Began testing completed constellation onlining
Slight adjustment to political point gains based on mission type and difficulty for launches.
Began integration of live fueling system.
Added ability to ship agricultural equipment across continental borders as long as there is a landmass connection.
Removed all extra cows from system that should no longer be present.
Removed pregnancy status on all cows as a hard reset.
Culled all cows over 120 months old.
Temporarily disabled manure system in order to attempt a fix on the gestation and birthing issues with cows.
Began work on the overhaul of animal husbandry.
Began writing new drafts for animal husbandry in wiki to correspond with new system so it's ready for launch.
Began reworking drive-in drive-out mechanisms
Began testing failure to start clause for contracted work allowing a contract to be cancelled if work isn't started within a certain timeframe.
Began framework for build kits no longer being provided by NPC, but through player manufacturing (Don't worry, it isn't a all shut off at once thing). This will help prepare us to transition to a proper build system where the kits
are provided by manufacturing companies instead of appearing out of the abyss.
Fixed issue with bunkering ships not able to see maintenance options upon entering maintenance bays at player ports.
Kicked off holiday hauling events for air, land and sea.
Opened up artic rally point and North Pole
Continued framework operations on new logistics program, firstly focusing on semis.
Slight adjustment to train load spawn algorithm
Prepared semi system to provide more international shipment opportunities for gaining certifications.
Prepared train system to provide more international shipment opportunities for gaining certifications.
The above program should launch with next patch after testing is completed.
Began tests in earnest of the planned early airline system in it's entirety from staffing to flights to marketing and ticketing. If all goes well, we soon will welcome the launch of airlines!
Removed double entry for cardboard on 'The Quick Clicker' book recipe.
Began holiday production allowance for holiday items as well as sales tracking.
Began integration of CCS.
Fixed issue with exchange not allowing purchase of new operators under new limits of living quarters.
Merged housing system frameworks together for new base operations.
Began testing of ammunition bunker system.
Began testing of manned flight and aircraft armament system.
Real Estate
Adjustments to fill rates on complexes
Began integrating RNG for negative events and maintenance issues.
Started testing the marketing and amenities system.
Resource Acquisition
Began integration of CCS system.
Slight adjustments to In-Situ probabilities based on soil type and depth of deep deposits.
Slight change in resource odds (buff).
The Beyond
Continued re-work of ship design system
Slight adjustments to probabilities in asteroid density and size based on location in the universe and on recent activity in a given area.
Removed ability to try to transfer political points to HoS company.
Removed ability to create tickets in the old ticketing system. New tickets are now made via the support channel in discord.
Began working on the massive Diamond Den experience overhaul. This will include combining and condensing systems to better ensure a quality experience going forward, and will give a more automated means of specials etc in the diamond den meaning more fresh stuff more often for everyone.
Bug tracker will remain but support area is being reworked to help encourage faster turn-around times as well as helping to guide more players to the Discord which is in itself a wealth of knowledge.
Began work on Centralized control systems.
Did a lot of planning for the 2025 year and building out a healthy weekly schedule, we will talk about this in HWH on Saturday if you can attend!