Allowed Pig Aging Up To 10 years, full growth system now in place.
Added Pregnancy Chance for Pigs.
Added Gestation for Pigs (4 days representing 4 months)
Added pig birthing, pigs can have multiple offspring at once. Make sure you have room in your barn or they will have pregnancy removed at end of gestation with no offspring.
Added Sheep growth up to 2 years.
New Cow Breed: Brahman (Beef)
New Pig Breed: Duroc
Added the ability to butcher your own cows. Requires a owned butchery in your agricultural subsidiary. Must be in same city (80% meat return and 20% bonus to leather) or same country (70% meat return and 10% bonus to leather). I am looking into possibly allowing continental butchering, as well as butchering for other companies, but wanted to get this portion rolled out to everyone with all the animal upgrades happening! This option is available on feedlots currently, next week it should be available at pastures and dairy barns. The following week it will be available for pigs!
Updated UI on Survey ship details page, allowing survey ships to conduct analyzing of unknown sea anomalies found with new system.
Added in all auto movement, analyze and generation systems for new survey system, meaning any unknown anomaly that is analyzed will now complete properly and be assigned a anomaly type and all relevant data.
Turned off auctions for mystery items temporarily for upgrades.
Adjusted Land Spawn & Pricing algorithms for land auctions.
Updated interface for Industrial Yards. Some players have begun to accrue hundreds of trucks and pieces of construction equipment and we needed a more user and system friendly way to operate. Now you will by default land on the semi listing (as usual) however it will be capped to 20 results, with the ability to 'page' through more results. The same goes for equipment. I still will be doing some more work on this, including some updated redirects that will maintain page number etc in the near future, but this should prevent long load times in the short term.
Added ability to bring in materials to Pending / Taken npc jobs. If you bring in material to a Pending Job, it will update to be a taken job. Companies can currently have up to 3 taken or pending jobs.
Pending jobs will now expire 72 hours after they generate if you wish to try for new ones.
Next week equipment hauling will come in, and in two weeks, the ability to start the job will come in, this will complete the first baby release of NPC construction!
Global Market
Fixed spelling error with Airplane Hangars.
Updated sealane shipping details page for ships to show loads that are within range not just on non-canal routes, but also including Suez canal routes.
New Recipe: Spare Parts - Light, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Spare Parts - Medium, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Spare Parts - Heavy, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Building: Lumbermill XL, 25 line capacity.
Hotels will now begin accruing daily (monthly) income. Each day will simulate one month of income from the hotel. Currently the amounts will vary, and will be a fractional percent of what a full hotel would be, but you also will not currently have staff expenses. Once resorts gets to a more finished place, expenses, marketing and more will come into play so you can fill them to the brim.
Added landing page for Archaeology Research, limited research tree available.
Added landing page for PAX Research, research tree temporarily not available.
Added landing page for PMC Research, research tree temporarily not available.
Added landing page for Racing Research, research tree temporarily not available.
Added landing page for Real Estate Research, research tree temporarily not available.
Added landing page for Retail Research, research tree temporarily not available.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed booboo on fire hauler form causing it to not push through.
Added in maintenance checks and balances system and framework, in line with the algorithm outlined in the discord ping.
Shipping & Sales Center
Fixed issue with being able to transfer switchgrass between warehouses.
New Article: Agriculture > Dairy Cattle
Kicked off special production sales of Halloween costumes. This event will run until November 7th
Kicked off special Halloween hider event. This event will run until November 1st.