


  • Fixed issues relating to growth stages on Switchgrass.

  • Updated barn operations for feeding operations, as well as preparing them for manure / slurry operations for farms with adequate research. Another soon to be live feature!

  • Prepared barn framework for sheep. Hoping for first breed of sheep to come available next week in first capacity with growth to 1 year.

  • Conducted testing on pregnancy and adult growth for pigs, hoping to release pigs completely to the state of cows (Growth/Pregnancy/Butchering) next week.


  • Have gotten deep sea salvage to the point of testing identification, recovery, and retrieval of deep sea salvage. These are the final steps before I can push this live to everyone. Testing is expected to take 1-2 weeks and will align with the finish up of the sealane revamp.


  • Performing final testing on construction operations for NPCs, this includes hauling in and out materials to job sites. Once this testing is finalized, we will be ready to release NPC construction, my hope is 1-3 weeks here.

  • New Dump Truck: T800.


  • Performed testing of final large leg of logistics sea lane revamp. This will be the final stuff that needs to be wrapped up congruent with archaeology deployments on anomalies to open up all anomalies again.

  • New Semi: TGX

  • New Train: G2000BB.


  • New Recipe: Bagged Rice, produced at Food Factory.

  • New Recipe: Acoustic Guitar, produced at Generic Factory.

  • Updated manufacturing wear and tear algorithm for future deployments.

  • Prepared framework for "Oil Derrick" Recipes, to manufacture completed Oil Derricks for deployment onto oil anomalies. These recipes are in testing and should go live with next patch. Obviously these will be research required recipes as well!


  • Due to me conducting work on the automation, I will be postponing this weekends races but will be starting up regular races really soon, so keep those engines revved and tires warm!

Resource Acquisition

  • Made and began testing framework for fuel storage and fuel delivery, expected to go live in 1 and 2 weeks respectively.

  • Testing fuel consumption framework to ensure everything is running smoothly, ran this on all 30,000 mines but restored your fuel after. The test went well so we are moving forward on fuel consumption plans!

  • Began framework for equipment breakdowns in construction and mining (If you have regular dump trucks on mine sites this is your early warning they will take a beating much quicker than dump trucks designed for heavy mining operations!)


  • Prepared Oktoberfest shop area (will include stuff from previous hider store opportunities to get us all caught up. This will launch with next patch.)

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