Fixed growth rate for Peach Trees.
Fixed lack of 'regrowth' for harvested Peach Trees.
New Cultivator: BW109G
Fixed inability to see goat barn details once structure was finished building.
Updated all peach tree plots to 'planted' status to implement proper growth cycle.
Updated all mulberry bush plots to 'planted' status to implement proper growth cycle.
Fixed delivery issue with mulberries to warehouse.
Fixed intermittent issue with mulberry harvest abilities.
NEW REQUIREMENT: Apples, Oranges, Peaches, Mulberries and Olives now require "Fruit Harvester" category of harvester to perform harvest.
Fixed issue with mulberries and olives being able to be harvested by normal harvester in some instances.
Fixed issue with being able to mass butcher from pasture.
NOTICE: There will be an upcoming change to "Hay/Grass" mechanics. No longer will grass be able to be cut and baled in one swoop. If this is done, it will be considered "Grass" not "Hay". Hay will require atleast 2 days of drying, or 1 day if a tedder is used. If
rain is encountered during the drying phase and moisture rises above 30%, the crop will be lost. This will apply to any other upcoming or present grass like crops (alfalfa etc). This launch is expected in April, likely the week of, or after, we get a couple of tedders available.New Crop: Alfalfa. Re-growable similar to grass/hay.
Bone Meal will now be present as a biproduct when doing butchery operations, you'll receive 1kg of bonemeal per approximately 50kg of slaughter weight. Requires you to have Organic Farming Level 3.
Fixed issue that could cause historic anomalies to display their 'type' before being found.
Fixed issue with ship deliveries not triggering when selected properly.
Fixed Split-11 Top donator ship. This was a 'Flying Dutchman' class by design but had been put in as a Rex class. All activated and un-activated ships have been updated.
Removed ability to make/modify/delete orders and shipping from the 'material search' function, as this is not intended here, and was causing some issues in some instances.
Added a 'quick link' to the appropriate warehouse when searching by material type. Now when you get your list of all warehouses with that material, you can click on the city or the flag in the results to go to the appropriate warehouse and conduct business as usual.
Fixed calculations of units remaining for material goods, in some instances it was not allowing the purchase of as many units as were available.
Fixed Timber ships not being able to see/load bulk timber jobs that have been created.
Fixed load liaisons creating unloadable loads for dry bulk ships. Now it's a random chance of them generating either a container or a bulk load.
DISPATCH: Added access to Dispatch Center.
DISPATCH: Added functionality 'Unload All At Cur Location'. This will unload any loaded equipment from all semis in a group, wherever each semi is.
DISPATCH: Added functionality 'Relocate To City'. This will relocate the semi group and any aboard cargo to the designated city. Note: Must still respect continental travel allowances.
DISPATCH NOTE: In order to have a dispatch order 'work', you must have a dispatcher assigned to the country of the order/destination.
New Container Ship: TBA Class (2700 TEU)
Fixed issue with NPC semi deliveries. We also back-dated any previously completed loads from February and March (some of these may have delivered already and in that case bonus for you). This should close out issues with NPC deliveries for semi hauled goods.
NOTICE: "Country Jobs" board will be going away permanently next patch. This system was built in 2020 and was designed for when the world had only a couple dozen cities and only basically semi loads. Since then the world has grown to thousands of cities with 10s of thousands of loads handled daily, and it's time to retire this remnant to make way for new, better features.
Removed ability for special characters to be used in ship nicknames, part of an ongoing update to all naming systems.
Began major UI overhaul to ship details area. This transition will take atleast a couple patches, but will bring the ships interface up to a more modern standard. This will first be completed to normal cargo ships, and then will process through to other ship types.
NOTICE: Gas stations are getting their next update in the coming patch, will bring the ability for gas stations to select suppliers for fuel of any/all types. Will work similar to mine supply agreements except will fill on a when needed basis. Will work for Gasoline and Diesel to start.
Added in screen to show cert 1/2/3 program for contract semi fleets.
Updated base wholesale price of JP-8 to $3.
Updated base wholesale price of Gasoline to $2.
Updated base wholesale price of Diesel to $2.50.
Added the ability to respond to a fuel request by returning back a rate offering, telling them how much you'd charge per liter to supply fuel. The system smartly calculates your expenses per day for your trucks, as well as how many trucks you will need for a given agreement. Take these into account when planning your rates.
Next week will be the final phase of the above, where the submitter can choose who they'd like to use as a supplier, and supply will begin, make sure you have bladders in place!
New Recipe: G3, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Packaged Ham, produced at Butchery
New Recipe: Packaged Peaches, produced at Food Factory
New Recipe: Teargas, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)
New Building: Electronics Factory - Large, capable of up to 25 lines.
Implemented 90 day warning system for expiring recipes that get changed. This will display as a red text item on the recipe(s) within the recipe book.
Changed Recipe: Ammonium Nitrate, now produced at Chemical Factory, same material inputs. (Old recipe has 90 day expiry timer)
Changed Recipe: Arsenic Tri-Oxide, now produced at Chemical Factory, same material inputs. (Old recipe has 90 day expiry timer)
Changed Recipe: Brick, now produced at Ceramic Factory. (Old recipe has 90 day expiry timer)
Returned Leprechaun outfit to normal pricing schema.
Updated power plants that use coal/peat to show proper warehousing amounts under new warehouse system, in preparation for onlining consumption again (This resumes Fri/Sat this week).
New Recipe: Almond Powder, produced at Food Factory
New Recipe: Hardwood Ash, produced at Lumbermill
Made live the first iteration of training misssions. This first baby iteration will run the entire mission based on your parameters, and after the timer is complete, will give you a debrief with how many tangos you eliminated out of how many total. This is a
super basic iteration, as I need to make sure it functions smoothly before moving forward with more advanced debriefs, injury potentials, etc.Operators will gain experience in relevant areas when on a mission. This will be based on the missions type overall, and their individual performance/actions.
Once a mission is cleared from debrief, operators will be free again to conduct training or another mission, but note that training missions bring down morale a bit each time. Morale will naturally recover at a slow rate (modifiers coming in the future). The approximate base rate of recovery
in comparison to how much is used is that an operator can recover 2 training missions worth of morale per day of 'downtime' (No training, no missions.). Operators with Terrible morale will refuse to go on missions.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed an intermittent bug that could cause some timber sites to still not want to start up work after surface prospecting completed.
Added the ability to request a fuel agreement from a supplier company. Simply select the refinery, and then select the number of liters you need per day. You can submit requests to more than 1 supplier to try and shop for the best option.
Updated crop and harvest article with Peach information.
Updated crop and harvest information for alfalfa.
Added new in-depth article regarding upcoming Organic Farming techniques. Found under Agriculture > Organic Farming
Removed errant daily lotto area as that is now depreciated, was only visible via a fishing screen. We'd like to bring some games of chance back, just have to plan out the right way to do so!