Implemented 143 new unique story plots to historic finds for deep sea salvage.
Made update to undocking availability to help resolve limited cases where a salvage ship would show in a dock even after leaving a player port.
NOTICE: I have held off for 1 more week on helo fuel consumption. Next week all helos and onboard aviation tanks will be filled 1 time free of charge, then you'll have to handle refueling!
Fixed issue with horse energy and morale not returning post training.
'De-Aged' all horses to 6 months due to above issue would have prevented proper timely training.
Fixed issue pertaining to equipment and fields not existing harvested state on timer.
Fixed issue with cotton harvesters not wanting to do their jobs (again).
Added manure/slurry production for all barn types and feed pens. Production happens daily. Facilities can hold up to 1,000 liters per animal before they are full. Next weeks patch will allow you to move it from the pen to a local warehouse. Then soon after you will be able to begin using it for fertilization with proper equipment.
Sheep & Horses Produce 100% manure
Cows produce 50% manure, 50% slurry.
Pigs produce 100% slurry.
Updated dairy barns to pull current corn & hay information from new warehousing
Updated feedlots to pull current corn & hay information from new warehousing
Updated pig barns to show food available from warehouses.
Updated pig barns to show consumption rates of food.
Turned on food consumption for cows.
Created dynamic moisture gain and loss based on soil type. Soil type will now play a role in drainage. Sandy soil is best for drainage, taking longer to become saturated and more quickly draining/drying. Loam maintains the current baseline rates, and Clay accumulates saturation quicker, while retaining it longer.
New Crop: Peaches, planted with tree planter, harvested with Coffee Harvester.
NOTICE: A new harvester for many tree/bush plant types is coming soon, this is your advanced notice.
hotfixed issue that happened in some instances of sonobuoy drops that could give a slightly off reading of ping detection location.
Hotfixed an issue that caused issues when deploying sonobuoys to mirrored grid locations.
Fixed bug with helicopter fuel consumption on sonobuoy drops.
Refilled all helicopter tanks after fixing above bug.
If a helicopter does not have enough fuel to make a run, it will no longer go on the run.
Fixed inability to start NPC jobs once all requirements had been met.
Finished automation of job site building, finishing and payout procedures.
New Building: HQ XL, capable of holding 1000 employees and allows for an executive board.
Made checkbook available to all company types including holding companies.
Added in wages for ship crews. Now reflected in daily ledger, which will have an entry of one single labor payment, but will break down in details what each category is paid. This process of turning on labor costs will continue over the coming weeks as part of our Spring HR and Corporate revamp/upgrade.
Removed old shipping center link from top menu.
Made Shipping log redirect to new exchange area.
Made Data center redirect to new exchange area.
Made reserve amount 'required' so that it cannot be left blank. Put 0 if you do not need any reserve kept. (This is filled in for you be default.)
Set monthly sales for raw goods to reset on first of each month.
Set monthly sales for finished goods to reset on first of each month.
Several minor updates to UI of landing page for HoS.
Fixed issue that would cause a issue when trying to do a daily check in and belonging to more than one HoS.
Began long term rework of leaderboard system. The goal is to give a lot more stat related goals in each industry, as well as having both 'lifetime' and 'last 90 day' stats so that long time players can see their long term achievements, and newer players can measure their performance in the current Quarter of the current year. This project will take some time to complete, but you will likely see the front end start to shift around in the leaderboard area in the next 1-2 weeks.
Added ability to see installed modules on regular ships in their detailed ship view (On left below ship image)
Removed old 'module install' pop-out modal from early days of module testing.
Removed erroneous old module image.
Continued work on prepping trainyards for initial release, we are close here, and just finishing testing!
Added ability to specialize production at a refinery. At the cost of 10% overall production, you'll be able to choose what type of output product you want more or less of.
Updated backend framework to allow above dynamic production amounts per refinery.
Recipe Update: Polyacrylonitrile now produces 96 per hour, and requires 96 plastics, 192 ammonia, 25 HG plastics and 25 water. Production cost is within 2% of previous, but more output with slightly more diverse input.
Recipe Update: Carbon Fiber now produces 72 per hour, requiring 60 polyacry (reduced from 1:1 ratio) but in addition now will require pulp, oil barrel and water. Cost is within 1% of previous, with more output and more diverse input.
Recipe Update: Kevlar now produces 72 per hour, linear increase in input requirements.
New Recipe: Smoke Grenade - Vehicle, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Mortar Shell - Smoke, produced at Armament Factory (RR)
NOTICE: Several recipes will be switching from Generic Factory to Chemical factory in the near future, expect 1-2 recipes a week to transition starting next patch. There has now been sufficient time to get chemical factories built since their introduction last summer.
New Recipe: Tow Rope, produced at Generic Factory.
New Recipe: Costume - Leprechaun, produced at Textile Factory (For the month of march profit margins are doubled on this in-season item!), it will be unable to be produced starting in April!
Added ability for refineries to add fuel trucks to their fleet. Trucks cost $80,000 bux per truck. Trucks will over time have maintenance costs as well, and when dynamic events come there will be the potential for breakdowns/total losses.
Updated Materials recipe book. Now when you search for what items contain a material, it will also tell you how that material itself is produced at the top of the table.
New Building: Armament Factory - Large. This is the larger version of Armaments factory, capable of running 25 lines.
NOTICE: Charcoal recipe will be moving away from specific wood types and going to woodchips, expect this in 1-2 patches.
New Player Experience
Work continues here as we hammer out the many links in a chain to making this work the way we'd like it to.
New Nauts starting 4/1 will be on the new system, which means we're going to be crunching to get this done, and may, if time proves short, start with 2 careers and then get the other 2 released over the couse of April.
New Nauts will have a 40% chance of starting in a random city and random country, and a 60% chance of starting in a country where there is an active HoS, so HoS, make sure you are logging in for your dailies to make sure you have high odds of potentially snagging fresh players for your country!
Hotfixed an issue with filtering operators.
New Research Branch: Distribution Economics, part of manufacturing research tree. First active effect is decreasing material cost of pipeline constructions. First 5 levels are live, covering up to 10k research.
New Research Branch: Crew Efficiency, part of logistics research tree. First active effect is decreasing amount of crew required to operate ships. First 10 lives are live, covering up to 35k research.
Resource Acquisition
Added the ability for woodchips to be hauled out of timber sites. Currently this happens automatically with regular semi loads. In a future update it will require a woodchipper on site to clear up brush and mulch. You'll also in the future have the option of setting entire sites for chipping (to make pulp and other items that are used in manufacturing) if you don't want entire logs harvested.
Updated Research > Manufacturing Research to include new branch, as well as formatted the page better and alphabetized researchable list.
Created Global Happenings Center, will tell recent happenings around the Globe by Nauts companies. It is not guaranteed to list your action everytime, but has a chance to, and helps the world feel a little more 'alive'.
Added global happening possibility to NPC semi loads.
Added global happening possibility to grain harvesting operations.
Added global happening possibility to train departures.
Added global happening possibility to plane departures.
Added global happening possibility to manufacturing runs.
Added global happening possibility to sealane departures.
Made several updates to backend structuring for ease of future updates in various industries.
Launched new in-house bug tracker, viewable through Support > Bug Tracker. If you find a bug while playing, check the tracker first. If you see the issue there, hit the "I have this issue" button (Only if you actively use the feature so we can accurately know affected users). This will partially generate
ticket details for you making your ticket submission easier, and updating the bug with our affected userbase more accurately.Performed refresh of DD specials.
Performed refresh of DD limited edition items.
Re-invoked daily payments script for rentals, and turned on labor costs daily for sea crews.