Added appropriate success and error messaging for sheep shearing.
As a notice, sheep can only be sheared when above 25kg, and only once per 12 days. (Game Year)
Began testing of newly available drainage and irrigations in on/off environment, should go live with next patch.
Fixed spelling error in sonobuoy drop global notification
Updated construction timelines. Timelines still remain at 40 hours per acre, with the following adjustments.
-- Structures over 100m in cost are capped at maximum 100 day build times regardless of acres.
-- Structures from 50m-100m in cost are capped at a maximum 75 day build time regardless of acres.
-- Structures from 25m-50m in cost are capped at a maximum 50 day build time regardless of acres.
-- Structures under 25m in cost are capped at a maximum 25 day build time regardless of acres.
Made headway on framework for 'Non-Material' NPC jobs which will serve to help with starter construction companies.
Fixed issue with not being able to hire HQ workers into XL HQ even if room was available.
Hotfixed issue with next ship button on cargo ships.
Updated success message for semi group refueling.
Fixed errant redirect with new driver rest system.
Updated rest success message to reflect new non-linear rest possibilities.
Fixed issue with St Patricks 24 semis not accepting low boys in certain circumstances.
Continuing investigation into SATCOM units sometimes installing and sometimes not, hope to have a full fix in next patch, partial patch for this already deployed.
Updated semi load generation algorithms.
Updated basic semi expiration timers on NPC loads for new load generation algorithm.
Resource Acquisition
Hotfixed issue with starting In-Situ ground testing.
Fixed another issue with in-situ testing that would cause failure errors in some instances that it shouldn't have.
Fixed link to semi details page from semi page on mining site not directing properly.
Made minor adjustments to prospecting operations algorithm and timelines, these should not change odds or rarities, and are mainly changes intended for future releases in resource acq.
The Beyond
Added in 4 new images for 100HS vessels.
Added in proper erroring for depleted belts asteroid generation.
Added 100 new potential procedural names.
Removed Z axis locating.
Updated Research > Resource Acq article to have more information on some researchable items that were not stated before.
Updated and Renamed Construction > Levels, Requirements & Build Times to include new information on build times.
Worked on 3 articles that are soon to be released on upcoming features
Handled all Split LE items.
Handled all other split items sans Final Push and some other minor outliers, remaining items should push out tomorrow night.