Fixed issue with series name not taking properly from rocket designer
Added in Stage 2 Rocket Designer
Made VABs capable of assembling stage 2 rockets.
Completed Module Docking System for stations.
Fixed false bids showing up in mystery auction area.
Fixed being able to merge fields not in same city.
Fixed being able to merge a field that was still prepping.
Allowed cows to age up to 5 years instead of just over 3 as we continue the roll out of animals PRE-1.
Allowed cows to have a chance of becoming pregnant if they are over 2 years old (This age will be able to be decreased in the future via research!).
Set up unique identifier to show when a cow is pregnant and when they are expected.
Set up NPC butchering. NPC butchering occurs once a day on any cattle marked for butcher, and the meat will be credited to your raw materials warehouse for that city. NPC butchering only allows you 50% of the gross weight of the animal due to loss and payment of the butcher. Using your own butcher (Coming in next week or two), will allow you to retain 70%, and this can again be improved through research!
Allowed horses to age up to 12 months (1 year old) as we continue to roll out animals PRE-1.
Horses will now begin to consume food and bedding.
Horses will begin to have hygiene needs now!
New Perk Item: United Production. This grants a 25% bonus to all production line groups in a facility for 72 hours, with no extra materials used! Perk will go live before next patch, just want to make sure new production revamp deploys smooth before adding in another variable to the pie!
Return of the Eminent Domain perk
Removed icebreakers from next ship queue.
Require a Santa bound load in order to get to the Arctic Rally Point
Fixed various issues with dry bulk ships and Santa Loads
Fixed escaping from the North Pole
Fixed issue that could cause driver misallocation in some instances (This was the reason driver firing/switching was turned off during the week. It has now been restored.)
New Port: Walvis Bay, Namibia
Added in m3 capacity to marketplace listings for Underground Wheel Loaders
Added in m3 capacity to marketplace listings for Underground Dump Trucks
New Wheel Loader: HL980
New Wheel Loader: HL955
New Wheel Loader: HL930
New Semi: FH16 HH
New Ship: Cryogenic C4
New Aircraft: AN-158
Aircraft Retired from New Sales: AN-72
Made new wood types visible in warehousing view of factories and production facilities.
Made new wood types visible in Storage - Raw Materials view.
PRODUCTION REVAMP: Production has been completely rebuilt from the ground up and designed with efficiency for you and for the system. We've optimized the codebase to under 1/10th of it's former size while making your lives easier than ever. Under the new system, from your factory details page, simply click "Line Groups". Select the line group (Each factory has 10 line groups), and then the number of lines, the product, and the production time. All factories now have their max possible lines from day 1, no more buying additional lines. You cannot utilize more lines than your factory has. A linegroup can have 1 single line or up to your factories maximum line numbers. There are production bonuses and savings for using multiple lines and for longer runs. Please note it will take all required materials UP FRONT for a production run, and then your warehouse will receive the output hourly as it did before. A linegroup can be changed on the fly but you will lose any remaining raw materials that were going into the production run you are overriding, so be careful! Documentation coming soon!
Spreadsheet Nerd Note: Maximum Setup (60 Days) will yield a whopping 10% material savings. In addition, each line grants a .5% bonus to output (Which constitutes both a productivity and material bonus as no additional materials are taken.). This means a 25 line factory running a 60 day production could in theory achieve a 22.5% material savings and a bonus output of 12.5% over the time period!
Special Notice: Currently, some special factories like Refineries and Power Plants may not work as intended, so please standby on these, we will have these items worked out by next patch.
Added new wood types to warehousing overview for raw goods under interactions.
Added new wood types to filtering options for warehouse overview under interactions.
Fixed Christmas Cookie tally not going up on sales.
Made it so ships going to Rally Point in Arctic must have Santa cargo on board or be icebreaker.
Put in safeguard to ensure all Santa cargo is offloaded or you get a nice long trip!
Made it so dry-bulk ships can get to Arctic Rally Point
Made sure the elves are counting shipping containers properly.
New Red/White/Blue week schedule is being formed for working on existing features and giving them small bits of love every few weeks. There will also be one documentation week per month where we will work on catching up and updating documentation in the wiki so we can get to a place where it is a valuable resource for all industries in Nauts.