation & Preparation are both now under heavy testing. Expect a release here in 2-4 weeks, so get training those operators!
Added 'Blueprint' menu item under business operations. All of a companies blueprints can be easily overviewed here (Lots more to come on this, just the first step!)
Added initial PMC Research tree with 10 branches and approximately 100 learnable industry specific research potentials.
Added initial PAX Research tree with 10 branches and approximately 100 learnable industry specific research potentials.
Agricultural fields page updated with information on liming.
Removed Epsilon Revamp article as it is now depreceated data.
Updated Global Exchange homepage article with new relevant data.
Began work on the Manufacturing 101 page for basic manufacturing information, this article will continue to be expanded.