


  • Put in safeguard to prevent moving a pasture that has animals on it. You must sell off/butcher animals before transferring the pasture to another company.

  • Inserted first iteration of dynamic weather system. Weather should start showing up visually in the next 72 hours.


  • Fixed issue that could cause contracts on research facilities not to finalize contract on completion of construction due to unique finishing parameters for this building type.

  • Fixed drivers losing accrued XP when hauling equipment to a job site.

  • Fixed semis not showing when in loading or unloading status for Agricultural Construction sites.

  • Temporarily disabled access to industrial yards so they can be updated to show post-revamp information properly.


  • Updated F4G Crates to now have the rare chance to give a LE semi voucher, and an extra rare chance to give an LE Ship voucher!

  • Added ability to sell Anomalies on player market.

  • Fixed issues with some instances of buying or selling Commanders Order module or Crown Authority Module on player market.


  • Added in safeguard to prevent creating two tags that have the same name in the same subsidiary for group tags.

  • Updated HR counts to reflect actual number of semi drivers (Note many other jobs are in flux for data display.) This fix was in relation to a report that semis transferring between companies would not update HR count. This actually was not the case, it's just that HR was working off old pre-revamp data.


  • Added in the proper 3% listing fee to list all types of ships for sale.

  • Fixed being able to rename semi drivers.

  • Added additional naming requirements to driver renaming.

  • Re-enabled Leadfoot affecting drive times. Speed gain is approximately 1.2kmph per level of leadfoot.

  • Fixed bug that would cause finished warehouse goods to not deliver via NPC in some instances when the load was not picked up by a player.

  • Adjusted load spawn algorithms based on dynamic use data over the past 3 months of shipping for all logistics types.

  • Began testing generation of contract load opportunities for the next non-adhoc generation of logistics for established companies.


  • Running equipment equipping through final round of testing. Next week should see the ability to equip operators, and quite possibly begin doing basic training operations with them!

  • Inserted mission generation system, this will allow for dynamic missions to generate for qualified companies in the coming 2-3 weeks after training and equipping are working properly.


  • Made tweak to NPC wholesale purchasers that will prevent an issue that could cause some orders not to see as many sales in a certain period (Please note there is an overall decrease still planned, just not to the degree a couple users experienced. This should resolve that!)

  • Updated staffing and power calculations to be based off of 'max lines' for each factory, because all factories now have max lines by default.

  • Added in safeguard to prevent users from accidently over-writing a line group.

  • Added in ability to cancel a line group. WARNING: Cancelling a line group will cause any unused materials to be consumed.


  • Prepped NPC purchasing to test retail system.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed bug that could cause anomalies not to go into anomalies listing after beginning an unknown anomaly investigation. Pushed this out pre-patch so no others are in the lurch.

  • Added a safeguard that if no trucks are present, log loaders will not load timber into the abyss.

  • Fixed bug that could cause some oil anomalies not to show up in anomalies list after surveying with survey ship.

  • Hard coded in the pumpjack limitations for oil sites to prevent people from putting more than should per acre.

  • Updated per acre allowance of pumpjacks to .1 per acre, meaning you will need atleast 5 acres for pumping oil, as a small jack is .5 units.

  • Tweaked odds of drill bit breaking during oil drilling process.

  • Updated oil per hour pump rate per jack to 5,000 liters per hour.

  • New Feature: Natural Gas Extraction. This is done in the same way that oil is extracted from land, and in time, new methods will be available to companies with more knowledge and expertise in this area of operations! Note that in order to work with natural gas extraction, your company will need to have 2500 XP in resource acquisition!

  • Added ability to sell plots that do not have a shallow resource but have a deep resource.

  • Fixed Shotcrete being able to go into the negative on mines.

  • Fixed Mining Bolts being able to go into the negative on mines.

  • Fixed Mulchers Not Clearing Brush In Swamp/Mountain terrain.

  • Updated visual bug that could cause display issues of items currently being prospected showing the above plots data.

Resource Exchange

  • Fixed display bug when shipping bulk goods via ship that would make the ledger entry show the same start and finish destination.


  • Edited Land Oil Drilling Article with some more basic information and new balancing update information.

  • New Article: Retail (1st Draft)

  • New Article: Investment Center (1st Draft)

  • New Article: Manufacturing (1st Draft)

  • New Article: Competition Center (1st Draft)

  • Sub Article: Fishing Competitions

  • Sub Article: Treasure Hunting

  • Sub Article: Basic Manufacturing

  • Sub Article: Utility Manufacturing

  • Sub Article: Advanced Manufacturing (WIP)

  • Note: First draft items are lacking photos (Because I totally forgot =p) which I'm doing this weekend, and then the articles will be visible to you on Sunday/Monday :)

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