


  • Agricultural transactions should now all be up to Epsilon revamp standards. If you find any transaction isn't showing, or doesn't have category, sub category and country, please report via ticket.


  • Updated research contract algorithms.

  • Resolved issue with possible over-consumption of fuel on some launches.

  • Turned back on fuel consumption at launches.


  • New Feature: Fuel use. Fuel is now consumed by equipment doing operations. The rate is currently $2/liter. This rate will go up AFTER you have the ability to deliver fuel to your farm and set up agreements with fuel providers. $2 is the intro rate to get used to fuel consumption, and until you have means to acquire cheaper fuel rates. Keep in mind a tractors horsepower, and current job, all will affect the rate of consumption.

  • Added in fuel cost for planting operations.

  • Added in fuel cost for plowing operations.

  • Added in fuel cost for liming operations.

  • Added in fuel cost for all harvesting operations.

  • Updated dynamic weather algorithms so that in inclement weather, there's a chance for it to be actively raining, pouring, drizzling, or overcast. This will affect the moisture gain on fields and should prevent a day of rainy weather always bringing moisture near 100%.

  • Updated dynamic weather drying algorithms to be slightly more efficient at drying. Weather balancing expected to continue for a few weeks before I deploy the next phase of this.

  • Fixed issue where 'Too Wet For Harvesting' message would display and prevent planting operations.

  • Updated current weather patterns to have more drying events to course correct from the drenching all your fields got in most locations.

  • Backend framework for country and city level weather implemented, expected live testing begins next week.

  • Updated weather to function on a country and city level, providing dynamic weather for every single one of our 1500+ cities.


  • Re-integrated the module overview for salvage ships. You should at this point be able to add helicopters to your ship, but please wait to take other actions until next weeks patch, we're on the final stretch with this release!

  • Resolved image issues for DSVs once mounted on a ship in a shipyard, from maintenance view.

NOTICE: At end of January, toolcribs will be getting a rework. This rework will include a new way for toolcribs to be 'onboard' a truck or dumptruck. This will be a fix
for the intermittent hooked/unhooked issues, be more optimized, and prepare us for future additions. After January, toolcrib purchasing will work differently as well!

  • Fixed an issue causing some new commercial building kits to not place down properly.

  • Fixed error in haul size of L70F wheel loader, now corrected to smallest size.

  • Fixed missing image for L70F.

  • Fixed issue with industrial yard display on first page load from industrial overview.


  • Added job type descriptor under employee name in dispatch buildings.


  • Fixed issue with dynamic pricing not being visible and available.


  • Added and distributed bronze, silver and gold T4T IV ribbons.

  • Added New Years 23 Bulk Ship into legacy vault of Diamond Den.

  • Restocked Grinchmas Ships & Trains, Final Restock!

  • Added New ATW series, Croatia.

  • Added New ATW series, Austria.

  • Added New ATW series, Philippines.

  • Removed Hungry, Slovakia, Ecuador ATWs.

Global Exchange

  • Fixed the ability to cancel orders properly.


  • Updated text on prosperity data dropdown to read properly.


  • Added dynamic checking of load liaison availability in a given port.

  • Added subsidy in for shipping of material goods via sealane.

  • Added subsidy in for shipping of raw goods via sealane.

  • Updated textual indicator for air cargo limit.

  • Made it possible to take cargo to more than one destination on a single plane.

  • Added UID to dropdown information for loading equipment in city center onto lowboys.

  • Updated semi driver 'delay' timer to be up to 90 minutes. This should allow it to fall always at 60-90 minutes without any 'under an hour' instances.

  • Added ability to filter semis by 'untagged' to find any semi that isn't tagged worldwide or country specific.

  • Added ability to mass unload bulk cargo ships at player ports if they are NPC loads.

  • Fixed image for Holy See flag (Vatican City).

  • Updated semi filtering on 'No Filter' to work off of vehicle id, with newest first, since all vehicles are already idle. This should help resolve some of the 'truck listed on two pages' issues.

  • Fixed intermittent issues with drivers not taking certs with them when they leave a truck.

  • Fixed redirect issue with creating a finished material air cargo load.

  • Fixed issue with Split-9 semi not working properly to load heavy equipment over 400hp.

  • Fixed issue with Split-10 semi not working properly to load heavy equipment over 400hp.

  • Fixed redirect issue after assigning tasking to a dock manager or load liaison.

  • Updated port map with latest player shipyard additions.

  • Fixed issue with Oceania flights not being able to make it globally even if they have the capacity range wise.

