Hotfixed issue regarding some crops not making it to new warehousing upon harvest.
New Crop: Olives, planted with tree planter, harvested with coffee harvester.
Added ability to lime a field either after harvest or after plowing.
Fixed issue with sugarcane uniquely deciding it didn't belong to a player upon harvest.
Added 'Max grids' to details page of salvage ship so you are always aware of your search grid size once known.
Added 'Max grids' to details page of anomaly for same reason as above.
Fixed issue with relocating ship within the search grid when tied to an anomaly ID.
Updated survey x waters to singular 'Survey for Unknown Anomalies' option for sake of ease/learning.
Added status change for once crane lifting is complete, allowing option to overload cargo to shore. At this point the anomaly is considered completed, however your salvage ship will still be in 'Hunt Idle' status allowing you to sail around and pick up remaining buoys. However you will have the option to 'Head for Shore' with your salvage ship when idle, and once you do this you will close out the anomaly from your list and no longer be able to return here.
New Historic Possibility: BF-109 E3, locatable in European, African, and Middle Eastern Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: BF-109 E4, locatable in European, African, and Middle Eastern Ports Of Call.
New Historic Possibility: BF-109 F2, locatable in European, African, and Middle Eastern Ports Of Call.
New Historic Possibility: BF-109 F4, locatable in European, African, and Middle Eastern Ports of Call.
New Building: Antiquities Restoration. This structure is used to perform refurbishment on found Antiquities and restore them to museum and collector quality.
Fixed delivery selection dropdown issue and re-opened deliveries.
Added trophies for Bluegill.
Added trophies for Channel Catfish.
Added trophies for Pumpkinseed.
Fixed errant redirect issue with creating raw sell listing.
Fixed issue with being able to transfer raw goods in warehouse.
Updated ledger entries for raw warehouse transfers.
Fixed home button redirecting to old Exchange.
Fixed 'for sale' drilldown filter not showing sales with 0 reserve.
Added ability to search for and view raw goods listings.
Added city and country info to top of raw warehousing page.
Added city and country info to top of materials warehousing page.
Added 'bucket capacity' information to backhoes that are listed.
Fixed minor display variation of 'previous page' button in warehousing view.
Fixed redirect issue when listing goods/products for sale on new system.
Added in ability to filter by most of material type, with list propagated only by items you have in stock at atleast one warehouse.
Set all buy orders in old system to expire and close, with refunds sent per any usual unfilled listing.
Made first adjustment and pushed remainder of dynamic pricing live on finished goods.
Added in proper display of dynamic pricing for all types of finished goods now.
Added in ability to filter by most of raw good type, with list propagated only by raw goods you have in stock at atleast one warehouse.
Fixed issue with creating material goods load for semis.
Fixed issue with daily and monthly sales not tallying for raw goods.
Put in additional safeguards to prevent dock managers from potentially overloading a vessel.
Fixed redirect issue when attempting to load a new bulk load for a ship.
Added a hotfix for trains unloading raw goods to double check a warehouse exists before dropping the goods.
Fixed issue with not being able to list ships for sale even if they were idle, full and empty of captain.
Fixed issue with NPC delivery of goods to warehouse if a player hasn't taken a load within designated timeframe (Finally!).
Fixed issue with Split-11 semi not working on HH over 400hp.
New Ship: Trident Class container ship, 4,000 TEU capacity.
Fixed issue with bulk loads showing as loaded but not generating load or taking capacity from bulk seaload system.
Semi Contracting: Updated base contracts for companies to be 2.
Semi Contracting: Added ability to earn extra contracts as reputation increases up to a maximum of 5.
Semi Contracting: Generate contracts will now generate as many contracts as your reputation allows for an NPC company.
Semi Contracting: Added filter by continent to for assigning semis to the contracting fleet.
Added in the ability to create 'Groups' for industrial buildings. The concept here being for large operations where you are planning out production of high tier goods, it helps to have all factories focused on those goods in one easy to manage place. This way you can group all your factories together for say Fuel bladder manufacture, or ship component manufacture, etc. This is not mandatory, just another option.
List of industrial buildings now is filterable by grouping. If no group is selected it will default to any ungrouped factories.
Added pagination to industrial overview page. Pagination will retain group filter data.
Fixed issue with manufacturing facilities trying to look for raw resources in old warehouses and not finding them, thus not able to start jobs.
The above items were pushed out as a hotfix deployment.
Fixed issue that prevented a line group from starting relating to the previous run information retention system that was added in.
Fixed an issue with factory pagination that could cause some factories to 'duplicate' visibly on different pages.
Flipped switch on some recipes that were hiding from split.
New Recipe: Jordemite, produced at Food Factory.
Updated base number of workers per factory line to 20 from 25.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue with drillships not being able to go to drillsite (again).
Fixed issue with certain sites that had been prospected but not yet mined before new warehouse system not generating new warehouse entries.
Added and removed Superbowl functions.
Put final week reminder on holiday shop, will go away next week.
Handled approximately 60 issues/bugs/hotfixes.