


  • Fixed missing Split-9 Ribbon images.


  • Hot fixed issue with field status updates causing some fields to not update status after completion timer.

  • Activated 'Crop Care' research benefits for Levels 1-10.

  • Activated 'Advanced Crop Care' research benefits for Levels 1-10.

  • Activated 'Land Sustainability' research benefits for Levels 1-10.

  • Made it possible to spread lime during 'Growing' phase for all crops.


  • Fishing Re-Opens! The new system is now fully automated and requires no staff interaction to keep things flowing. Tournaments will last around 2 weeks, and then will process prizes overnight the day it ends, then will start up the next competition the following morning! Lots of new prizes including Mystery Blueprints! Everyone was given a couple free casts, and you can always get more in the Diamond Den. So help keep the lights on and earn some cool stuff! Break the Naut World record in any tournament you'll get a hefty 100m bux bonus, a mystery blueprint, and a special LE! All fishing info, and casting is now done via Player > Competition Center > Fishing Tournaments.


  • Fixed some instances of group tag not taking when trying to apply to construction equipment.

  • Updated construction view area. This is another temporary update before the new menu system comes in for all industries, however you should now be able to click your agreements and see your equipment clearly, as well as it returning to the proper page after giving trucks or equipment actions to take. Expect more updates to be coming, but this will take the most pertinent issues in hand (Note the sub menus are now on the left hand menu when you click construction instead of the old tab system, this is where they will remain until the menu update planned for coming months.

  • Fixed issue with being unable to see construction timers/statuses in some instances due to the ongoing deployment of NPC construction.

Data Center

  • New Feature: Publicly available prosperity data. Now the data is available to those who are not Head of State. Plan your next company move, or help support one or more of the countries you operate in and see your progress on building prosperity in the cities you operate in. Remember, the more prosperous a city, the better the economy. The better the economy, the more companies operating there can potentially make!


  • Updated Fishing Competition System. Now Fully Automated including new awesome prizes like Mystery Blueprints, and 20 casts instead of 15 per Fishing Trip!

  • Minor adjustments to All For One Perk, and correction of minor display issues.

  • Removed 'Bux' option from All For One for now.

Global Exchange

  • Fixed issue with Extension of orders not working properly.

  • Updated NPC buying algorithm to do with HoS prosperity items in order to simulate them being base necessity items and to simulate small levels of NPC company sales.

Head of State

  • Updated water requirements for Prosperity Levels 1-3 based on data tracking.

  • Updated food requirements for Prosperity Levels 1-3 based on data tracking.

  • Reset population levels (Final reset) so that population will scale with player activity/prosperity.

  • Updates to top menu layout in preparation for future releases.

  • Added 'Daily Estimated Taxes' area to left hand side so you know approximately your daily income from taxation (as long as you are checking in!)

  • Added Edicts & Laws center Framework. This will be used to enact new edicts and laws for your country using funds and political points.

  • Daily check ins now yield a chance for bonus political point income. A daily check in can yield anywhere up to 12 political points, so be sure you are checking in!

  • New Enactment: Upgrade Airport. Used to upgrade the airport size in any city.

  • New Enactment: Found New City. Used to found new city in your country.

  • Currently displayed enactments that do not say 'Coming Soon' will go live with next patch! Just finalizing testing on them to make sure they work as intended!

Holding Company

  • Fixed issue that if no fund type was selected funds would not be pulled and an error screen could occur.

  • Updated acquire funds form as 'Type' is no longer required like it used to be.

  • Updated send funds form as 'Type' is no longer required like it used to be.

  • Updated 'Tag Creation' form to prevent confusion on 'Tag Type' option.

  • Not necessarily holding company, but in the Business Interactions > Land area, capped the max results for non-filtered to 50, so those of you with land in hundreds of location don't have any loading delays. If you can't find the land you want on the initial load, select the appropriate country from the dropdown to filter.


  • Activated automated offload of NPC loads for a port when docking at a player pier for Liquid loads.

  • Activated automated offload of NPC loads for a port when docking at a player pier for Bulk loads. (Note: This is experimental and substantially more complex than other loads, so be mindful and watch for bugs and stop if you find one!)

  • Activated automated offload of NPC loads for a port when docking at a player pier for Dry-Bulk loads, should offload containers and bulk for that port (Again, see above experimental note)

  • New Train: Stadler, Electric Based with 4,500 ton pull capacity.

