

Nut Gallery

  • Fixed issue setting bunkering ship pricing and source.

  • Added indication of wholesale refueling price to bunkering ship overview.

  • Added bunker fuel hold fill status to ship details page.

  • Fixed issue with bunker fuel ship not being able to fill bunker hold properly in some cases.

  • Fixed issue with being able to see currently prospecting results before end of prospecting in favorites list.

  • Fixed issue with bunkering ships stopping their refueling of another ship after a tick.

  • Bunkering ships now refuel their bunkering hold from the port 50% faster than cargo to port or ship to ship refueling.

  • Added ability to set bunkering ship access as public, whitelisted, or private to that company.

  • Added ability to create bunkering whitelist agreements:
    Company ID = the id of the company you want to give access or revoke access from.
    Add or Remove = Simply whether you are adding/updating them, or removing them from whitelist.
    Rate = The rate they pay compared to your public resale price. If public price is $2 and you give them 20% off, they would pay $1.60 for their ships refueling.
    Note: When you make a bunkering agreement, it encompasses all bunkering ships from your company, and all ships from their company, in all ports. If you have a certain
    port, or ship, that you want to be just for private use, simply mark that ship as private instead of whitelist.


  • Fixed link issue when viewing residential construction sites.

  • Fixed residential construction not starting properly with adequate equipment.

  • Added SD458 Soil Compactor to lineup, this will officially allow L5 construction properly.

  • New Feature: Ability to do player construction up to level 10.

  • New Feature: Ability to see list of all equipment at job sites, and ability to access completed jobsites via that list.

  • New Feature: Player Construction! The first form of players doing work for other players is now live in it's baby version! How does it work?

    For Builders: In order to be able to provide quotes so that you can get work from other players, you will need to have a construction subsidiary, and you will need your equipment and
    such in this company. Once you have that in order, go to properties > construction > job board, and click the 'Create Quote' button. You will need to have the company ID of the company
    you want to give the quote to, and you will also need the building type they want to build, the agreed price, and the upfront fee they pay before construction begins. Once you have this info, send the quote to the client.

    For Clients: Once you have given your info to a builder and they have sent a quote, it will be available in your agreements area. This is located at interactions > agreements. You can deny an agreement, or approve. If you opt to approve, you will need to make sure the building in question has been placed down on land and is set to player construction, it will then be in the dropdown list available. Ensure all details of the quote look right, and approve. Once you approve, the contractor will be paid their upfront % and the contract will go active.

    Active Job: Once a job is active, both parties can access the job site via the agreements page. Contractors have the same building access as the player for the construction period. Once construction is complete, the contract will finalize itself. The contractor will be paid their remaining balance, the building will go active, and the contractor will still have access to the site for ~30 days to move their equipment off site.
    This feature was a lot of work but came together well and should lay the ground work for other player to player work. I hope you guys enjoy!

  • Fixed issue where building wouldn't build due to funds lacking for certain buildings when player construction was selected.

  • New Vehicle: 2200E Crawler Crane, 80t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: 7700G Crawler Crane, 300t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: MLC650 Crawler Crane, 650t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: MLC80 Crawler Crane, 80t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: M14000 Crawler Crane, 220t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: L125k Tower Crane, 8t Capacity

  • New Vehicle: L132 Tower Crane, 12t Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: 380ECB Tower Crane, 16t Capacity.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to drive Dumptrucks and Trucks from construction site to city.

  • Fixed issue with lowboys unloading equipment at job sites but not showing up in some instances.

  • Fixed redirect issue when starting construction on certain job sites.

Holding Companies

  • Added additional clarification text about sending/receiving funds and which form is for what.

  • Fixed being able to distribute funding to a blank company, which would cause the money to poof.


  • Fixed issues with island countries not showing all ferry routes properly.

  • Fixed redirect issue for insufficient HR capacity to hire crew.

  • Corrected display discrepancies for Supernatural loads for LE Planes and regular planes.

  • Added Pagination to available train loads to optimize load times.

  • Made it possible to update ships nickname even when ship is conducting other operations.

  • Bunkering from player bunkering ships and bunkering agreements now possible, including discounted rates and whitelisting.

  • Fixed 'containerception' bug where load type would display many times in a row above available shipping jobs in some instances.

  • New Feature: Engine wear on semis! Wear happens randomly with use. The more miles on the truck the more likely it is to accrue damage. Remember that the soft hands
    perk can help reduce the chance of wear! In the near future this will lead the way to other types of incidents, and the need to do more than just replace tires for maintenance! This
    also means that now semis value intrinsically will fluctuate as it accrues mileage etc!

  • Fixed issue with Supernatural planes only being able to take one load of passengers and not accept a second takeable job.

  • Fixed issue with hiring ship crew in some instances not coming through properly.

  • New Feature: Ability to send your semi trailers in freight anywhere in the world. This feature works just like shipping a semi, and will be in place until player owned
    shipping via ship is possible.


  • Updated decay/wear ratio on factories.

  • Updated small processing plant potential lines.

  • Updated medium processing plant potential lines.

  • Updated descriptions for small and medium processing plant.

  • Changed High Grade Plastics to be produced at plastics factory instead of standard factory.

  • Changed Plastic Packaging to be produced at plastics factory instead of standard factory.

Resource Acquisition

  • New Vehicle: ZW370 Wheel Loader, 8.1m3 Bucket Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: PHL 2350 Wheel Laoder, 40.5m3 Bucket Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: SK220 Excavator, 1.2m3 Bucket Capacity.

  • New Vehicle: SK850 Excavator, 5.4m3 Bucket Capacity.

  • Fixed issue with Core Sampling not working with legacy prospecting system.

  • Fixed wheel loaders being able to accrue larger and larger negative quantities in hopper trailers in certain situations.

  • Put in safeguard so if a truck ever has a negative quantity of something it will not remove any resources from a warehouse it arrives at.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to send Dumptrucks and Pickup trucks from mine/timber site back to city.

Resource Exchange

  • Updated Warehouse and Detailed view UI of warehouse goods to show images for all raw goods, as well as properly formatted numbering for easier viewing and reference.


  • Fixed ledger pulling wrong amounts on sale of a meta good on player market.

  • Fixed ledger intermittently missing posting of used aircraft sales to seller ledger.

  • Updated equipment movement algorithms for certain sales situations to prevent unintended results.

  • Updated ledger entry method for Resource plot sales made by players.

  • Added ability to see your company ID by hovering over your company name at the top menu.

  • Updated fishing algorithms slightly to increase odds of catches/prizes.

  • Fixed issue with system improperly displaying 'you caught something' message when nothing was caught.

  • Updated the daily land cap limit to 12 from 10. Nut Gallery members can do up to 15 daily.

  • Updated buy/sell system. If you buy land from one of your own companies, it no longer counts against your daily tally to help people with transitioning properties.

  • Added 5 Australian cities fully into the game (They were implemented to logistics but not yet to RE or Land Purchasing.).

  • Buy & Sell order fees for RE orders now are sent to the government coffers for the location the order is placed in.

  • Added in additional safeguards for current international raw good shipping to prevent lost shipments in limited instances where a city was not fully ready to accept goods yet.

  • Fixed issue with limited instances of vouchers not working on certain construction vehicles that met price criteria.

  • Added in additional checks for length of time on repayment of loan principle.

  • Made minimum withdraw/deposit for bank accounts $100.

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