


  • Fixed issue with 'Milk All' functionality for Jersey cows.

  • Implemented a daily cow updater system which will dynamically correct any 'counting' errors in cow pens, dairy barns and pastures. This system will remain in place until we squash the last couple butchery bugs.

  • WARNING: Pastures that have OVER the number of cows allowed for grazing will begin to experience animal deaths. Cull your herds to prevent losing out on them all together. This will go live next patch.

  • Added animal feed requirements article to wiki, feed requirements will go LIVE around the end of January, get your farms stocked!

  • All existing Horses in system were wiped. This will be the final wipe as we prepare to relaunch horses fully. If anyone feels they had a significant investment, please put in a ticket, we will compensate per horse, we have records but assumed with the small amount no one would be fussed!

  • Horse buying will be turned off for this week, and will be returning within 1-3 weeks. Horses purchased will run on the new system. Stage one will allow growth to 12 months, full launch is slated for March but could be sooner. It will also require feeding/caring for them, so make wise investment choices (There will be assistance so not everything is manual :) )

Global Exchange

  • Slight text change to shipping areas to clear up some confusions.

Global Market

  • All model years have turned over, 2024 models now available.

Holding Companies

  • Added ability to pull funds from 24 day farm accounts (Including ER if they are used for Nauts.)

  • Added ability to send meta funds to 24 day farms (ER excluded.)


  • Performed backend maintenance to help improve page load times across all logistics types.

  • Added a couple additional safeguards regarding transferring of assets between companies.

  • Fixed issue with 'fire all' button not working properly in dispatch building.

  • Added distance of trip to available cargo and PAX jobs for planes.

  • Sorted all available adhoc plane jobs by country, then city.

  • Sorted all taken plane jobs by distance, shortest first.

  • Added 'Flap Flap'.

  • Removed holiday loads from spawning (Trees and T4T).

  • Increased odds of NPC company loads spawning for semi free roam jobs.


  • Knocked out a remaining intermittent bug regarding power sales and customers.

  • New Recipe: Saddle - English, produced at General Factory.

  • New Recipe: Saddle - Western, produced at General Factory.

  • New Recipe: Superglue, produced at General Factory.

  • Recipe Update: Railway Tie - Pine, increased to 20 per hour, linear increase in requirements.

  • Recipe Update: Railway Tie - Oak, increased to 20 per hour, linear increase in requirements.

  • Recipe Update: Utility Pole, increased to 15 per hour, linear increase in requirements.

  • Recipe Update: Baseball Bat, increased to 50 per hour, linear increase in requirements.

Resource Acquisition

  • Added pagination in for mine sites. Now shows 20 or so sites per page, to help optimize page load times.

  • Fixed issue with idling out some vehicles causing them to still retain old duties intermittently.

Shipping & Sales Center

  • Fixed visual bug with oranges not showing in warehouses in certain situations.

  • Fixed issue with being able to ship certain raw goods intermittently by train.


  • Created article "Animal Feed Requirements" under agricultural category.

Venture Capital

  • Updated missed payment system. It errantly was checking daily on overdue payments and marking each day missed as a missed payment. The correct portion should have it miss 1 payment, and set next payment for next payment due date. This has now been done.

  • All VCs had their missed payments adjusted to the proper number.


  • Added discord link to homepage when signed in for new players and for veterans to give to new players.

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