


  • Fixed pastures pulling available crops information from old warehousing system.

  • Fixed issue with pig barns not wanting to display proper warehouse amounts for items.

  • Hotfixed issue of inability to plant peaches.

  • New Tractor: MT975

  • Ability to harvest during wet conditions can now be impacted by new research.


  • Corrected messaging for successful launch of helicopter for sonobuoy deployment.

  • Added in 30 more unique stories for historical finds.

  • Added 10 new find variants and locations for historical finds.

  • Made backend preparations to change how helicopters calculate travel distance and time, this will go live next week.

  • I have pushed fuel use out one more week here due to balancing, and I am confirming you will receive a full tank on your ship and in your helicopter when this launches, but you will want to start finding a supplier for Jet Fuel!

  • Prepared framework for recovery of treasure and historic items.


  • Limited mystery auction participation to accounts older than 30 days.

  • Updated starting cost on mystery auctions to 1m.

  • Updated algorithms with mystery auction items.

  • Finished back end framework for delivery of non-buildings (boats, const equipment). This should go live next patch.

Commodity Broker

  • Fixed issue with not being able to see top menu when using Commodity Broker company.


  • Fixed error with material cost calculation for NPC jobs. Should now properly pay 5-25% above NPC base cost on material good inputs.


  • Fixed issue with not being able to see details page for HQ's.


  • Added St. Patricks items.

  • Added Several Trophies for upcoming events.

  • Adjusted text on a couple of older donator items that have been updated in the past couple months.

Head of State

  • Prepared back-end from work for launch of public services sector, which will play into prosperity and other items, more details will be posted in wiki soon on this soon to launch system.

Holding Company

  • Updated the way vehicle transfers work for semis. Now the code will smartly detect if a trailer is attached, and also if that trailer has equipment onboard. In the case of either, or both being true, it will move the trailer and equipment to the new company

  • A code was also ran to update all existing semis in the system, so that if they were affected by this earlier transfer bug/function issue, they will now be proper (Symptoms of this included trailers/equipment disappearing on unload/unhook, broken equipment images on trailers, etc)

  • The two above represent the culmination of a long period of bug hunting and adjusting, then formulating a plan to fix the issue for all 50,000 trucks at once. Enjoy!


  • Fixed issues with bulk brothers not spawning loads properly.

  • Fixed issues with Freight Cheap not spawning loads correctly.

  • Added in Hopper Bottom and Curtain Side Van loads to NPC provided loads.

  • Added ability for NPC companies to spawn cert required loads. These loads provide a chance to gain a little more rep per load than a non-cert load.

  • Fixed visual bug regarding module slot two when it was installed on a ship not showing on ship details page.

  • Added icon for contract completion notification for semi contracting.

  • Added alternative icon for contraction completion if political points received from semi contract.


  • Began work on prepping the back end for the use of blueprints and future manufacturing.

  • Did phase 1 of 2 of upgrading back end for new research items that are coming for manufacturing to improve efficiency and output.

  • NOTICE: Expect peat and coal consumption to resume within 2 patches!


  • New Research: Agriculture - Rain or Shine - Each level of research allows harvesting in 3% wetter crop conditions. Activated up to level 10.

  • Prepared Framework for PAX research

  • Prepared New PMC Research.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed bug that was causing sites that were only surface prospected to not be able to be excavated.


  • Added information about new agricultural research to appropriate page.

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