


  • Fixed redirect not properly showing equipment or building for Agricultural items.

  • Fixed issue with detaching trailers at job site.

  • Fixed agricultural job site display issues that would occur in certain contractor situations.


  • Added in check to ensure there are no employees remaining at corporate buildings that want to transfer.

  • Added ability to buy and sell fuel using the new Gas Station Medium.

  • New Feature: Ability to buy and sell finished buildings. Simply sell it using the standard sell button, and buy them in the 'Structures' category of the Global Market. Please ensure you have all vehicles and staff removed before selling!

  • New Feature: Ability to Favorite Commercial and Residential sites. They work the same as favoriting industrial or resource sites. Enjoy!


  • Fixed Route issue between Indonesia and Cuba.

  • New Sea Port: Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • New Sea Port: Moroni, Comoros

  • New Sea Port: Mogadishu, Somalia

  • New Feature: Added the ability for aircraft to fly international, as long as it falls within the same continent. This will work like it has before where if it does not have sufficient fuel it will make fuel stops along the way.

  • Fixed limited instances where a job would generate and would apply miles instead of nautical miles, making a route longer than it should be.

  • New Feature: Added Tabs to train area to show available jobs, current load, and available owned cars in that city.

  • Set trains to have auto arrival ticks meaning that once they have arrived they will not require you to refresh the page for them to go to idle status, and this should help largely with the lost location bug.


  • New Vehicle: Railway Service Light

  • New Vehicle: Railway Service Heavy

  • New Equipment: Railcar - Hopper

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed inability to return land to government after criteria met in certain situations.

  • Made it so resources are properly deducted from warehouse upon hauling in for cleanup.

  • New Feature: Addition of "Train" tab. This tab will show all required materials to be able to construct a railway. Materials are hauled in by hopper or flatbed using the form on that tab. The resources will need to be in your local warehouse for your trucks to pick up. Once all material requirements are met, vehicle requirements will be shown. Vehicle requirements are the same regardless of distance currently, requiring: 1 Grader, 2 Backhoes, 1 Soil Compactor, 2 Rail Service Light, 1 Rail Service Heavy. Once all equipment and material requirements are met, you will have the option to begin construction. Construction takes approximately 1 day per 5km currently.


  • Fixed redirect issue when repairing a structure.

  • New Recipe: Fridge - Economy, producible at Factory

  • New Recipe: Fridge - Stainless, producible at Factory

  • New Recipe: Air Conditioner - Window, producible at Factory

  • New Recipe: Air Conditioner - Central, producible at Factory

  • New Recipe: Railway Steel, producible at Steel Factory

  • New Recipe: Rolled Steel, producible at Steel Factory


  • Added ability to mass fire from dispatch or corporate HQ.

Stock Market

  • New Feature: Return of the stock market! There are several notable changes and upgrades.

  • Stock price history now shows last 7 days end of day pricepoints, instead of only 24 hours.

  • Owned stocks now have a star next to their symbol.

  • Choosable number of shares to buy or sell.

  • Built in averaging system to show your current owned shares, average price paid, and current gain or loss.

  • Companies now have 5m shares available for purchasing instead of 10k.

Venture Capitalism

  • Added in 30 day requirement to be able to access, invest or request investment via venture capitalism.

  • Removed seeing when you have 0 shares (Essentially after an offering has completed, or in the future if you've sold your shares of they've been bought back.)

  • Added a requirement of minimum 5 million gross NAV, as well as no other current offerings in order to be able to post an offering.

  • Fixed issue regarding fund payout from offering company at hard close date.


  • Fixed issue that could cause meta ship vouchers to be listed as web bux items.

  • Fixed UI display on inventory for LE Ship Vouchers

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