Made it possible to purchase cows.
Made it possible to purchase sheep.
Made it possible to purchase pigs.
Note on above: Not all barn interfaces are fully updated yet!
More UI updates to Dairy barn interface including feeding + button for adding food to building.
Updated manure removal to work via the manure icon instead of a pop up button for a cleaner interface.
Updated feed lots to show 'lot information' versus 'barn' information. Several updates to Feed Lot UI in line with other changes.
Updated feed lot to show new animal tracking system with young, adult, elder.
Slight update to BPO type odds
Fixed issue where getting a train BPO could sometimes cause it not to give a model of train.
Fixed issue that could cause PMC blueprints to spawn less often than they should be.
Updated the way grids generate for searching for anomalies, so that all available salvage sites have grids even before a ship goes there so that all are available for agreements.
Added ability to create an agreement with a PMC company for grid searching.
Fixed issue that was causing NPC jobs to close after equipment had been sent to a site before a job was completed.
Jobs will now only get removed on completion or if they have been in pending (untaken) status for over 72 hours.
Re-Opened NPC construction jobs fully.
Fixed being able to remove semi drivers from trucks.
Fixed HH function not working on Split-15 semis.
Fixed aircraft not being able to fly to same airport for sightseeing return loop flights.
Fixed not being able to complete PAX jobs to same airport.
Fixed being able to take only 1 load with planes despite adequate space.
Fixed issue where some planes could make it to EU from NA, but not back.
Finished ensuring all load types qualify for earning certifications for new logistics system.
Removed ability to get to PMC or Salvage Helos from the 'next aircraft' function.
New Recipe: HK416, produced at Armaments Factory - RR
New Recipe: HK417, produced at Armaments Factory - RR
New Recipe: GTA Missile - Class 1, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
New Recipe: AT Missile - Class 1, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
New Recipe: AA Missile - Class 1, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
New Recipe: Uniform - M90 Woodland Camo, produced at Textile Factory - RR
New Recipe: Uniform - M90 Desert Camo, produced at Textile Factory - RR
New Recipe: M82 Barrett, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
New Recipe: G-36K SOPMOD MR-1, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
New Recipe: PRSM, produced at Armaments Factory - RR
New Recipe: ATACMS, produced at Armaments Factory - RR
New Recipe: Body Armor - Level 4, produced at Textile Factory - RR
New Recipe: G-36C SOPMOD CR-1, produced at Miltech Factory - RR
Added another 500 operators to available pool.
Fixed being able to equip an operator with something that had ran out in your facility.
Added error and success messaging to operator equipping.
Fixed being able to equip operators with pistol/secondary.
Added additional UI information for line troop modules (Levels for modules that can be leveled.
Slight adjustments to facility UI.
New Findable BPO: Type 99 - MBT
New Findable BPO: STRV-122 - MBT
New Findable BPO: Leopard 2 - MBT
New Findable BPO: K21 - IFV
New Findable BPO: Puma - IFV
New Findable BPO: M198 - Towed Artillery
New Findable BPO: AHS Krab - Self Propelled Artillery
New Findable BPO: Altay - MBT
Added ability to reply to anomaly search agreement and deny or select a facility for the flight plan.
Added ability to create and execute flightplan for existing agreements for grid searches.
Made assign to squad list alphabetical in operator details page.
NOTICE We will be turning on the ability to add aircraft to hangars and perform basic air control operations on Sunday, allowing another 24-48 hours of testing since we just got this finished before patch.
We'll also be putting out a weekend special for those wanting to get jumped in on the new ability!Note: Cost for agreements by default will be $225k per buoy (In the future we likely will make this changeable by the PMC, and allow them to charge per buoy along with per nm of flight.)
Real Estate
Fixed 1500 unit hotels not receiving monthly income properly.
Temporarily removed spaceship purchasing during hotfix patch.
Fixed issues with spaceship purchasing.
Fixed issue with incorrect number of operators listed for Field Squads in PMC.
New Articles Regarding PMC Frontline troops.