New Crop: Switchgrass, planted with normal planter, harvested with windrower/baler/tractor. (RR)
Fixed issue with strawberry delivery to warehouses upon harvest.
Fixed issue with feedlots not displaying correctly in some instances.
Hotfixed issue that in some instances mass butchering wouldn't properly subtract butchered cows from remaining cow count.
Updated mass butchering to be in line with single butchering, with pregnant animals always being excluded.
New Building: Sheep Barn - Small, capable of holding 100 sheep.
New Building: Sheep Barn - Medium, capable of holding 250 sheep.
Added ability to Mass Butcher Pigs, same process and regulations as cows, with different filter options.
Added ability to single butcher pigs, must be atleast 1 year old.
Added Sonobuoy & Detection indicators to main ship details page if you are in a grid with an active buoy or that has had buoy ping activity/towed sonar activity.
Ship Update: Triarii Class, upped to 5 module slots, new cost 85m.
Ship Update: Fine Dining Class, upped to 7 module slots, new cost 110m.
Ship Update: Mako Class, upped to 9 module slots, new cost 140m.
Ship Update: Highland Class, upped to 11 module slots, new cost 180m.
Ship Update: Loct Class, upped to 14 module slots.
Added the ability to dock Salvage ships and install modules at a shipyard, whether they are your own, or offered by the shipyard.
Fixed issue that was causing a non-delivery of some buildings in some instances.
Updated Diamond den to include 'Legacy Vault' slot. This will be 1 limited slot available for limited periods that will carry a historic LE, and is a chance for anyone who may have missed out to snatch one, or snatch some more, supplies will always be limited, so snatch while you can!
Head of State
Began bug check throughs of the available logs/edicts visible in the HoS panel. Will hopefully be pushing these live next patch, atleast all that pass testing.
Began framework for ability to recruit NPC companies into your country to help supply various needs of your citizens and your players, more details coming on this soon.
Investment Center
Reactivated daily stock movements, currently 1 per day.
Updated recent movements tracker to show last 7 day pricing.
Fixed minor display issue on main banking page.
Hotfixed issue to do with bulk ships and player dock unloading.
Fixed display issue with ship details page that had been awaiting a fix for a couple weeks, new push is live and cargo will now show it's current bay for bulk loads.
Increased chances of NPC companies offering semi loads.
Enabled spawning of Oktoberfest Loads.
Enabled all semis to be able to see and attach to Oktoberfest Loads.
Fixed issue with country filter not working with cargo ships.
New Recipe: Rubber, produced at Bio Fuel Factory. This will work the same as other rubber, but is an organic option.
New Recipe: Agriculture - Chassis, produced at Agricultural Factory. (RR)
New Recipe: Agriculture - Harvester Hull, produced at Agricultural Factory. (RR)
New Recipe: Agriculture - Tractor Hull, produced at Agricultural Factory. (RR)
New Recipe: Agriculture - Electronics, produced at Electronics Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Wooden Artwork, produced at Furniture Factory
New Recipe: Semi - Hull, produced at Vehicle Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Uniform - Ghillie Woodland, produced at Textile Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Uniform - Ghillie Arid, produced at Textile Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Mortar Shell, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Artillery Shell, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Tank Shell - HC, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Tank Shell - LC, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
Updated Recipe: Hi-Tech Microchip. Input and Output increased 5x.
Update shipyard maintenance interface for ships getting modules installed with a more accurate and day oriented timing for installs of modules.
Updated Recipe: Iron Bars. Input and Output increased 5x.
New Player
Created New Registration pipeline (Not public yet). This will allow new players to pick a starting industry instead of just getting handed 3 semi vouchers. Choosable company types are Agricultural, Logistics, Construction and Resource Acquisition currently.
Removed the 'Naut Shop'. This legacy shop had largely been in disuse, and no longer served it's original purpose. However, do not fret, we are working on a new daily login reward and referral reward program for everyone, so you'll still be able to gather swag and other useful items for participating in Nauts, as well as new and fun ways to earn benefits when you get friends to join, play, and help us keep this party going!
Player Business
Finished framework for Leasing Agencies, another new type of player business that will be opening up in the near future. Testing is underway, but it is now open for signing up!
Began fleshing out testing of Player Business / HoS perk system, allowing donators running these business types to redeem a reward once per month. The reward will be based on company type. Testing is expected to take 1-3 weeks and the system should go live to everyone around the beginning of October. You should start to see your 'Slots' propagate with your businesses if you have them during this time window.
Initial mission generation framework is now in and undergoing testing for bugs and validity/balancing.
Updated formatting on trophy display page.
Added new 'Badges' area so you can view all your or your friends historic donor pack badges that you have earned (Soon will give the ability to pick which badge you want to display as well.)
Real Estate
Created initial research tree for Real Estate companies, 10 items with 10 levels each. Will be researchable starting next patch.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed not being able to access mine data search function for some users.
Temporarily removed mine details button to fix another minor display bug, should return next patch.
Fixed wrong message displayed when removing haulers from site.
Began doing final checks on NPCs purchasing from retail locations. Expect these to be turned on live soon, giving you an extra way to sell your finished goods for an increased markup from wholesale (Though realize unlike wholesale there will not necessarily be demand for 2 billion bricks at once, so stock moderate amounts and restock as necessary.
Shipping & Sales Center
Updated slightly how warehouse filtering works to prevent same city names in different countries having any mixups.
Updated warehousing to properly show strawberries.