


  • Added agreement system for launch services.

  • Added automated mission acceptance of accepted agreements into launch queue.

  • Added additional text details for launch pad when a player load is present versus an NPC contract.

  • Updated flight log system to include variables for player payload deployments.


  • Added UID to dropdown info when selecting where to buy animals to.

  • Added in framework for installation of Irrigation & Drainage. There are two ways to do this.

  • Way 1: Install yourself. Requires a Backhoe in appropriate city, the listed materials, and the listed funds.

  • Way 2: Hire a Construction Company. Requires 1/2 the Drainage Hoses, 1/3 the Irrigation systems, and is all handled by contractor. We recommend SSing the field or providing the acreage so the contractor can give you a proper quote.


  • Added in additional info on construction completion ledger for agreement based construction to include building uid, category and name.

  • Added ability to provide quotes for Field Irrigation.

  • Added ability to provide quotes for Field Drainage.

  • NOTICE: Requirement of toolcribs is now - GONE - This period will last until approximately the beginning of June, when the new requirement system will be in place, designed around the 'built in' toolcrib system.

  • Toolcribs are now unable to be bought on market.


  • Removed 'Golden Bale' as fishing option.

  • Increased odds for meta boxes.

  • Added chance of catching Legacy Cases.

  • Replaced old collectible series with new 'Ray Liotta' series, available through Summer of 2024.

  • Added new 'Junk' collectible catch.


  • Added new view to exchange search, a 'City - All Goods' filter for finished goods, will show all finished goods in that city, both buy and sell.

  • Added new view to exchange raw search, same as above.

  • Added new category in global market 'Launch Services'. This will be where you can see listings of companies with launch complexes that are willing to do launches for you. This will be fleshed out over the next couple weeks.

  • Updated a few minor instances of 'units' displaying in raw goods to say 'liters' to prevent possible confusion.


  • Turned on ability to refuel regular ships.

  • Turned on ability to refuel bunker ships.

  • Turned on fuel consumption for ships sailing.

  • Fixed URL issue on adding trains to Depot.

  • New Aircraft: A340-600


  • New Recipe: Situ - Tank System, produced at Specialty Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: Situ - Pump System, produced at Specialty Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: SA80, produced at Armaments Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: L86A2, produced at Armaments Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: ELC-R Sight System, produced at Miltech Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: ADS Sight System, produced at Miltech Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: M4 - SOPMOD-MR1, produced at Miltech Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: KS-1 - SOPMOD-MR1, produced at Miltech Factory (RR).

  • Recipe Transition: Sulfuric Acid, moving to Chemical Factory with 25% increase in inputs and outputs. Old recipe will have ~ 90 days of time still in General Factory.

  • New Recipe: Syrup Tap Kit, produced at Specialty Factory

  • New Recipe: Military - APC Turret, produced at Military Vehicle Factory (RR).

  • New Recipe: Military - APC Chassis, produced at Military Vehicle Factory (RR).

  • New Research: Modular Facilities. Each level grants a 10% bonus to production lines, or shipyard capacity. (Shipyard capacity requires building more bays/piers). Bonus production lines are automatically applied to any line group order created. So if you have a 20% bonus, and you add a 10 line production, it will be treated like a 12 line production!

  • Extended run duration modifiers to cover situations for runs longer than 60 days for upcoming research based abilities. Max possible benefit is a .8 modifier, meaning a 20% savings on material on runs longer than 120 days.

  • Updated line uniformity bonus to include new bonus line system from research. Now in theory, a factory could get up to a 25% bonus to output based on line uniformity.

  • Updated Research: Production Think Tank now grants 10 bonus days to maximum production time per level, for a max production time of 160 days at level 10!

  • Added Updated Carbon Fiber Recipe To Plastics Factory. Increased input and output capacities.

  • Added ability to see how many liters per day are distributed via agreements from refinery details page.


  • Added nationality filtering to look for operators from specific countries in market area.

  • Made live the 'Training Regiments' research. Each level provides a 6-50% bonus on top of what the base training skill gain is per session, meaning at level 10 you'll be gaining 60-500% what you would have in that same session.

  • Added in additional chance for research gain on completing training missions with a squad.

Resource Acquisition

  • New Research: Prospecting Prowess. Each level increases odds of finding ore, and more valuable ore by 1%. Effects of this research are already live.

  • Sorted underground equipment list by equipment type to prevent mismash and make it easier for operating the list.

  • Updated Strange Ore probabilities. They still require drilling, but drilling down on larger acreages will have a higher percentage chance of acquiring a sample.


  • Added 'Launch Agreements' to agreements list dropdown types. This will be where all payload launch agreements will be stored for companies.

  • Created Satellites area for companies with requisites for such (Active Launch Agreement or enough points.).

  • Added means to create satellite constellation (Costs $100m to form).

  • Added means to add satellites to an existing constellation.

  • Updated hover over text in menu bar to say "CID" versus "ID" for company ID for ease of understanding for newer players.

  • Updated hover over text to in menu bar include current earned research points (practical knowledge).


  • Updated Specialized Research > Resource Acquisition to include information on new Prospecting Prowess research.

  • Updated Specialized Research > Manufacturing to include information on new Modular Facilities research.

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