

Diamond Den/Officers Club

  • Added in activate functionality for Officers Vault. Upon activation the company will have access to the Officers Vault. You can save up to 250m with interest accruing at a variable rate from .1-1.5% daily. Rates will change every few days. Expect interest to start early next week.

  • Prepped 4 new items for Diamond Den ( will be released over the coming 1-2 weeks with announcements)

  • Prepped 3 new items for Officers Club ( will be released over the coming 1-2 weeks with announcements)

  • Nearly finished configuring and testing of Thors Hammer, I expect this to be live next patch, just want to ensure all kinks are worked out before I send live to officers!

Global Market

  • Added category for toolcrib trailers when searching used market to make it easier to find those that may be for sale.


  • Added in abilities for the Codeathon Record 1 Truck.

  • Added in abilities for the Codeathon Group Gift Truck.

  • New Ship: Crabbing C1

  • New Ship: Crabbing C2

  • New Ship: Crabbing C3

  • New Ship: Crabbing C4

  • New Ship: Crabbing C5

  • Adjusted spawning mechanisms on semi logistics to incorporate companies that were not seeing activit.

  • Set Bulk Brothers to begin offering worldwide contracts.

  • Set Freight Cheap to begin offering worldwide contracts.

  • Fixed livestock trailers showing that they were a CR load and fixed red button so they now properly show as a non-cert load.

  • Shut down most of the 'Job Board' page, as this page is largely irrelevant now and will be getting phased out.

  • Finished activation of Accra, Ghana for seaport and shipping loads.

  • Finished activation of Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic for seaport and shipping loads.

  • Finished activation of Castries, Saint Lucia for seaport and shipping loads.

  • Finished activation of Saint Johns, Antigua & Barbuda for seaport and shipping loads.

  • Finished activation of Lagos, Nigeria for seaport and shipping loads.

  • Continued to add in framework for contracts on a recurring basis for semis.

  • Began plotting framework for acceptance of contract loads for ships.

  • Crabbing framework is mostly set, but waiting on testing to ensure actual catching RNG is in a place that I am happy with.


  • Fixed Spaghetti recipe not using cardboard properly for production.

  • Adjusted maintenance ratios on factories based on type, and began framework to also prepare for a more dynamic wear system based on line usage amongst other things.

Resource Acquisition

  • Turned down the spawn rate of random mine events.

  • Updated some of the to/from mine coding which was causing some of the speedy trucks to not be quite as speedy as they should be in certain situations.

  • Updated wood chippers to only begin work once the site is nearing/at cleanup phase, instead of beginning their work far earlier.

  • Updated it so that only dump trucks and pickups can be sent to mine sites from equipment details page, no longer can all be sent from there.

  • Updated the 'Get Perks' link on the resource page where you apply perks to a site to go properly to the new diamond den location.

Resource Exchange

  • Added in missing image for wool for warehousing and general market pages.

  • Made framework preparations to remove international shipping for the 'down period' between magic and realistic shipping. Expect shipping to go down in the next 1-2 patches.


  • Added New wiki entry for Codeathon Record 1 Truck.

  • Added New wiki entry for Codeathon Group Gift Truck.

  • Ensured company ID is showing when using Holding Company.

  • Updated wording on successful or failure to redeem Nauts to show 'points', a more generic term that will be used on both Nauts and FSN for sake of easy messaging.

  • Began redesigning development timeline on all items accross the board to begin integrating additional support on various items.

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