  • New Train: Class 2600, Diesel with 3,000 ton pull capacity.

  • Updated approximately ~ 110 recipes with dynamic weights (These were the last to not have them) so all types of finished goods should now be haulable. All new recipes will always have this data day 0, this was just the last of catching up on legacy recipes.

  • Made an update to Ship logistics load spawning algorithms based on new data from All For Ones and Player Shipyards. Should help alleviate some perceived shortages, but this will be a fluid change I'm likely to make several other adjustments before I'm satisfied.

  • Clean up some archaic RORO load data which should improve load times for looking for new RORO loads.


  • Updated Textile Factories to 10 lines from 6, to be more in line with current balancing. All existing factories automatically updated.

  • New Recipe: Bed Frame - Maple, manufactured at Furniture Factory.

  • New Recipe: Bed Frame - Oak, manufactured at Furniture Factory.

  • Updated Factory XS to 3 lines from 2, to be more in line with current balancing.

  • Updated Aircraft Factory - Small to 10 lines from 5, to be more in line with current balancing.

  • Updated Aircraft Factory - Large to 12 lines from 5, to be more in line with current balancing.

  • Updated Military Vehicle Factory to 12 lines from 5, to be more in line with current balancing.


  • Restructured 'My Business' menu for PMC. This is slated for further upgrades in the future but it has been cleaned up, decluttered, and posted with only relevant information currently.

  • Added new 'Facilities' button to primary menu, this allows PMC companies to quickly view any PMC facilities they own instead of going through the land system.

  • Made it possible to directly access PMC facilities via My Business > Facilities > Details. Will open a new tab with the details screen for that facility.

  • Added ability to add warehoused equipment to a PMC facility (This transfers it out of the normal Nauts transport/manufacture system and into the PMC system, so only put what you need at your base there!)

  • Note on the above: This will only work for validated and active 'Black Market Equipment', stuff that is manufactured specifically for PMC. Sorry, you can't give them baseball bats, no matter how fun that seems (currently atleast!)

  • New Module: PMC Facilities can now build 'Living Quarters' ($5m + 10HS), each living quarters addition allows another 5 Operators to Operate From that Facility.

  • Reduced training times from 12 hours to 3-8 hours depending on training type. Research will also be able to improve this more in the future.

Resource Acquisition

  • Activated 'Survey Proficiency' research benefits for Levels 1-10.

  • Activated 'Blasting Techniques' research benefits for Levels 1-10.

  • Activated 'Scrape The Barrel' research benefits for Levels 1-7.

  • Added in 'Fuel Data' area to mine site details. This will allow you to see lifetime fuel use, estimated daily fuel use based on active equipment,

Stock Market

  • Stock market officially returns. A large redo of the algorithm behind this have been redone and should provide a more robust experience for everyone, and we'll be continuing to monitor everything to make sure it operates smoothly.

  • Layout of stock homepage has changed but should still be relatively familiar to those who used the previous iteration.

  • Increased the maximum buy amount to 1 million shares per purchase.

  • Stock pricing currently is set to update daily, but this may change to a few times a day after initial data gathering is done on things with new system.

  • Your holdings will show how many shares you own, as well as your estimated gain or loss based on your average purchase price.

  • All company types, including holding companies, can invest in stocks.

  • There is a 1% broker fee on transactions.

Venture Capitalism

  • If a company would be put into a deficit/cannot pay it's scheduled interest on a VC, it will now accrue a missed payment on record.

  • Added missed payment indicator in 'owned VC' area so you can look for potential trouble funds.

  • After too many missed payments, the VC will be considered defaulted and the company will be slated for potential bankruptcy proceedings.


  • Added Placeholder 101 - Advanced Manufacturing article under Manufacturing

  • Added Aircraft Components article under Advanced Manufacturing.

  • Added Special & Supporter Article under Achievements.

  • Updated Achievements homepage article.

  • Updated Logistics - Sea page with new links.

  • Added New Cargo Ship Modules article, under Logistics - Sea. Outlines the current available modules, how they are produced, costs, and their effects.

  • Added Resource Research article outlining the currently available research items for Resource Acquisition, along with the benefits for the activated ones.

  • Added New PMC Homepage Article.

  • Added PMC > PMC Facility Modules article outlining facility modules, costs and their purposes.

  • Added new Article Stub PMC > Operators that will be used to outline operators, and their basic functions and statistics.

  • Added PMC > Training article outlining all current types of training, their requirements, and their benefits.

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