


  • Deployed second of three portions of satellite networking code for preparation of live launch of satellite networks.


  • Added moisture level indicator to fields overview page.

  • Added drainage installation/activity info to fields overview page.

  • Added irrigation installation/activity info to fields overview page.

  • Made slight tweaks to lime data on field details page.

  • Updated field overview page to account for land sustainability research with regards to it needing lime or not, this should not match field details page properly.

  • Added ability to earn Political Points on all harvest types. Fields must be atleast 25 acres in order to qualify for political point RNG.

  • Added the ability to sell fields.

  • Added the ability to sell pasture lands.

  • Added in a 'Next Field' button to field details page, allowing you to go to the next field in the current city until you've reached the last field (with lowest UID)

  • Made it so that agricultural structures appear more appropriately in favorites listing (no longer looking like fields)

  • Removed 'view' button from agricultural buildings in favorites until redirects can be properly sorted.

  • Fixed issue with mass butcher options for cattle using pastures.

  • Added in additional safeguard to prevent harvesting straw while primary harvest is still underway.


  • Fixed issue with Junk anomaly recycling and made it possible again to now recycle 5 junk anomalies for 1 new unknown.

  • Currently working on a large functionality overhaul of the anomalies page to help make easier to use more than 1 ship on an anomaly, or have a ship leave and come back without experiencing issues conducting operations. There are
    a few tickets that have came in regarding this, so we are prioritizing this. Some work and progress has been made, but wanted this note in so that everyone was aware it's on the short list of to-do's.


  • Made it possible to drive backhoes back off of NPC construction sites (Since they can self drive in)

  • Made it so that completed jobs remain in the system and viewable to be able to remove equipment off completed sites.

  • Fixed construction jobs not 'paying' when completing a NPC construction job.

  • Added chance of gaining political points upon completing NPC construction jobs.

  • Added chance of gaining political points upon completing player construction jobs.

  • NOTE on above: Currently there is no notification, so check your political points regularly :)

  • Updated construction timing algorithm to help reduce and hopefully eliminate instances of mismatched timings.


  • Added ability to buy MULTIPLE of land vehicles (Semis & Construction Equipment). Long asked for, I've finally caved!

  • Added ability to see bulk sealane shipment loads in the shipping log area.

  • Added heading for bulk train load shipments in shipping log area.

  • Made material filter searches link directly to that material in the appropriate city warehouse, without the need to page through all warehouse items in that city.


  • Fixed data entry error that made Delta class read as 4 bays, it is 5 bays of 60k each.

  • Made another adjustment to train bulk loading to help eliminate the issue of Partial cars being left over after bulk loading with space remaining.

  • Ensured next page/previous page on Drillships goes to other drillships.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards domestic certification levels in countries with semis.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards international certification levels in countries with semis.

  • Fixed minor display issue across logistics page and sub pages.

  • Added 'storage' to Logistics type filter, this is the area where you will go to store any asset. Simply provide the asset type and the UID. The asset must be idle and not performing any activity to be stored, and must of course
    belong to your company. If these criteria aren't met it will not store and you'll get an error.

  • NOTE: The above feature is partially in, you will need to wait a patch or two for us to get the ability to bring back out of storage, so please keep this in mind in the interim!

  • Reminder: You can delete tags in the Dispatch Operations area (someone posted this as a request so I'm making a note here for it to be read :) )

  • Added benefits for Split-15 semi into system for no certifications and HH.

  • Added filter remembrance to Semi Details page. So if you set a filter in overview, your 'next truck' button will still apply the same filter allowing you to work on trucks in a specific country or any other applicable filter.

  • Updated Ports map with all new player port additions since last update.

  • Made the 'Logistics Home' button on ship details page return to cargo ships list instead of default logistics page.

  • Made it possible for bunkering ships to see maintenance area at shipyards and therefore install module upgrades.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards domestic certification levels in countries with trains.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards international certification levels in countries with trains.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards domestic certification levels in countries with aircraft.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards international certification levels in countries with aircraft.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards local certification levels in countries with ships.

  • Added ability to earn point gain towards global certification levels in countries with ships.

  • Continued the merciless assault against the relentless pickup-dropoff dispatch bug fiend, hoping this assault will be the final blow to such a troublesome bug!

  • Added woodchips to the drop down selection options for train depot deliveries.

  • Updated Timber loads to new shipping payment algorithm.

  • Updated load liaisons so they only generate loads within new algorithm specifications for pay to match automated load generation.


  • New Recipe: Titanium Gearings, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)

  • New Recipe: Tomato Soup, produced at Food Factory

  • Added chance for active manufacturing facilities to earn political points randomly as a bi-product of production for the country they are located in. These gains will be joined by a notification you will receive if one or more of your factory locations succeeded in gaining some!

  • New Recipe: Gun Safe - Small, produced at Generic Factory

  • New Recipe: Gun Safe - Large, produced at Generic Factory

  • New Recipe: Nautopoly, produced at Generic Factory.

  • Slight tweaks to power consumption from various factory types.


  • Added a new batch of operators (100 more).

  • Added in rare chance for a higher paying and xp training mission.

  • Began framework build for specialized squad level training versus individual training.

Resource Acq

  • Fixed issue with underground blasts not working on Ghost Miner sites.

  • Fixed pagination redirect issue with Drillship next/previous paging buttons.

  • Added ability to request fuel agreements from any active refinery location, not just ones that are currently producing, allowing refineries that may not be operating currently but with stockpiles to still cater to agreements.

  • Removed errant data from prospecting redirects.

  • Added ability to earn Political Points when marking new land. Land must be atleast 25 acres in order to qualify for political point RNG.

  • Added resource type to Data > Mines area.

  • Added the ability to easily see how much of bolts, crete and blasting charges are available in WH from your subsurface operations page of a mine.

  • Fixed In Situ resources not automatically generating a warehouse entry if one didn't exist.

The Beyond

  • Slight UI update to buying area for galactic market.

  • Made order boxes default to max amount of an item in galactic market, click with care!

  • Tweaked anomaly probe detection ratings.

  • Deployed gas harvesting code to live branch.


  • Added perk store area. This has been a bear of a deployment and to ensure everything is working right I'll be turning these on piece by piece. If you see a perk listed, it means it is either live, or set to go live within a week.
    I will be hot patching the perk store every couple of days onlining more. If you do not see the perk you want listed yet, hang tight, more will continue to be added. If you go to submit a form and it goes nowhere, it means that item is
    not live yet, or is being worked on, just check back in a day or two. Thank you for your patience on this, it has been a massive undertaking and we've had to be very careful about getting it right due to it being a donor redemption item!

  • Prepared draft documentation on new logistics system, will begin publishing in around a week once this is completed.

  • Prepared draft documentation on strange ore samples, getting to space, and amongst the stars information, this should release before end of month and will serve as a rough guide for companies interested in space.