Fixed issue with mass butchering bulls or heifers only (system would still butcher both genders) for dairy barns.
Fixed issue with mass butchering bulls or heifers only (system would still butcher both genders) for feed lots.
Conducted testing on drainage and irrigation systems. This has all been positive thus far, and I expect to make the systems fully live next patch.
Began testing of greenhouse use. First use of greenhouses will be in growing saplings for orchard style trees. Then will move onto specialty item growths. I expect greenhouses for saplings to be live in 2-3 patches.
New Crop: Bananas, planted using tree planter. Initial long growth, then yearly harvest. Harvested using Citrus/Fruit harvester.
NOTICE: Expect orchards to have a 'lifespan' in time, this will be a long period, likely 10-30 game years, but this will require regularly renewing the orchard with new saplings, or changing crop type.
Added in 10 new historical finds.
Added in more container variations for container finds, including ability to find more than 1 containers worth of goods.
Added another small tweak to survey ships and finding abilities. This will be the final tweak until I have all survey ship modules in which will potential affect find rate, and special find rate.
Created framework for 'Survey Expeditions' which will be a way to head further out to sea to conduct larger survey missions, that could potentially yield even more lucrative results. Will require better gear, planning, and funds. Expect baby
version of this system to go live in 2-3 weeks, with documentation coming prior to launch.
New Vehicle: Cement Truck
New Vehicle: Material Handler MH3049
New Vehicle: Material Handler LB600
Made more site status' available for viewing while I work out some timer bugs regarding NPC construction sites.
Made adjustments to research facilities finishing construction that should eliminate a good portion of ones that would 'finish' but still be 'constructing'
Added in new framework for new types of construction jobs for NPCs coming soon. These will be related to excavation primarily, and will hold fewer requirements material wise to help companies get going until they find distributors.
Above new NPC jobs will sprinkle in randomly to current job queue starting next week after testing this week.
Added in trophies for Chinook Salmon. We now have artwork for all current fish species for current tournaments.
Slightly upped odds of finding prizes/fish versus 'junk' items when fishing.
Fixed 'construction level requirement' for Food Factory - Large.
Fixed image/construction level issue for Train Depot - Large.
Fixed missing shipping images for pine.
Fixed missing shipping images for okoume.
Updated 'buildings' page. Used to show 'All' buildings on first open, now shows most recent 20 additions. Should save clicks for those wanting to get newer stuff that's been released, and also save system resources by not loading hundreds of buildings!
Made slight update to NPC purchasing regarding prosperity levels. A slight bonus is now given to purchases (So a % amount higher than actual amount bought) when NPCs buy prosperity related items, simulating NPC companies assisting in these items.
Began internal testing of HoS Auctions. I wanted to have this out this week but have a couple kinks to work out in regards to the winnings generating properly, so another week on this.
Continued work on the framework and overview for the city level drilldowns. This will be where you can build/do things that will make cities better off, more attractive, and incentivize NPC companies, build military facilities, etc.
Added ability for cruise ships to refuel using new fueling system.
Added ability for yachts to refuel using new fueling system.
Made it possible to cancel scheduled trains from trainyards.
Fixed redirect issue when creating cargo schedule for train at trainyard.
Began framework for train based contracting.
Began testing or airport gate & runway system. Expect more news very soon regarding airlines baby launch.
Work on maintenance bays and piers has been completed and I've done the amount of internal testing I can, in order to make sure it's good for everyone, my intent is to open this feature 'briefly' and see how many bugs we get. If there are impactful ones, I may
bring it back offline. If all seems relatively smooth we'll keep it on. I'm pre reserving the right to kick all ships out of port again in the case of any bugs that need thorough fixing versus going through hundreds of ships daily.
New Recipe: Salad - Packaged, produced in Food Factory
New Recipe: Newspaper, produced in Generic Factory
New Recipe: Artillery Rocket, produced in Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Redwood Picnic Table, produced in Furniture Factory
New Recipe: P226, produced in Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: G36C, produced in Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Drillship Rig Upgrade Module, produced at Specialty Factory. (RR)
New Recipe: Drillship CAC Module, produced at Electronics Factory. (RR)
New Vehicle Blueprint Possible - Karrar MBT
New Vehicle Blueprint Possible - SWV
Made adjustments to training scale and training mission operations.
Resource Acquisition
New Vehicle: Carbonizer, will be used to turn wood and other debris into Charcoal. More details on this soon, feature expected live in resource acq in 1-2 weeks, agriculture in 3-4.
Fixed bug with refinery deliveries not occurring as scheduled overnight, and scheduled this to begin running on Sunday May 26.
Prepared framework for derrick system. Hoping to launch next patch. Will require crane ship to deploy, as well as a salvage ship capable of laying pipe deep enough for a pipe connection to land facility (Must have a bunker silo or refinery at land location for it to be a valid drop point as of now)
Performed back end cleaning and maintenance for the month on databases.
Built in framework for return of the 'Daily Login' system which will provide a small thank you reward for logging in daily and being active on the site.