Fixed error when trying to submit a field for sale.
Fixed issue with moisture/irrigation/drainage data showing on animal pens in land overview for ag.
Fixed issue with some seed types being out of order in planting menu.
Due to an update to allow all agri listings to show on global market, we had to flush entries here, so if you listed a field, please relist it and you should be good to go!
Made adjustments to wool gathering that should solve delivery issues for most all that were having them.
Began first iteration of crop rotation framework testing. This system will make it so that a crop will need primarily 1 key nutrient which it will 'sap' from the soil, meaning you'll either need to supplement with that nutrient
or rotate it with complimentary crops to restore that nutrient.On the above, we've worked up a draft on this system, but have not quite finalized things, so expect the article to be published in 1-3 weeks.
Made some adjustments to sono-search code for a planned future update.
Began final round of internal testing on ALBS buoy system, expect documentation in the next 1-2 weeks regarding how ALBS will be deployed between PMC and Archaeology companies to more quickly cover terrain.
Made about 50% progress on some QoL features we're hoping to have in before end of year for Archaeology, namely some of the key troublemakers like ability to send new ship to old site, ability to swap ships out, certain abilities not available on a ship that should qualify, inability to return to port in some scenarios, etc.
Made several updates to the backend processing of construction jobs in order to prepare a better long term fix for some of the recent issues encountered.
Began work on the new 'drive-in-out' framework for various types of vehicles that can self transit.
Began framework for auto-cancel of contracts that don't have equipment on site by a certain deadline to prevent 'dead in the water' agreements. Should have this in within next couple of patches.
hotfixed issue with material warehouse at city level not showing properly.
Hotfixed issue with buying multiple semis not working as intended.
Small adjustments to load size and cost calculations for semi based loads.
Did framework preparations to search all goods in a particular location and go there, hope to have this live next patch (will show all finished, or raw goods, for a particular city.
Head of State
Made it possible for someone with two countries of HoS to check in and both countries will receive PP and tax credit. Simply click your check-in button for one and both will receive their credit.
Continued framework updates and testing on the domestic policy and handling systems (This will allow drilldowns to city level to upgrade cities with various features, construct military bases, and more)
Slight update to PP and Taxation gain algorithm for daily check-ins.
Began adding 'daily scenarios' in, these will launch early next year and will provide unique daily opportunities and decisions to make with your country.
Began integrations for upper level prosperity items including luxury goods, tourism, and public works.
Hotfixed allowing you to 'set destination' with aircraft on a per load basis to match trains and ships.
Fixed issue with Next Ship button pulling stored ships out of storage.
Fixed issue that could allow dock manager 'overloading' of a ship, this had to do with a very unique situation in which someone had some dispatch folks but not a dock manager in a port and it would get stuck in a loading loop.
Added ability to see logistics certifications in new logistics system.
Began re-working the backend of semis to prepare for new logistics system and dynamic load operations. This is a big project that entails making it so a single semi trailer can take multiple types of items so if someone has
several small shipments they can be condensed to fewer or even a single shipment. This system once complete for semis will also roll out to other cargo types.
Made two small updates to PP gain code, this should help resolve the lack of points generating, but will continue to monitor.
Began testing NPC manufacturer code, which will tie into Prosperity and HoS to provide NPC provided finished goods in some limited instances to help supplement a lack of player-made items in a given region. (This is a limited source, it will not take place of player production)
5 New Recipes Added for Space Based Manufacturing
Optimized hourly run code to handle more operations with less system resources.
Updated stat gain slightly on weapon oriented training tasks.
Implemented small chance of a 'field training mission' to spawn as a testbed, still finishing data analysis here.
We should be seeing live fire missions begin in December, so keep getting that training in!
Upgraded Living Quarters to house 10 operators each instead of 5.
Made updates to module addition code, have a little more work here in preparation for the launch of non-special operations troops in the near future.
Generated 100 new operators as available in the black market.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue with mining bolts in warehouse not showing properly on subsurface operations page.
Made system check for existing fuel agreements and automatically cancel if a mine is sold.
Added in some data gathering code to hourly mining system for future balancing plans.
Slight adjustments to subsurface mineral odds, as well as in-situ mineral odds.
Updated perk text on Swiss Bank Account perk to reflect current benefits accurately.
Began work on article for new logistics shipping system, we expect to launch the homepage article + certification article before next patch!
Handled 50+ player support issues over varying items (Wow. Talk about a lot of stuff folks!)