Set up the ability to move fields and agricultural buildings between companies.
Fixed transfer error message that could still show even in event of successful transfer of agricultural land or buildings.
Performed back end upgrades in preparation for next items including weeds, fertilization, irrigation, crop moisture, disease, insect infestation and weather patterns.
Holding Company
Updated Menu options for asset transition to more valid tagging.
New Feature: Ability to transfer agricultural equipment between subsidiaries via your holding company. This works the same as all other types of equipment. Equipment must be idle for the transfer to happen!
Performed back end upgrades to prepare for further holding company activities including corporate HR possibilities.
New Port: Paramaribo, Suriname
New Port: Ho chi Minh City, Vietnam
Performed back end work to prepare semis and semi trailers to be able to be transported via RORO's, I expect this functionality within the next 30 days.
New Recipe: Whitewood Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Redwood Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Walnut Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Akasa Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Beech Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Balsa Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Mahogany Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Cherry Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Hemlock Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
New Recipe: Okoume Plank - Produced at Lumbermill.
Performed back end changes to prepare entire recipe system for the new dynamic production system that has been mentioned and the revamp of which is currently underway.
Fixed bug that could cause the first couple electronics levels of research not to show up properly even if a company had the prerequisite knowledge points.
Added 70 New Researchable tree items for Logistics, logistics should go live with next patch for researchable items.
Added approximately 15 new researchable tree items for Agriculture.
Added approximately 25 new researchable tree items for Manufacturing.
Added approximately 10 new researchable tree items for Construction.
Resource Exchange
Added Whitewood to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Redwood to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Akasa to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Hemlock to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Mahogany to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Okoume to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Beech to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Cherry to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Walnut to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Added Balsa to the exchange as storable and tradable.
Resource Acquisition
Added in missing image for Wulfenite
Added visual indication of oil pump jack production and oil storage on an oil site.
Allowed production of oil pump jacks to begin. You need to make sure you have enough buffer storage to cover any production for the hour, and that you have enough semis to keep the storage from overfilling. Oil will spill and be lost if you do not have storage (There w2ill be ways to mitigate this in the future, right now you have to be vigilant!). The oil will convert into barrels at your city warehouse. Each barrel is approximately 159-166 liters.
Please note on the above this is still a very experimental system converting raw resource to finished warehouse item. There may be bugs, if you find one, report it in a TICKET!