


  • Hotfix for being unable to buy pigs/sheep.

  • Continued back in testing of feed addition & feed distribution systems.

  • Finished feed addition template to use across animal types (This is locked to dev testing to ensure it's working)

  • On the above, I am very close to release on this, and I may decide to push a hot-patch later this weekend if I find the time to get it done, if not, it may come early next week just so we can get feeding/aging/breeding
    back to live status under the new system.


  • Fixed being unable to fill fuel tanks from local warehouse.

  • Updated grid generation algorithm to prepare for deep sea salvage operations.


  • Fixed HP and fuel capacity for VHD300.

  • Fixed HP and fuel capacity for T800 Dump Truck.

  • Fixed NPC jobs closing early and preventing equipment from being able to be removed.


  • Made 'return to logistics' button properly go back to bunker ship overview if on a bunker ship (it will also now say bunkering home)

  • Fixed ALBS buoys not being shippable.

  • Fixed T4T 24' Semi sometimes not taking no-cert loads when it should.

  • Fixed being unable to install upgrade modules on Timber ships at player shipyards.

  • Made updates to reputation gain algorithms for NPC companies.

  • Began testing early iteration of CCS system using semis.

  • Began work on first test iteration of CCS interface for semis.


  • Fixed issue that prevented small shipyards from being able to upgrade their number of piers even if below capacity.

  • Removed duplicate brick recipe from system.

  • Fixed being unable to revert a refinery to default production outputs.

  • Fixed image for FN FAL.

  • Began framework for advanced manufacturing programs blueprint interface, in preparation for early testing of semis.


  • Fixed facility PT session button not working even if requirements were met.

  • Slight update to research gain odds for facility PT sessions.

  • Made it possible to add FN FAL to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add G-36C to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add G-36K to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add G3 to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add Incendiary Grenade to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add L86A2 to PMC Facility.

  • Made it possible to add M870 to PMC Facility.

Real Estate

  • Fixed issue with hotels going on strike.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue in which a site that ran out of fuel could in some instances have it's spare crete removed from the site. (Thanks mr c!)

The Beyond

  • Made it possible to travel to a station from Solar System entry point so that non-station owners can go beyond their home system and get back to home station without having to go to asteroid belts first.


  • Optimized NPC land generation script to run less often as well as a way for it to retain land better, and prevent restricted land from being allowed to generate more land with less system resources.

  • Optimized hourly ship processes condensing codebase and allowing it to operate less often.

  • Made optimizations to construction transit codes, reducing system usage.

  • Made optimization to load generation codes for all logistics types, reducing system usage

  • Note on all the above: These may slightly impact some timers, I will resolve these as any issues arise.

  • Fixed minor issue with the rezone land function in political points. It would still take political points even if you didn't have adequate land to rezone. Now it will give error message, but to be clear this feature is and has been working.