


  • Added in venture capital investment category to assets. This will track the current estimated valuation of all held VC shares.

  • On the above, temporarily this will be updated regularly, and in a few weeks, it will be real time!


  • Added in Level 2 Strange Ore Research


  • Fixed issue with cow growth/weight gain.

  • Fixed issue with cows not being able to get pregnant after first pregnancy.

  • Adjusted pregnancy probabilities.

  • Added ability for cows to age/grow up to 10 years (Weight will still cap out around 600kg).

  • Upper limit for cows becoming pregnant will be between 9-11 years, after which they will not produce more offspring.

  • Began backend testing of 'Self Butcher Settings', should be available next week and will allow farms that own their own butchery to do bulk butchering of cattle based on a parameter selection.

  • New Auger Wagon: 54 Series


  • Added the ability to investigate anomalies found by survey ships or purchased through the player market. An anomaly is NOT tied to any specific port currently.

  • Once an anomaly is investigated, it is activated and no longer an inventory item. Be mindful of this!


  • Added Biker Santa Semi

  • Added XMAS Paltala Ship

  • Added XMAS Santa Ship and Put into DD.

  • Kam SHH truck now has heavy haul permit (Not dual haul ability yet!)

  • Biker Santa semi now has it's no cert ability


  • Made first algorithm adjustment to ticket sales. Lower class tickets will fill slightly quicker now than their upper class counterparts (Also, it should be noted that your companies reputation, marketing, and the local economy will all impact how fast tickets sell in the future, so keep this in mind as there is a long way to go with this system!)

  • Updated ticket sales prices to be 10% higher across the board for all classes across all cruise lengths.

  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause negative ticket sales.

Group Project

  • Started Panama Canal Project. Sea loads are now available.

  • Ended Suez Canal loads. Suez Canal will now auto-complete in late January thanks to the efforts of everyone in the latest F4G.

Head of State

  • Fixed issue that would allow multiple daily checkins in a single day.


  • Added ability to create Passenger Services subsidiary.

  • Added ability to specialize a Generic company into Passenger Services.

  • Alphabetized the dropdown lists for both these options.

  • Fixed ability to transfer aircraft between subsidiaries.


  • Fixed trains that are for sale showing up in next train queue.

  • Fixed exploit of being able to put the same driver into two semis at the same time.

  • Ended Christmas Tree Hauling

  • Ended Point accrual for T4T Loads.

  • Added ability to reclaim owned semis with under 1000 UID for those sentimental types. This was promised when semi revamp happened and got time to get it coded. It will cost the same as you were paid for the decom of the vehicle, and will return it to it's company with original UID, year and miles. Ability will be available until the end of March, at which point the old data will officially be wiped for good!

  • Ended Halloween & Thanksgiving Collectible gathering from truck hauling (Will return in the future now that we have it working as we want it to!)

  • New Train load type available "Bulk". Bulk loads are created by players from the RE. They can contain any number of liters allowing players to set up moving things much easier. You can always take a bulk load as long as you have enough room for atleast 1 car. By default, you will always "Fill" your trains remaining capacity with the bulk load if the load is large enough. You will know how many cars are attaching and what the payout is via the yellow loading button.

  • Added the estimated time to fill while refueling several ships (Cruise, Yacht, Salvage & Survey)

  • Fixed bug causing Yachts, Cruise ships and Salvage vessels to not refuel properly on first try

  • Fixed redirect issue from Yachts, Cruise ships and Salvage Vessels

  • New Semi: Performer


  • Fixed various issues with trying to utilize 250k and 500k vehicle vouchers.

Political Points

  • Fixed a errant redirect when trying to list points for sale without enough funds. Now will properly redirect with error message.


  • Fixed issue with United Production perk causing some factory line groups to not produce properly.

  • Fixed Squirrel Figurine recipe.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed Special Conveyers. They should now operate and move up to 300m3 per hour. I will still be doing some spot check testing here to ensure all is ok. They only need to be on site, they will show idle but should now function.

  • Fixed bug causing "Surface Ops" stats to not display correctly until the lot was fully prospected.

  • New Bulldozer: 2050

Resource Exchange

  • Changed train loading system to new bulk system. Now you can create a load for however many liters you want, there is no more 6 million liter cap, and it will create


  • Added Update Scheduling page. This page will contain information about our current development cycle and posture, and will be updated every 30-90 days. This is a good page to get an 'At-A-Glance' idea of what features are being worked on, what existing features are being upgraded, or where your favorite feature is in the process of creation/updates. If you have a favorite feature and you do NOT see it in the "Bin" or in the weekly schedule by January 30th, please send in a ticket to make sure it didn't get overlooked!


  • Turned off Holiday Loads for Sea, Air & Semi.

  • Fixed and removed errant old donator club link

  • Removed Holiday Hiders & Holiday Hider Count

  • Holiday Shops expected to go up in 1/2 weeks, got behind with being sick so this is one of the items on a slight delay, but all points are saved!

  • Officially beginning our 'week' cycle program, meaning this coming week aside from bug fixes and new stuff, we will be focusing on updates to sea shipping, pmc and animals (Expec that the subject of each week is open to change for these first few weeks while we roll this program out properly and get our lists 'complete').


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