Added the ability to butcher pigs from barns.
Added in Pork to raw warehousing options.
Added ability to single butcher cows from dairy barn, pasture or feed lot using self butchery. System will smart detect if you have a viable butchery and if you do, it will show 'Self Butcher' instead of 'NPC Butcher'.
Fixed issue with older anomalies being stuck in Analyzing status.
Made it possible to see what modules are installed on a ship that is in a maintenance bay.
Final phase of testing underway with deep sea salvage, expect full release in 1-2 weeks.
Fixed issue with being able to see job generation for NPC Jobs
Made it so jobs that have not been taken expire after 72 hours (Must put a piece of equipment or material on site for job to go to taken status.
Made it so you can generate jobs as long as you have less than 3 generated.
Added the ability to select city of your choosing for construction jobs (This may be limited to country in the future!)
Added Status indicator on construction job results.
Updated material hauling to automatically move job to taken status.
Temporarily removed ability to bring in dump trucks and equipment to Job Site (Ability will return next week with full release of NPC construction!)
Updated Legacy Case Description
Added in all Spooktacular items and associated bonuses
Added Spooktacular 23 collectibles, collection set.
New DD Item: Fall Splatter 23 Cryogenic Ship
New OC Item: Hallowed 23 Cruise Ship
Updated Legacy Case Prize Descriptions On Opening.
Head of State
Adjusted point values for available edicts, as well as overall edicts available.
Activated edict activation for upgrading airports. This takes 100 points as well as 500m in funding. Each airport can have a total of 5 upgrade levels. Each level will also grant 5 free gates.
Added duration indicators for all bonus items onto political points screen so you can know how far ahead you have these bonuses scheduled.
Activated edict activation for nationalized power, water and food operations. These grant 10% baseline bonuses to requirements monthly starting the month after they are enacted. These can be stacked so you can queue up multiple months of the bonus 10% support.
Fixed issue with undocking being allowed in certain instances that it shouldn't be.
Added in bonuses for collectible completion Oktoberfest.
New Semi: 660 series
Added new dynamic filtering which will filter out loads that are too large for your ship. This works on all load types except bulk currently, that will be coming soon. This should reduce page load times further and help you more easily see loads that are possible for you to take versus seeing loads that don't apply to you, especially if using a smaller ship.
New Building: Textile Factory - Large
New Recipe: Bacon, manufactured at Food Factory.
New Recipe: Dresser - Redwood, manufactured at Furniture Factory
New Recipe: Ring - Silver, manufactured at General Factory
Updated hotels to only pay credit when building is completed and active, and not for in construction facilities.
Made further framework preparations for the release of airports and airlines/air cargo operations.
New Vehicle: Guardian APC (Only available if a player manufactures, which requires finding the blueprint!)
Minor adjustments to fix intermittent issues with adding equipment to a PMC facility.
Resource Acquisition
New Dump Truck: 745 series, 25m3 Cap, articulated.
Shipping & Sales Center
Fixed switchgrass not being visible for shipping under trucks or trains from shipping center.
Added beef to all shipping options.
Added pork to all shipping options.
Fixed being able to see/select Cacao as a search parameter.
Updated the completion bux bonus on Collectible sets.
Added collectible lock in ability for Oktoberfest 2023 Set.
Updated support area layout. This is just a temporary cleanup, but work is being done on the support system so expect new releases in the near future!
Updated support system so that when staff reply to a ticket you have sent in, you will receive a notification.
Added in future support systems for unique referral URLs.
Handled ~ 15 Support Requests.
Removed Holiday Hider Shop (Summer Hider Shop Opens Sunday Then We Are All Caught Up!)