Updated ship module creation system to be more dynamic and fluid.
Added the ability to install Drainage hose on a field. Requires 10 Hose + $1500 bux per acre. Installation is instant and currently can be done in any field state.
Added the ability to install Irrigation system to a field. Requires 3 Irrigation Kits + $5000 bux per acre. Installation is instant and currently can be done in any field state.
Added in more harvest types to global notification system.
Updated dynamic weather system to prepare for accommodations for irrigation and drainage systems.
Began first live testing of leasing and hiring agency system, another thing we may just see launched with Split-13.
Pre-loaded Split-13 goodies to have them ready in advance.
Slight adjustment to NPC purchasing algorithms.
Added a slightly larger bonus to NPC purchasing of prosperity related items in preparation for future launches.
Made a couple back end adjustments on order renewal and generation to help with future optimization.
Head of State
Continued work on city level framework and options available here. This is nearing completion and will add the next layer of depth to HoS operations.
Began internal testing of dry-bulk ships using player ports fully.
Began internal testing of dry-bulk dynamic load generation.
Fixed 2 bugs regarding train automated routing that had been found in testing.
Fixed issue that was causing some odd docking/undocking behavior in limited instances at player ports.
Fixed SATCOM installations not working on ships. (Please do not attempt until Saturday, I'm waiting on an installation to finish to verify each way)
Updated routing algorithms for sealane vessels adding in the new code for satellite relays, allowing SATCOM systems to be ready for actual use.
New Player Experience
Began bug checking on the Agricultural mission line, this will be the first one ready, followed by logistics. We have 15 missions built, and another 15 planned for each other career. Remember as HoS, signing in daily will make you eligible for new players starting out in your country!
Added in 3 more missions on construction branch.
Added in 3 more missions on resource acq branch.
Resource Acquisition
Updated algorithm to slightly decrease the chance of spawning timber, while slightly increasing spawn rate of oil, and leaving all other spawn rates as they were previously.
Continued testing of oil derricks program, currently simulating moving a derrick into place. Hoping that we might be able to get this live during split-13.
Continued work on back end framework for new mining type In-Situ. (Hopeful Split-13 Item)
Continued work on back end framework for new mining type Mountain. (Another split item maybe?)
Did first turn on turn off of refinery delivery, will review data this week and should confirm turn on next week permanently.
Deployed new Nauts logo. Quite a bit of different thought processes into this, and after much debate, this is the one we went with, and serves us much better than the placeholder graphics from before!
Another round of system backend improvements to help optimize page load times and how the database is structured. Another 5 or so hours put in this week, with more to come as we continue to prepare for a bigger, better future!
Gathered survey data in preparation for potential balancing changes for Split-13, as well as putting out some asset requests to the art team to help bring your ideas to life!
New Category: The Beyond. All Space and non-earth related documentation will go here.
New Article: T2 modules, basic overview of T2 ship modules for space craft.
Worked on several new player articles that will be released with new player experience system.