Nut Gallery
Added Information about ship that bunker ship is refueling including type, % filled, and liters remaining to fill completely.
Added visualization of access level granted below status on details page of bunkering ships, will show public, whitelist, or private respectively.
Removed 'Game Bux (FSN)' from ledger completely.
Made the default view for ledger your old 'Meta' ledger, which is now primary account here.
Removed the income only and expense only breakdowns.
Changed results from 100 to 25.
Added pagination, allowing you to view old entries, up to 200 pages worth, or approximately 3 months, whichever is hit first.
Slight reformatting of accounting homepage as we continue to smooth out the rough spots from transition, also changed GNAV/NAV to Gross/Net Valuation.
Fixed redirect issue to do with agricultural construction.
Fixed button not showing for sending Dump Truck to city from construction site.
Enabled ability for semis to take generators back to city.
Fixed issue with equipment unloading from low boy not registering to site in some instances.
Added in temporary way to view construction lots on finished sites, via the overview page for that type of land in that city (EX: Properties > Place > Commercial Land). This will
serve as a temporary way to get to your last vehicles on site until I have a more elegant method in.Fixed issue with driving Dump Trucks or Trucks to city and them being stuck driving after arrival time.
Gaming Center
Removed access to lotto system as it is now undergoing a revamp and cannot be live during that revamp.
Removed Lottos & Grid Raffle buttons from menu as they are inactive atm.
Fixed missing lake image.
Holding Company
Made sure that transferring sea assets will now transfer crews and captains if they are onboard the ship in question, whether it's a single ship or all ship move.
Put in a fix for instances where ships with an agreement wouldn't get the agreement rate (10/29).
Put in a fix that could cause a ship to remain in fueling status while no longer taking on fuel.
New Feature: Changed ship refueling accounting measures for optimization and prettifying of ledgers. Ships will now refuel until you tell them to
stop, or until full, or until your account would be at $0 with how much you have filled, and you will pay lump sum for however much fuel you have filled with. If you are the owner of a bunker ship, you will
receive lump sum payment when the client stops refueling. This means one ledger entry for buyer and seller instead of dozens or hundreds per fill up. This is experimental, so we'll have to give it a test run!Fixed issue with generation of seaborne routes from New York to Toamasina and vice versa.
Added basic pagination to Ship Fleet Overview, made results 10 per page.
Fixed issue with ships being able to fill past tank capacity when refueling from bunker ship
New Feature: Ship sales. You can now sell ships. This is first baby implementation. In order to sell, ship must be idle, fully fueled, and not crewed. Ships can
be purchased like any other used equipment on market.New Feature: Electric Semi's now released to main population from Nut Gallery
Added new Google map version of sea ports, viewable on the details page of any cargo ship, underneath it's current location by clicking the map icon.
Removed old map version from overview area.
Added indicator of how full refueling ship is from fleet overview, expressed as a percent.
Removed attaching NPC load or sending to facility from main fleet overview to improve loading time optimization, all these options are now available on details page and
that is where dispatching should happen.Modified Selling UI on Truck fleet overview to be in line with the new ship sales system, this will be the system most sale items will convert to for usability and cleaning up of UI.
International Route: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to Lilongwe, Malawi added.
Fixed issue where LE Werewolf wouldn't attach to a Heavy Haul load in certain situations.
Added Rookie truck, only available to new signups, and cannot be sold in voucher or truck form.
Adjusted nightly payroll to only show in ledger if you actually have factory workers to pay. No more $0.00 entries.
New Recipe: Chainlink Fence
New Recipe: Machinegun Ammo
New Recipe: Hydrogen
New Recipe: Air Filtration System
New Recipe: Gas Filtration System
Finished work on Factory material good shipping. You can now domestically ship factory goods with your company or make it an open offer. Please note some types of goods may require certifications to haul! I have added the trailer haul type to the recipes page.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed bug that could cause a prospect to occasionally find no resource, but partially look like there was one.
Added registration form to home page.
Added wiki banner to right side of homepage.
Changed wiki link under Data menu to the new Entreprenauts wiki (still heavily under construction!)
Changed 'Properties' link name to 'Business Operations' to more accurately reflect all it now encompasses.
Opened Halloween Shop.
Rearranged 'Interactions' menu to be more practical with more commonly visited links towards the top.
Removed the long overdue to be removed Ride the Wave pack from Naut shop.
Created separate login tracking for FSN and Entreprenauts.
Daily Reward cycle redone, now daily reward is 1 Gold Box (Formerly Meta Box). (Partially Live) This is not the finished system, but is a start on the new system.
Removed Daily Login/Level Reward info/links from My Perks area as we continue revamp.
Created new tracking for days of month and total days logged into Entreprenauts.
Removed all Ranch Hand and Groomer workers for clean up, bug control, and to prep for future releases.
Fixed Halloween Scarecrow Image.
Fixed being unable to list LE Vouchers on player market.
Added Trailer Required to haul to Factory Recipes.
Added all current LE Semis to wiki.
Set up initial logistics page, as well as converted trucking 101 guide to the wiki.
Set up several place holder pages, will be working on filling in info in the coming weeks, doing a bit each week!
SPECIAL EVENT: To mark both the month of November, and our 1 year anniversary of Semi Logistics in Entreprenauts, we're hauling some major turkey! Turkey loads can be found in
every country around the globe. They are on a flatbed but require no certification, and they pay 3x what a normal job does! There's also a turkey hauling competition! Who can haul
the most turkeys, and what will you win for doing so? It's a mystery, but you can track your progress and see others by visiting the Ground Grunt Board! Gobble Gobble!Turkey Hunt. Find and click turkey’s all month for prizes in the prize shop next month!