Limited check writing to be between subsidiary companies and holding companies (No longer farm/contractor companies or player companies). This is in line with planned accounting updates.
Updated banking loan area to remove erroneous and outdated text.
Fixed price being a flat 500 for all cows, now dynamic based on actual marketplace price.
Fixed being able to harvest straw more than once on harvested field.
Fixed issue that was causing a mis-display on bring to site form.
Added the trailer type a vehicle is pulling if there is a trailer.
Upped the number of selectable buildings in agreement approvals to allow for large scale operations.
Added a safeguard that will not allow a construction agreement to be archived if either equipment or semis remain on site.
Removed the ability to simply 'add' equipment to a site. This was being used as the primary means of starting sites and caused issues with construction companies overbooking themselves and being something I had intended to
remove awhile ago but had put on a side burner. All equipment must now be hauled in, and hauled out.Added in disclaimer text on construction page, specifying that a construction company has 2 weeks to start work and 4 weeks to clear equipment off after a site is complete before administrative action will be taken on an instance. This will provide a safe, simple, and standard guideline of expectation on both parties until such time I have these criteria able to be chosen when making an agreement.
Put in safeguard to prevent creating construction contracts for yourself.
Fixed being unable to lock some LE semis to case.
Fixed some errant player market text.
Head of State
Fixed issue that could show your checkin as available but not allow you to redeem your daily point.
Removed perks and inventory menu items from menu to help prevent people quick clicking inventory items into a HoS account. Other safeguards to follow.
Fixed XP not transferring between companies properly.
Added ability to convert generic sub to Real Estate
Added ability to convert generic sub to Salvage
Added ability to convert generic sub to Archaeology
Put Archaeology in proper order in new sub creation dropdown.
Fixed issue with bobtailing route showing wrong distances to some nearby countries, this was just a visual bug and did not affect travel times.
Moved the 'none (name search)' option from being default, it now works like previously and if you are in a certain ship category, it will maintain that category.
Added in the ability for a ship to take a load that is out of range port wise IF the load was created by the company shipping the goods (More exceptions to come soon.)
Updated Equipment overview screen to remove the 'x equipment in y city' if the vehicle is aboard a semi, as the city posted here could conflict with current location of the semi causing users to be confused now if the equipment
is on a lowboy, it will show the semis location only (Note that the semi location may be the origin city if the semi is currently traveling, and will update to the arrival city on arrival)Due to increase in active players and logistics activity post holidays, I have temporarily upped the spawn rate of air, sea and land loads by approximately. This is a temporary measure until the contract system and things like airlines are fully in place.
Added unlocked recipe indicator (Gold Border) as well as text telling you what research unlocked the recipe.
Fixed typo for Botany module.
Fixed nicknaming always naming the first in the list versus the one you select.
Real Estate
Fixed situations that could cause premature move-in of tenants or premature rental income from facilities not yet done constructing.
Added the ability to sell research buildings. The building has to be "Inactive" meaning no researchers assigned to it in order to be sold.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue that would cause Geosurvey ships sometimes not to be able to investigate an oil anomaly from inventory.
Fixed issue that would allow some unknown anomalies to have the activate button in inventory.
Fixed issue that was causing investigating unknown anomalies not to generate an anomaly listing in the system properly. I have refunded all affected anomalies to inventory.
Removed snowstorm from site, holidays are over, now we wait on spring!
Fixed issue that could cause 'creep up' of certain forms on political points page.
Updated Aerospace > Launch Complex Modules
Updated Aerospace > Industry Specific Research
Updated Aerospace > Prototype Research
Updated Aerospace > Prototype Testing
Updated Aerospace > Production
Updated Aerospace > Rocket/Spacecraft Assembly
Updated Aerospace > NPC Contracts
Updated Agriculture > Fieldwork
New Article: Logistics > Sea-Logistics > Ship Types
New Article: Logistics > Ground Logistics (Trains) (Overview/landing page)
Reformatted homepage to 3 columns, new right column will carry list of company types and will link to relevant information and sub articles relating to that career.
New Article: Crabbing homepage/overview. Also added some basic/brief starter tips for people just jumping into it until more documentation is available.
New Article: Banking basic overview and general information article.
New Article: Resource Acquisition > Offshore Oil landing page, including helpful tips and article link tree for sub articles about process.
New Article: Resource Acquisition > Offshore Oil > Anomalies
New Article: Resource Acquisition > Offshore Oil > Oil Sites