


  • Worked out several bugs with airline configuration and flight scheduling in preparation for airline rollout.

  • Attempting testing of route sales

  • Attempting testing of passenger and cargo demand from the starter airports.


  • Fixed pending and denied agreements incorrectly showing potential equipment on site.

  • Updated agreement archiving to allow denied or pending contracts to be deleted by the user.

  • Began stage one testing of NPC contracted construction jobs.

Global Exchange

  • Added ability to access the exchange from Farm/Contractor companies temporarily until the transition out is complete.

  • NOTE: In order to buy / sell raw items, please use the OLD resource exchange which has been made temporarily available, working out a couple bugs with the new GE in regards to these!

  • Updated trade monitor to show per unit or per 1k based on if a order was placed for a raw or a finished good.

  • Activated first stage of NPC finished goods sales under new economic model for testing.

  • Implemented first phase of new economic model with more dynamic demand and supply systems.

  • Increased NPC sales after initial balance check.

  • Turned on Raw Good Sales On GE again for raw goods like crops and ore.


  • Updated how the next ship button works, providing more 'pre-checks' for completed tasks to avoid having to refresh on a ship that recently completed a task.

  • Added ability for salvage vessels to refuel from player vessels and not just from NPC.

  • Working on ability to get into bunker ship details page properly, this is coming soon.


  • Fixed Chain not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Filament Wire not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Packaged Steak not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Roofing Hammer not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Aluminum Can not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Crucible not appearing as recipe.

  • Fixed Canvas not appearing as recipe.

  • Continued work on prototypes and how they function for advanced manufacturing.

  • Continued UI work on shipyards and for advanced manufacturing items.

  • Prepared for beginning construction of resource distribution networks including powerlines and pipelines for oil/fuel.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed several oil anomalies stuck in the 'being surveyed' state.

  • Working on fixing issue that is causing specifically 'oil' anomalies not to finish their survey task even after survey ship has completed work.

  • Reduced odds of oil drill bit breaking (Note: In the future terrain type will play into this!)

  • Began framework of aforementioned terrain type affecting bit break and drill rates.

  • I have identified the issue regarding land oil plots that are not working. The issue appears to be tied to 'deep' oil deposits. I am working to resolve this issue and should have it taken care of by next patch.

  • Fixed Pricing issue on 700 series Dump Truck, anyone who got it at the 'free' rate will be charged appropriate market rate automatically.


  • Fixed train load overage. System would accidently ship more than it took from warehouses on finished goods in some instances (Generally when over 35 train cars were required.). This has now been fixed, and the maximum amount of cars per load has been set to 55. (Bulk system is coming for materials soon too!)

  • Prepared Easter shop for going live (Should be within 48 hours, but I noticed a couple items were not tallying properly so need to fix this tonight!)

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