


  • Fixed bug that would cause PP gain from harvests to sometimes not give a country and only the points with a blank country.

  • Fixed issue with lettuce not going into warehouse when being harvested in some instances.

  • Completed backend update to design structure for cows.

  • Completed backend update to design structure for pigs.

  • Completed backend update to design structure for sheep.

  • Removed animal purchase ability from The Exchange until revamp is complete as well as placed a notice there about the culling.

  • Removed culling restrictions on all animal types to allow people to cull before the system culling date.

  • Temporarily removed fertilizing of fields so I can properly implement material consumption for this operation.

  • Began running tests on cows under new system to ensure functionality working as intended.


  • Fixed not being able to send a new Salvage ship out to an anomaly that has been found via previous pings or is in some other stage of the operation.

  • Triarii class now can use crane to 1,500m

  • Fine Dining class now can use crane to 2,500m

  • Mako Class can now use crane to 3,000m

  • Highland Class can now use crane to 3,000m

  • Loct Class can now use crane to 4,000m

  • Monarch Class can now use crane to 5,000m

  • Fixed issue that could cause a crane with sufficient depth capability to be disallowed from lifting cargo from beneath the sea.


  • Made maximum possible seaload size for raw goods 1 billion liters per shipment.

  • Santa grants 2x sale likelyhood for a week.


  • Will be a new subsidiary type that will incorporate Real Estate, Retail, Passenger Services, Tourism and several other related items like airlines, cruiselines, resorts, hotels and more. The subsidiary type will be available next patch, but it will take several months to fully flesh out this plan and incorporate all sub parts.


  • Fixed issue that prevented bunkering ships from installing new modules.

  • Santa helps magically unload / load ships approximately once per day.

  • Continued work on the CCS program and the player shipment structuring and framework.


  • Removed duplicate entry (older recipe) for coffee.

  • Fixed issue with Elf & Santa outfit sales not showing up in Christmas Tally

  • New Recipe: Football, produced at General Factory

  • New Recipe: Space Goop, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)

  • New Recipe: VR Headset, produced at Electronics Factory

  • Santa increases output by 25% for a week.

  • Corrected issue that when political points were granted for manufacturing the notification wouldn't properly arrive to the user.

  • Continued to prepare framework for beginnings of CCS system.

Passenger Services

  • This subsidiary type is being phased out. Existing subsidiaries of this type will be changed to 'Hospitality' in the next patch, as part of the planned revamp process for several industries.


  • Bug #94 Fixed outstanding issue with being able to generate new living quarters, where a charge was occurring but nothing was being built.

  • Added 'Marksman' category to Operator Details page. Stats have been properly tracking but this was an oversight and was just visually missing.

Real Estate

  • This subsidiary type is being phased out. Existing subsidiaries of this type will be changed to 'Hospitality' in the next patch, as part of the planned revamp process for several industries.

Resource Acquisition

  • Finally hunted down the culprit causing some people's drill & FPSO ships to idle during drilling or extraction. The bug had to do with people who also had logistics ships in their company, and were using the 'Next Ship' function. This would in the case of coming across a Drill or FPSO, idle it out, thus the intermittent issue that only some users were having!

  • On the above, this may still rarely happen, if it does, please report as many details as you can.

  • Santa grants a 25% boost to warehouse gains from mine sites of all types.

  • Made small adjustment to mining ticks and production in preparation for further updates.


  • This subsidiary type is being phased out. Existing subsidiaries of this type will be changed to 'Hospitality' in the next patch, as part of the planned revamp process for several industries.

The Beyond

  • Fixed issue that could cause ships with regular plating to get assigned some of the light plating variations.

  • Updated belt distances to properly be approximately 10AU from nearest planetary body.

  • Added "NPC Civilizations" article and a couple sub articles to wiki.

  • Corrected ship designer to show proper armor and hull amounts on T2 Vessels.

  • Updated ship designer to show proper armor HP on heavy armor designs.

  • Fixed armor health bar not adjusting properly in some instances.

  • Added sub category annotation to finalized ship design.

  • Added in 'finalize' ship button, which makes ship available for production but prevents any further ship designer changes.

  • Fixed shield health bar display.

  • Added in basic combat instances with potential NPC adversaries, so beware when travelling alone and unarmed!

  • Added additional probe message data for all probe types.

  • Added ability to travel to gas clouds once found & begin harvesting

  • Added in ability for gas harvesters to unload at stations.

  • Added in gas refining ability. Requires gas + 1/2 half amount of gas worth of junk ore to begin production.

  • Added "T3 Ship Modules" article to wiki.

  • New Module: Hacking Module

  • New Module: Vessel Scan System

  • Fixed missing image for Anomaly Detection Probe - Small.

  • New Module: Reprocessing Factory - T3 This facility is used to extract raw resources from salvage, or in the deconstruction of scrapped ships, modules, or structures.

  • New Module: Civilian Academy - T3 This facility will be used to train scientists, engineers and other key civilian personnel.

  • New Module: Military Academy - T3 This facility will be used to train military commanders, ship captains, fleet commanders, and other key military personnel.

  • New Module: Deep Space Tracking Station - T3 This facility enables sensor reception of any ship within a 10b lightyear radius (not including ships that are cloaked or using sensor jammers/dampeners). Can be used to provide early
    warning in the event of an attack as well as monitor local system activity.

  • New Module: Garrison Module - T3 This facility will be used to house up to 1 division of ground combat troops and their equipment. Good for forward stations that are preparing for attacks, or with colonization plans that aren't yet complete.

  • New Module: Research Center - T3 This facility will be used to Generate knowledge that is used in academies, as well as analyze knowledge based data cores to extract knowledge.

  • New Module: Advanced Research Center - T3 This facility will be used to Decipher various data-cores to reveal their contents, and to attempt reverse engineering found or captured technology for BPCs.

  • Added "Hacking Anomalies" article to wiki.

  • Added in ability to find hacking anomalies.

  • Added in ability to find salvage anomalies.

  • Made updates to Galaxy spawn algorithm to include some framework setups for future iterations.

  • Adjusted armor algorithm and balancing. Armor is now 5hp per HS for T2 and 10hp per HS for T3 per layer of armor.

  • Armor now adds 5% more HS per layer, up from 2.5%.

  • Corrected armor to HS mismatch in ship confirmation pages.

  • Corrected class design estimation not accommodating armor adjustments.

  • Santa increases ore refining output for a week.

  • Fixed minor spelling error on ship design page.

  • Updated crew quarters designs to be T2 20/60 deployment and T3 30/90 deployment, including existing modules for ship designs.

  • Fixed issue with anomaly probes not working in some instances.


  • Disabled auction area for revamp.

  • Added seasonal snow, will be around until end of Feb, enjoy!

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