Updated satellite constellation framework to handle larger constellations in preparation for next feature launches.
Slight adjustment to load bearing algorithms on launches of satellites and space station components.
Hotfixed issue with sheep sheering going a little too deep and getting mutton instead of wool!
Removed errant mutton listings from warehousing system due to above bug.
Bug Report #48 Resolved 'unable to process mass butcher of pasture in some instances'
Added in fertilization status to fields. States are unfertilized, 50/100% Non-Organic, 50/100% Organic.
Bug Report #55 Removed 'Same graphic for peas harvested or ready to harvest'. The graphic was found to be proper and different, notable less greenery when harvested.
Updated horse birthing and genetic algorithm for updates.
Updated horse training outcome and effects based on age, health condition, and some minor breed level variations.
Prepared framework for fertilization operations. Expect this live next patch, with the ability to fertilize fields twice during their 'Growing' stages. Fertilization will have output yield effect as shown on wiki.
Fixed redirect issue when unloading Salvage ship cargo. Remember ship must be at a port and idle (Does not need to be in a bay) to unload cargo! Click the cargo box icon and then the red unload button!
Bug Report #50 Resolved 'unable to refuel archaeology ships'.
Continued framework for 'groundwork' style construction jobs, expect announcements on this soon once testing has reached a more complete place. These jobs will be a focal point for young construction companies.
Bug Report #31 Resolved 'Sometimes trailers would show inaccurate location when attempting to buy in exchange on used market'.
Made monthly update to NPC purchasing algorithms based on data, should see slight buffs to most sales, but nothing dramatic.
Head of State
Bug Report #52 Resolved 'Unable to see electronics prosperity numbers'
Added in prosperity requirements for levels 4 and 5 of prosperity.
A large rework continues to go on here, and currently any 'sales' will not impact prosperity so feel free to stockpile while we continue this large upgrade to the HoS system!
Added in framework for economic booms and busts for countries, regions and cities meaning certain periods will see higher or lower sales based on several factors that will be coming into play (Economy, Tourism, Supply of basic needs, luxury goods, etc.)
Bug Report #54 Resolved 'unable to rest semi drivers'.
Bug Report #37 Resolved 'Intermittent distance discrepancies on some oceanic flights.'
Bug Report #38 Resolved 'Unable to unload all at a site with dispatch feature' (Resolved in a previous patch but forgot to remove from tracker)
Bug Report #8 Resolved 'Hebron mispelled in system as Herbon'. Corrected across logistics, land, etc.
Began backend overhaul of salvage ships for UI update (Expect 24-72 hours downtime for this ship type between now and Aug 15)
Began backend overhaul of survey ships for UI update (As with above, expect 24-72 hours of downtime for this type between now and Aug 15)
Updated load distribution for Semi Loads, and began preparations for several new national level companies.
Officially began testing of first baby version of blueprint manufacturing. This is a long awaited feature and we still have a lot of work to go, but early testing looks promising!
Prepared framework for blueprint transfers from city to city via plane (Expect availability next patch of basic function, with more advanced method in August)
Added weights and hauling methods to about half a dozen recipes that were missing this information.
Updated expiration timers on several recipes that are moving out of generic factory and into specialized factories (All visible on recipes page)
New Player Experience
Completed all 15 logistics starter missions and began first phase of testing.
Round two of testing completed on agricultural missions, once remaining bugs are squashed this will be considered 'Done' for the first baby release.
Began work on Construction starter missions, completed about 2 of these so far this week.
Resource Acquisition
Ran final tests of fuel delivery to mine sites. Reminder this goes LIVE August 1st!
Added in XP gain functionality. This is a long planned feature that allows working equipment to gain XP, which will then make that equipment more effective on future sites it is used on. This also applies to construction equipment. XP will be visible in the near future on the details page of each piece of equipment, and will be a factor in deciding whether you should overhaul and keep equipment or salvage/scrap it as it gets older and wears out quicker!
Continued work on 'Breakdown/Repair' functionality for mine sites. Expect more thorough testing in August and a launch likely in September, with documentation coming ahead of time (Stock up on spare parts, and get fleet maintenance facilities built, or work with a player who has these items!)
The Beyond
Fixed issue with jumping to stations not working in some instances.
Bug Report #53 Resolved 'Vellostrium image not showing in module design'
Drafted (Not public yet, but will be next patch) article regarding vehicle maintenance and breakdowns for mine sites (will be very similar for construction sites)
Minor updates to several "Beyond" articles with new information.
Minor updates to mining articles in preparation for new information on refueling and above listed maintenance drafts.