  • Made it possible for aircraft with range above 2500nm to make hops from the US to EU, via Iceland.

  • Made it possible to refuel a Yacht after taking a job but before departing.


  • Start of 2024 manufacturing updates. Goal is to go through all existing recipes and make output updates, then later in the year do another pass for ingredient changes as new materials and items become available as inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Copper Bar rate to 60 per hour, linear increase in input.

  • Recipe Update: Magnesium Bar rate up to 50 per hour, linear increase in input.

  • Recipe Update: Gold Bar rate up to 24 per hour, linear increase in input.

  • Recipe Update: Silver Bar rate up to 40 per hour, linear increase in input.

  • Recipe Update: Copper Wiring up to 120 per hour, linear increase in input.

  • Recipe Update: Acoustic Guitar up to 50 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Air Conditioner - Window up to 30 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update (IC): Alumina up to 300 per hour, recipe now includes bauxite AND feldspar. New basal pricing: $3.30 per unit.

  • Recipe Update: Ammonium Nitrate up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Arsenic Trioxide up to 60 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Car Battery up to 30 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Carbon Fiber up to 36 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Cement up to 480 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Chainlink fence up to 60 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Charcoal up to 900 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Chromium Copper Arsenate up to 90 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Creosote up to 90 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Electrical wiring up to 60 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fiberglass up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fire Suppression System up to 30 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Foam Insulation up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fridge - Economy up to 40 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fridge - Stainless up to 30 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Gallium Arsenide up to 96 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Galvanizing Agent up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Heavy Battery up to 15 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Hydraulic Lines up to 15 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Iodine Contrast up to 36 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Polarizing Filters up to 5 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Power Line Cable up to 12 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Rubber (Oil Based) up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Shipping Container up to 12 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update (IC): Silicon up to 360 per hour, recipe now includes abrasive powder and a rebalance of other ingredients, namely decrease in sand requirement per unit. New basal pricing: $9.28 per unit.

  • Recipe Update: Sulfuric Acid up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Temporary Housing up to 4 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Waste Cleanup Kit up to 10 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • New Recipe: Dive Team, produced at specialty factory (RR)

  • Added front end UI for ordering fuel delivery trucks.

  • Recipe Update: Nitrogen up to 480 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Oxygen up to 480 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Hydrogen up to 480 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Ethylene up to 180 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fluorine up to 150 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Methane up to 150 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Nitromethane up to 130 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Hydrazine up to 130 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Natural Gas up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Hydrogen Peroxide up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Ethylene Oxide up to 108 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Ammonia Nitrate Tetroxide up to 100 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: LOX up to 150 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: LOX - JP8 up to 90 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: LOX - Hydrazine up to 90 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: LOX - Methane up to 90 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Fluorine - Hydrogen up to 80 per hour, linear increase in inputs.

  • Recipe Update: Refrigerant up to 120 per hour, linear increase in inputs.


  • Fixed limited instances of training not conducting properly using P90.


  • Added in completion timer for research when the next tier would be too high to see on top table. Will now show in bottom table with underway status and completion time.

Resource Acquisition

  • Updated FPSO C1 to extract 80m3 per hour.

  • Updated FPSO C2 to extract 135m3 per hour.

  • Updated FPSO MR-C to extract 200m3 per hour.

  • Added extraction rates to all oil derricks (Check wiki)

  • Updated success and failure messages for adding fuel bladders to a mine site to show proper information.


  • Added ability to add additional tanks to station (Gasoline, Biofuel & Electric). Tanks will be same size as your Diesel tanks your station already has.

  • Added icon indicators for all available fuel tanks and quantities remaining at gas stations.

  • Added ability to purchase all fuel tank types via NPC.

  • Added ability to refill station tanks from warehoused materials. (Pending)

  • All forms of biofuel will mutually go into the 'biofuel' tank.

Venture Capital

  • Updated interest payment system to not create ledger entries if a person has already been bought out and has no remaining shares in a vc.


  • Stopped FSN regional land from spawning as buyable land.

  • Removed any prespawned land related to above.

  • Fixed an intermittent issue with rezoning land using political points.

  • Ended Secret Santa Event.


  • Created "Dispatch" article under logistics area.

  • Created "Weather" article under agriculture area.

  • Created "Offshore Oil Equipment" article under Resource Acquisition > Offshore Oil

  • Updated the "Offshore Oil" landing page with more accurate and up to date information.

  • Started work on "New Player Documentation"

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