


  • Fixed issue with launch code erroring out on valid spacecraft.


  • This is now officially fully open, in baby form. Select the appropriate options and then get underway! After you have set the cruise up, everything else is handled automatically. Please note that currently ticket pricing is locked in. Class berth ratios are 1st = 20%, 2nd = 50%, 3rd = 30%. This is the same on all levels of ships. Dynamic pricing is going to launch in the next couple weeks, along with the first revision of the demand algorithm. So remember, don't overbuy ships, or overload a port! The longer you give before departing the better chance you have of filling more berths. In time, as your company gains reputation you may be able to fill berths quicker with shorter turn arounds. You can monitor how many births you have available still before the voyage on the ship details page.

  • Setup initial dynamic sales system, where each hour there are potential ticket sales to fill berths of cruises that have been created.


  • Fixed issue with some vehicles 'disappearing' when being unloaded at a job site, but still being there and in the count. Note that if you have a vehicle that is currently disappeared, submit a ticket with the job site type and UID to have it fixed. Any new instances should cease now.


  • Fixed issue where moving equipment to/from a mine site could cause truck drivers extra unused XP to be lost.

  • Moved Timber Ships out of experimental status.

  • New Ship: Conifer Class Timber ship.

  • Warning: As of January 1 2023, equipment that is over ~400hp will require a Heavy Haul semi to be able to move! This is advanced notice to give you ample time to prepare your transport fleets!

  • New City: Bandar IK, Iran

  • New Port: Bandar IK, Iran

  • New Port: Dubai, UAE

  • Fixed issue with Queen Elizabeth LE not always giving proper political point bonuses in it's 3 primary countries.

  • Added in political point algorithm for upcoming LE Semis from ATW Series.

Player Business

  • Added the ability for player banks to refinance loans. This action can be requested with your banker, and they can choose to accept or not. Refinancing will allow you to 'begin' the loan again with the remaining outstanding balance as the new loan total. This can be useful, for example: If you had a 100m loan, you would pay 1m a day in principle. However, if you refinanced when you only owed 50, instead of continuing to pay 1m per day in principle payment, you'd only pay 500k. This can be done from the player banking loan interface, with just a click of a button. Contact your bankers today!


  • Fixed issue that would allow shipyards to be viewable before construction was properly completed.

  • Reconstructed production interface for oil production. Please note that while the interface is available, I still have to flip the switch to activate for general userbase. I am as of Patch morning running production at two facilities to ensure everything continues to run smooth under the new interface, at which point I will make it available to everyone, which should hopefully be later on Patch day, or Saturday at the latest. Thank you for your patience. Currently refining will yield a 1:1 ratio of liters in versus liters out, and this can be improved in time with research etc. The current outputs are Gasoline, Diesel, Jet Fuel, Fuel Oil and Kerosene. A small refinery can handle 500 barrels per hour and a large can handle 2500 barrels per hour currently, again there will be methods to possibly improve this, and also new facilities soon!

  • Created new dynamic linking for refineries from industrial drilldown and favorites areas.

  • New Recipe: Gasoline (Only producible at refinery via oil barrels as bi-product.)

  • New Recipe: Diesel (Only producible at refinery via oil barrels as bi-product.)

  • New Recipe: Jet Fuel (Only producible at refinery via oil barrels as bi-product.)

  • New Recipe: Fuel Oil (Only producible at refinery via oil barrels as bi-product.)

  • New Recipe: Kerosene (Only producible at refinery via oil barrels as bi-product.)

  • Note: New recipes are not yet sellable, in the next 1-3 weeks, the next big update will be coming to fuel systems which will allow players to begin supplying the wholesale market with their refinery locations (Gas stations, Bunker Fuel, Aviation Fueling, Etc) So this is a great time to start building partnerships and supply chains!

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed missing image for Cassiterite ore plots.

  • Fixed issue that was lingering that would cause some plot types to disappear at varying instances preventing proper working of equipment.

  • New Timber Type: Iroko, base median price $1145

  • New Timber Type: Sapele, base median price $1636

  • Added in unique qualifying caching to allow preparing of other resource types in advance of release without risking them being in a possibly prospectable state.

  • New Bulldozer: PR716

  • New Wheel Loader: L580

Resource Exchange

  • Added support for several upcoming timber types.


  • 15 Player Support Issues & Minor Bug Fixes

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