


  • Fixed an issue that could cause some agriculture equipment, namely white pine harvesting items, to not return to idle state after harvesting had completed.

  • Returned all affected vehicles to idle state after fix was implemented.

  • Made it possible to merge fields in plowed AND prepped states.


  • Fixed issue that would allow archiving in certain situations.

  • Fixed issue with Skidsteer requirements on some NPC build sites.


  • Updated Diamond Den checking system, which is the first step towards more automation of diamond den rotation of specials and LE's.

  • Began internal testing of perk point system in order to ensure it is ready for future event use.


  • Made material transfers possible again (hotfix)

  • Added in additional safeguards to player semi shipments for delivery verification.

  • Added in additional safeguards about load generation. Old system would check current number of open semi jobs, but would allow generation of huge bulk loads, meaning it could generate a thousand semi loads for a product. Now it checks both for existing loads, and
    ensures that the load being generated is not more than 5 semis (the current threshold for open semi loads for shipment for a company). If you need to move a large quantity, utilize train shipments.

  • Performed first pass of NPC buyer algorithms on exchange system.


  • Made additional preparations for automated monthly updating of prosperity (Will kick live next patch.)

  • Made preparations for city drilldowns and overviews to begin next level management of countries at city level.

  • Prepared everything for first of the month re-launch of monthly prosperity checks, including additional new gain items, and tracking of 'minimum to maintain' amounts.


  • Fixed trains not being able to be added to train depots.

  • Made it so that if max number of trains is reached, add train form will no longer show.

  • Added in additional safeguard checks to prevent a module from 'poofing' when trying to install own module to non-existing module slot.

  • Fixed issue with construction tag deletion going to a 404 instead of performing action.

  • Released all bunker ships to idle state to allow upgrades to be installed while work finishes on refueling revamp.

  • Fixed incorrect redirect after renaming a ship.

  • Fixed issue with timber ships being able to take bulk timber loads larger than their available capacity.

  • Performed monthly air loads optimization.

  • Performed monthly sea loads optimization.

  • Performed monthly train loads optimization.

  • Performed monthly semi loads optimization.


  • Corrected an issue in a couple cities that would cause slow page load times, couple more still on the list (semis)


  • New Building: Ceramics Factory - Large pushed live.

  • New Building: Glass Factory - Large pushed live.

  • New Building: Chemical Factory - Large pushed live.

  • New Building: Electroncis Factory - Large pushed live.

New Player Experience

  • Completed framework for first 5 agricultural missions and they have entered testing.

  • Completed framework for first 5 logistics missions and they have entered testing.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed incorrect error and success messaging for group tagging equipment at mine sites.

  • Added in 'self-service' warehouse fixing. If you happen to start a new mine and you aren't receiving your goodies, click the Fix WH button on the semi page under mine sites.

  • In addition to the above, if you see any warehouse count above "1" (such as ... 2), drop a ticket with mine id. I believe most all duplication issues have been fixed, but there may still be a few that need to be deleted.

  • Fixed issue with being unable to haul in fuel to your fuel bladders with owned semis.

  • NOTICE: Due to the above bug, fuel consumption will start in 7-14 days, instead of May 1st.


  • Handled a LOT of small bug tickets to do with various UI and other issues.

  • Hunted down the 'too much finished good' warehouse issue (If you have an affected WH please report)

  • Hunted down most all of the duplicate wh creation issues (If you have any still, please report)

  • Put in additional safeguards against duplications and failed deliveries.

  • Added in the "Fix WH" button. Advised that when users start a new mine and assign semis, they hit that button if it shows as a 'double-check' that everything is working fine, while we continue back end optimization.

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