


  • Added in dynamic food need tracking for pastures. Currently the grain feed type is corn, but soon a new producible animal meal will be used.

  • Added in dynamic food need tracking for dairy barns.

  • Added in supplemental feed button for cattle. I am finalizing testing on this and you should expect release next patch.

  • Added in self butcher settings button. Again, this item is in finalized testing and will allow for semi automated butchering.

  • Animal coming next week: Pigs! So if you haven't got a barn yet, be sure to get one! Now that feed, growth, gestation etc are in it's time to start expanding your animal husbandry options!

  • Testing continues on dynamic weather. Expect Continental Based (Our first iteration) weather to begin emerging next week, with follow on weeks including actual rainfall!

  • Testing begins on irrigation systems and fertilization systems for crops.

Head of State

  • Made first adjustment to NPC population growth algorithm.

  • Tax collection delayed one week to ensure new population growth algorithm is working as planned, but collection should start soon.


  • Added Mystery Blueprint inventory item, not currently sellable or activatable!

  • New DD Item: ATW Costa Rica Truck

  • New DD Item: ATW Nicaragua Truck

  • New DD Item: Valentines 23 C919 Jet (Bonus 25% cargo capacity and 25% range!)


  • Officially opened the Suez Canal. Ships will now route through the canal when it is appropriate and a shorter route than not using the canal.

  • Currently canal will not have wait time or charges, but both will be coming in a near future update.

  • Updated Ship Load Generation system to account for opening of Suez canal, this means that because part of shipping cost is based on distance, some loads will now pay less due to decreased distance.

  • The below updates are temporary until the contract system comes live and adhoc shipping doesn't have as many vessels grabbing adhoc loads...

  • Increased Container load generation by 25% for long range and 33% for short range.

  • Increased Bulk load generation by approximately 20% for all ranges.

  • Increased RORO load generation by approximately 15% for all ranges.

  • Updated liquid load generation by approximately 25% for all ranges.


  • Added functionality to purchase operators! This is baby step 1 towards release. Next week, I will be adding in training and equipping functionalities to live if all goes well this week! Simply head to the black market,
    pick the operator you want, and hire them! (Daily costs are off until I get you guys fully live!). Operators will generate randomly every few days as available to hire.

  • Added "My Business" area for PMC companies (Please note many features here aren't active, but this is where you can view your current operators, and will also be where you equip and train them from, as well as a host of
    other things!

Real Estate

  • Updated housing algorithm for rentals. These will now happen daily versus hourly.

  • Updated logic for filling housing in preparation for next housing steps and requirements.

Resource Acquisition

  • Investigating limited instances of anomalies not completing properly, I will be aiming to push out a patch this weekend once I'm sure of the causation.


  • Began rework of landing page for website

  • Added in tracking of total structures for all types to front page.

  • Added tracking for arable acres and total cattle to front page.

  • Added in current NPC world population to front page.

  • Work continues on staff tooling, and beginning next week you will start to see a regular guaranteed release of 2 production items per week, I expect this number may very well increase with time, but this is a start to test the
    new system and it's efficiency.

  • New support ticket system set to go into testing Mid March.

  • Holiday hider shop hidden again to prevent user confusion, I am going to try to get this live this weekend I just didn't have time to squeeze in the 'free stuff' before patch due to the copious amount of other items being worked on and taking priority.

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