Hotfixed issue causing some crops to intermittently not work on warehouse delivery.
Hotfixed an issue regarding cotton harvesting.
New Crop: Mulberries. Planted using Tree planted, Harvested using Coffee Harvester. (RR)
Added potential for point gain when performing survey searches for anomalies.
Added final automation systems for delivering a cargo container to shore after salvage. Will now deliver goods to warehouse and bring ship back to idle state. It will also close out the anomaly from your anomalies list, so be sure you are done with recovering buoys etc before delivering your loot to shore!
Removed 'blah' placeholder text, thanks Mr C ^.^
Added way to view what is inside cargo stowage of a salvage ship, simply click the cargo box icon on the ship details page.
Fixed another small issue with sonobuoy recovery where it was forgetting what type of buoy it was.
New Historic Possibility: B-17D, locatable in Asian and Oceanic Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: P36A PACCOM, locatable in North American, Asian and Oceanic Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: P36C Brazil AF, locatable in Central American, Caribbean and South American Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: Whitley MK II, locatable in European, African and Middle Eastern Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: Ki-27b 42-1, locatable in Asian and Oceanic Ports of Call.
New Historic Possibility: P-36A Prototype, locatable in North American, Caribbean and Central American Ports of Call.
Added Trophies for Alligator Gar.
Added Trophies for Common Carp.
Added Trophies for Rainbow Trout.
Added notifications for top prize winners of fishing tournaments. 1st-3rd and Heaviest will now receive a notification when the tournament distributes prizes letting you know that you've won!
Commodity Broker
Removed cancelled orders from the Commodity Broker shipping screen.
Added Farm name to Commodity Broker Current Deals screen
Added sorghum to Commodity Broker agreement drop down.
Updated HQ overview to include reduced worker amounts for Manufacturing companies who have researched Factory Line Automation to level 1 or above.
Fully automated the "Naut Club Loot Drop". This had been tested in a couple previous iterations but is now fully live, loot drops will reset overnight the morning of the 1st each month now automatically!
Fixed issue with reserving large quantities of a ore when making a sell order.
Fixed improper valuation display on some raw goods.
Set values for material goods on sale to round down to prevent inability to buy max amount.
Set values for raw goods on sale to round down to prevent inability to buy max amount.
Contracting: Added minimum trucks required for contract to the "Not enough Available Semis" error message.
Contracting: Added ability to buy up to 20 semis in a region with one click.
Contracting: Upon completion of a NPC Contract there is a chance of earning PP.
New Container Ship: TBA1036 (check note at bottom!), capable of carrying 1036 TEU and fits nicely between the Paltala and YeahBuoy classes.
New Recipe: Optic - Magnifier, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: KS-1, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Mortar - L16A2, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Fishing - Longline, produced at Generic Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Fishing - Commercial Net, produced at Generic Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Shotgun Ammo, produced at Armament Factory
New Recipe: Optic - DMR, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Optic - LR, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Optic - ELR, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
Recipe Update: M14 EBR, now requires DMR Optic in production.
Recipe Update: M110, now requires DMR Optic in production.
Recipe Update: PSG-1, now requires LR Optic in production.
New Recipe: Suppressor, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Vertical Grip, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: PEQ, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: AX-SR, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
Made it so that only factory lines with more than 0 hours remaining show on overview list.
New Recipe: Utility Vehicle Bay, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Turret Module, produced at Military Vehicle Factory (RR)
New Recipe: FOF Tracker, produced at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Snowmobile, produced at Vehicle Factory (RR)
Fixed improper image for Tank Round - LC
Updated mission generation system to include additional information regarding building count, room estimation count, payout information and enemy skill / gear level assessment.
Made it possible to generate missions. Up to 3 can be generated at any time in 'pending' status. Missions will expire in 24-72 hours if not taken.
Note: Currently all missions spawned will be of the training variety and at lower skill levels as we test the system and players get used to things. Training missions will pay less but provide better training and much lower risk of loss than actual missions.
Corrected issue when unequipping an item that would cause a broken image in operator equipment areas.
Added ability to create squads under new settings area.
Added ability to filter operators by stat in descending order, to find best operators for a given stat easily.
Added in pagination for PMC operators page, limited to 20 operators per page.
Added error and success messaging for operator role assignment.
Added ability to add operators to a Squad.
Fixed image issue in some instances with PSG-1
Fixed image issue in some instances with M14EBR
Fixed image issue in some instances with Radio - Tactical
Corrected 'success' message when training attempt failed, should now clearly know if a training doesn't start.
Fixed issue with being able to start marksman training in some instances.
Added 20 new female operator portraits.
Added 20 new male operator portraits.
New Tank: Challenger 2 (Only buyable from a player who has the research, and has acquired the BP)
New Tank: T90 (see above)
New Tank: Leopard 2 (see above)
New Tank: STRV-122 (see above)
New Vehicle: Departure LAV (see above)
New Vehicle: Komat LAV (see above)
New Vehicle: Guardian LAV (see above)
New Vehicle: M1165 (see above)
New Vehicle: M1151 (see above)
New Vehicle: M998 (see above)
Made it possible for operators equipped with a shotgun to perform CQB training, and will be able to gain reflex, perception and shotgun skill.
Resource Acquisition
Added potential for point gain when performing survey searches for anomalies.
Updated Crop & Harvest requirements page with information for newer crop types.
Fixed missing link to Ore Types & Data under Resource Acquisition category.
New Article: Squad System, located under PMC - Private Military Contracting.