


  • Removed ability to find 'Oil' and 'Salvage' anomalies. They will now all be 'Unknown' and must be further investigated to determine what type they are.

  • Slightly increased odds of finding an anomaly.


  • Added 3 New Achievements relating to activating All For One perks.

  • Distributed Split-8 Achievements.


  • Updated banks to only be able to see Nauts loan applications on Nauts site. Must log into FSN site for FSN side loans due to interest rate differences.

  • Updated lending system so that if a player accepts a loan for their company, it will automatically close and deny all other pending applications to prevent 'double dipping' on loans with a large batch of applications. If a second loan is required, you will need to reapply after accepting the first loan, allowing the second lender to see your new liabilities.

  • Updated all banks to have a minimum potential interest on loans of any size, as well as the ability to set loan rates more specifically.


  • Fixed image display issues with Industrial Yards. These should be fully functioning now for storage of spare equipment and trucks!

  • Updated default active tab for all construction sites and industrial yard to be the 'logistics' tab as this is the one most commonly used versus the equipment tab, this should elminiate 33% of clicking when doing large construction loads/offloads at sites.

  • Fixed detection issue regarding dumptrucks towing toolcribs. Now if a dump truck has a tool crib attached it will be detected on all construction sites, eliminating the need for toolcribs to be unattached, or hauled in by semis.

  • Updated tool crib attach menu to only show trailers not currently attached.

  • Made visible indicator on dump trucks at construction sites when they have a trailer attached.


  • Updated All For One bux perk to give out bux to 10 random holding companies instead of all companies, for balancing purposes. I may end up doing something different here too, so stay tuned!

Global Exchange

  • NPC companies will now begin conducting Sell Orders for Raw Materials in various cities around the globe, to supplement player mining sales and manufacturing operations while we slowly transition to a more player driven economy.

  • New 'Goods Data' button on menu. Goods data area allows you to look up the specific price of a raw good in any city, and it will also pull the top 20 top and bottom prices of the market currently to help you make business decisions in moving your products and selling them!

  • Re-enabled ability to cancel orders.

  • Updated cancellation fee on orders to 3% for non-brokers and 1.5% for brokers.

  • Removed ability to place orders from GE pages to prevent errors, all orders should be placed from the shipping and sales center. If you have questions, ask in discord until documentation is available!

Head of State

  • Power sales to consumers via power networks now contribute to prosperity goals.

Holding Company

  • TEMPORARILY allowing meta transfers outbound to Farm/Contractor accounts (Not Farm 24). This is a one week exemption period to settle any Naut liabilities you have in these companies. After this point they will need to be self sustaining until I make the button available to convert them completely to a Nauts or non-Nauts account.


  • July 23 Semi updated to also include HH Cert built in.

  • Fixed improper redirect for Yachts setting sail.

  • Updates to Ship Details page for Cargo Ships.

  • Cargo Ships Now Operate Under Revamp Code. Fuel Calculations, Engine Hours, Etc will all be calculated upfront and will only change if affected by events.

  • New Port: Brunei

  • Added in advanced pier code. When a ship docks at a player pier, it will auto-unload any NPC loads en-masse, including crediting both shipyard and shipper. In addition, there are bonus opportunities for research and political point gain, and loads are also tracked for achievement purposes, another great reason to use player ports when you are able! Not yet active for Bulk or Vehicle loads!


  • Added Missing Images in for 3 lift bag recipes.

  • Fixed issue with Aircraft Tire - Small Recipe.

  • New Recipe: Claymore (RR)

  • New Recipe: C4 (RR)

  • New Recipe: Tire - Military (RR)

  • New Recipe: Tire - Military Large (RR)

  • Fixed research requirements on lift bags.

  • New Recipe: Diamond Necklace, produced in generic factory.

  • New Rcipe: Hat - Baseball, produced at textile factory.

Resource Acquisition

  • Added 'Back to City View' link at top of mine sites for easy return to city function similar to farming.

Shipping & Order Center

  • Fixed malicious attempt message when creating sea shipment loads in some instances.

  • Fixed ledger blurb for sea shipments.

  • Fixed Rice not displaying properly.

  • Added shipping log to Shipping Center and GE.

  • Added a secondary raw resource filter. If you don't know what warehouse you are looking for, only use the second dropdown and select the material you are looking for. This will yield the top 20 results for you, then you can click on the result you want to go to that warehouse.

  • Fixed Cassiterite sometimes not displaying in shipping center warehouse.

  • Updated shipping log to no longer show bulk loads that have been fully completed, and will show up to 25 incomplete jobs.

  • Added ability to place orders for Ancient Wood.

  • Updated name in menu and on page to Shipping & Order center to reflect it's purposes at a glance.

  • Updated Raw Materials warehouse dropdown to only show a warehouse in the list if it has something in it. Empty warehouses are now excluded for ease of finding things.

  • Adding all crop types as well as ancient wood to the material selection list to search for warehouses with a certain material in them.


  • Updated achievements articles to contain all recently added achievements.

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