New Crop: Hevea Trees, Requires Organic Solutions 5 or Higher. This will serve as another alternative rubber method. (RR)
New Tractor: Series 8
Fixed 2 issues with irrigation systems found in testing, pending confirmed resolution irrigation and drainage will be live next patch, one week behind original planned date.
Began adding more framework to prepare for future alliance interface for alliance leaders.
Began adding framework for alliance viewing from alliance members position
Alliances have several key updates coming over the next few weeks!
Bug #40 Fix - Research facilities will now properly complete construction and go to inactive status instead of being stuck in constructing.
Temporarily added ability to see Completed jobs in construction jobs overview, while I work on some new interface items relating to NPC construction.
Replaced all collection completions that had web bux prizes with meta bux prizes.
Replaced all outdated cases with currently useable cases for collection completions.
Added Memorial 24 LE's and coded in all necessary benefits/perks.
Hotfixed display issue for buildings.
Hotfix added in pagination for building kits.
Removed Head of State companies from material warehouse transfer list.
Removed Head of State companies from raw warehouse transfer list.
New Building: Runway - Medium
New Building: Runway - Large
New Building: MRO Facility - Small
New Building: MRO Facility
Performed next update pass to semi deliveries for player finished goods.
Updated ship bay/pier docking redirects to be more dynamic, should resolve most/all instances of improper redirects after docking.
New Liquid Ship: Big Dipper Class, capable of hauling 30,000 m3.
Bug #36 Fix - Ship Bay ghost ships. New system has eliminated this bug.
Added ability for ships to view player bulk loads from within a shipyard.
Added ability to load player bulk loads from within shipyard piers. Currently gives the 10% default bonus, next patch it will include additional pier bonuses available from that port.
Began adding in alliance framework to pay a portion of logistics incomes to alliance coffers. (Only if in alliance)
Updated research requirements on sonobuoys to require 1 less level per buoy type.
New Recipe: Sonobuoy - ALBS, produced at Miltech Factory. (RR)
Fixed industrial buildings not transferring in some conditions.
Fixed issue that could cause materials not to pull in selective conditions for production runs.
Fixed material recipe book not showing unlocked recipes for Aerospace Factory.
New Recipe: Fire Axe, produced at General Factory.
New Recipe: M870, produced at Armaments Factory. (RR)
New Recipe: Ballistic OSPA Plating, produced at Miltech Factory. (RR)
Began adding in alliance framework to pay a portion of manufacturing sales to alliance coffers (Only if in alliance)
Resource Acquisition
New Crane Ship: West Highland Class, lift capacity of 25,000 tons.
Bug #43 Fix - Drillships drilling too deep. Now system should prevent you from starting drilling with a drillship if it's maximum operating depth isn't as deep as the anomaly. Any ships that have made it already will still proceed.
Added ability to remove fuel bladders from mine site. This is a new option in the deliver bladders area, now you select add or remove.
Bug #34 Fix - Fixed some instances of FPSO production working but not allowing liquid ship to come to site.
Continued testing with derrick deployment system. We have decided to add in an agreement system allowing companies to perform this service for other companies for a fee. This has pushed patch back by 1-2 weeks on this item! Testing is already underway.
Venture Capitalism
Bug #14 Fix - Added additional safeguards to help ensure backup VC company will make payment if first is unable to and second has available funds.
Bug #1 Fix - Added additional checks when using political point land conversion system. Note: You must have enough of the old acreage type in order to convert to new, and you must also have 1.2 points per acre of conversion!