


  • Added ability to bulk milk dairy cows in a barn. Will produce 10% less milk but milks all cows with 1 click.

  • Added ability to bulk butcher cows from barn. Works like NPC but en masse. 6 options to choose from on which cows to select.

  • Added ability to buy multiple cows at once (1,5,10,25,50). Must have room in your barn or pasture!

  • Added final growth stage to white pine.

  • Added ability to harvest white pine, Requires Feller Buncher and Log Loader in appropriate city.

  • Added ability to use player facilities for butchering.

  • Updated growth mechanics on cows.

  • Prepared horses for next iteration of growth and training release.

  • Prepared Pig Barns for use.


  • Updated gas station data to also show FSN Fuel Station pricing in the competitor overview so that everyone knows what FSN fuel is currently priced at!

  • Prepared ability to expand to multiple fuel tank types in preparation for alternative fuel sales.


  • Added ability to archive Denied agreements.

  • Added ability to archive pending agreements (If you are the construction company and mis-send an agreement to wrong company etc.)

  • Removed Ability to detach trailers at construction sites.

  • Removed Ability to attach trailers at construction sites.

  • Reconfigured the equipment count system to account for toolcribs that are attached to pickups or dumptrucks so they do not need to be detached to count.

  • Added back ability to attach and detach trailers from the equipment details page. Equipment must be in the city to do so!

Global Exchange

  • Set the raw goods menu to be ordered by type (Food, Resource, Timber) and then by name alphabetically.


  • Made it so that all available cargo loads for shipped are sorted by country, then by city, for ease of finding loads in destinations you are seeking.

  • Separated Bunkering ships from the main cargo ship fleet overview so you don't have them cluttering your fleets, now they are visible via the bunkering filter.

  • Made it so that sea logistics loads that are 'too far' for a selected ship will now no longer show. In the future with ship revamp this will be a filter choice.

  • Made plane manual relocate function display as Country - City as opposed to the previous City, Country for easier searching.

  • Added ability to see how much a train is loaded from the overview page instead of having to go into the details page for the train.

  • New Ship: Kever class (5x20 Bulk)

  • Added Ability for semis to be 'mass moved' from a mine site to a city. To do this, trucks must all be in the same 'group tag', and then click the tick box that says 'assign to group'. Any trucks in the same location as the truck ordered will follow the order given.

  • Brought the ability to move construction and mining equipment on roro's back. Available on your RORO ship details page as long as you have the equipment in the port city, unloaded and idle.

  • Added ability to ship semis via roro. Again. They just need to be in the proper city and idle.

  • Added ability to ship semis with trailers via roro.

  • Activated the Double PP perk for Valentines 23 semi.

  • Added in framework for Kam SHH double haul capability. This is expected to push first for bobtailing operations, then to mining, then to construction, in that order over the coming weeks.

  • Added in backend framework to prepare for player operated fueling operations for aircraft.

  • Added in backend framework to prepare for player operated fueling of boats.


  • Added visual on property overview page to be able to see what a buildings current repair condition is.

  • Temporarily removed labor costs for manufacturing (Figured this was a good event to take it down while I upgrade things to the big manufacturing revamp!)

  • New Recipe: Chain, produced at general factory

  • New Recipe: Filament Wire, produced at electronics factory.

  • New Recipe: Packaged Steak, produced at Butcher

  • New Recipe: Roofing Hammer, produced at general factory

  • Added the current number out of total number of lines used in production to the overview page so that at a glance you know if you have production capacity available without going into details screen.

  • Added tabled list of goods in a factories warehouse area for easier viewing and for copying to spreadsheets. Click the icon to pop it up as it's own tab that just lists everything in table format.

  • New Recipe: Aluminum Can, produced at general factory.

  • New Recipe: Crucible, produced at Ceramics Factory.

  • New Recipe: Canvas, produced at Textile Factory.

  • Recipe Transition: Canola oil to Food Factory.

  • Recipe Transition: Coffee Beans to Food Factory.

  • Recipe Transition: Soybean Oil to Food Factory.

  • Added ability to public offer a factory (Only for butcheries currently). This allows you to make the facility available for butchering cattle for farms. You set the % fee you take as your fee. NPC rate is 50%, so anything lower and you are providing a better cost alternative for players. Currently this is range limited to Country, but may become more specific later.


  • Made a balancing update to housing filling. I have made it a balance between old setting and new setting (Which was intended for marketing which isn't quite in yet). Housing should fill a tinge quicker now.

  • Tweaked renewal rates on tenants to decrease likelyhood of a tenant leaving a currently occupied building.

  • Further Framework Preparations for release of utilities consumption.

  • Further Framework Preparations for release of marketing system.

Resource Acquisition

  • Increased the maximum pump jack capacity for land oil sites from .1 to .2 per acre. This now means sites down to as small as 3 acres can be worked for oil.

  • Increased the maximum hirable NPC logistics trucks per 'click' to 100 from 10 to help with quicker setup and facilitation of larger mine sites.

  • Added ability to transfer sea anomaly sites between companies.

  • New Excavator: EC750E

  • New Excavator: DX530LC-5

  • Added ability to see the 'last action performed' on a oil land site so you know what is needed for next step of operation if you do not have it on site yet.

  • Added ability to dispatcher liquid tanker to oil site.

  • Added ability to send liquid tanker away from oil site to unload oil.

  • Added ability to sell sea anomalies.

  • New Dump Truck: T800

  • New Dump Truck: 700 Series


  • Fixed issue with improper redirect on a failure to transfer a structure.

  • Added 'Accounts Receivable' section. This will continue to expand. Currently it tracks all outstanding sea shipments valuation that have yet to be delivered by your company but are aboard a ship.

  • Added ability to filter recipebook by finished good ingredient.

  • Added in company name to new venture capitalism notifications.

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