Added back the ability to sell agricultural structures. These will be sellable even with animals in them. If there are animals inside, they will be removed and not recoverable as soon as you list for sale!
Added agricultural research point gain for mass butchery operations for cattle.
Added agricultural research point gain for mass butchery operations for pigs.
Added in top and bottom safeguards to ensure water moisture never goes below 0 or above 100.
Refixed issue with fruit harvesting in some situations.
Fixed issue causing harvest option to show for unrelated crops not tied to coffee harvester.
Fixed issue with orange harvest being ready at improper times.
Added a new historic findable salvage item.
Added multiple new unique storylines for added item.
Made live consumption of helicopter fuel when dropping buoys. (Due to below not having time to test, I will hold this 1 week, consumption to start next week, final notice.)
Added in framework for refueling at a port for aviation tank. This will be live next week.
Fixed an issue that could cause a ship delivery to go into never never land.
Fixed lingering issue that could cause construction to complete on a research facility but it would be stuck in constructing status.
Added work hour gain to equipment actively working.
Added ability to 'install' a toolcrib upgrade to any non-articulated dumptruck. This is the new system as we will be phasing out the old pulled trailers for sake of ease for users understanding and system efficiency. Simply go to the details page of your equipment, and upgrade your dump truck to have the crib!
NOTICE: Those who have toolcribs currently, we will be WIPING all legacy toolcribs from the system on April 30th. You will be reimbursed for the full cost of these toolcribs, so fear not. Begin getting cribs installed on dump trucks now!
Added ability for dumptrucks to be driven 'To A Site' of your choosing now. Easily select site type, and type in site id, and off it goes!
Removed Toolcrib as a purchasable item in the marketplace.
The above system will be paving the way for new solutions for the construction industry including dumptruck towed flatbeds for smaller equipment, and even truck pulled flatbeds and tool cribs for smaller construction operations.
Fixed missing image for HQ - XL.
NOTICE: HR Expansion Requirements come live over the next couple patches (This was posted a couple months ago and has been in Maintenance Channel. Since we forgot to put it in changelog last week, we're pushing this out one additional week.). This means that in order for your company to hire more workers, equipment etc, you will need proper HR structure!
Distributed Easter LE items.
Added "City Planning" to interactions menu for HoS. This is for upcoming features regarding actions for individual cities!
Added City Overview page. Please note most data here is static at the moment, remaining as placeholders until the system goes fully live. Expect pieces of this interface to come on, and more to get filled out, in coming patches this spring and summer!
Removed range limitation on air cargo loads. Can now create global loads, but remember, only a plane capable of the range and size will be able to take the load, so be mindful!
Added automated renewal in so that listings that are past expiration but set to renew will auto renew.
Added in NPC dynamic purchasing power. They will now use the industry dynamic pricing to make purchase decisions, meaning there will be opportunities to sell at above base pricing, as well as times to hold your stock and wait for an uptick, or potentially relocate it to sell elsewhere!
NPCs will now also purchase if something is AT the current dynamic price, not just BELOW.
Added in work hours since last overhaul and overhaul count to used equipment listings.
Updated air shipments to work off of nautical mile system to match aircraft range measurements more directly.
Added ability to make buy orders. Use the same form as sell orders but select "Buy This" from the dropdown for order type, and for the quantity, put the total amount you would like to buy, and the price you'd like to buy at.
Slight update to search forms UI.
Removed erroneous FSN data from Goods Data results.
Made sealane shipping list alphabetically ordered for raw bulk shipments.
Removed 'buy' orders from showing as selling listings.
Added ability to 'create' a warehouse entry for any raw good (Will give you 1 liter of the item), this is a temporary gap to allow people to create raw goods orders in any location until we get a more permanent system in place.
Hotfixed map pop up not working in ship details page.
Hotfixed some text showing black on black on ship details page.
Reset all outstanding NPC deliver loads for them to redeliver now that patch fixed origination issue.
Fixed issue with raw material loads delivered by player semi not showing up in new warehouse.
Fixed Feed the Need II truck consuming fuel in some instances.
Fixed issues with drivers intermittently losing HAZMAT certification on removal or change company.
Fixed issue with gas stations not able to fill Gasoline tanks to proper capacity.
New Train: AC6000CW, Diesel with maximum tractive effort of 5250 tons.
Updated dispatch system to prevent groups that are named the same from showing one anothers' vehicles if not in the same company.
Refixed issue with bulk timber loads not properly loading into ships.
Fixed issue with group dispatch not getting rid of their previous site info when group dispatched to new city.
Adjusted NPC Contract algorithm to offer a wider variety in contracts.
Added "Cert Type" to the "Manage Contracts" screen for NPC Contracts.
Fixed display bug in NPC Contract system for completed contracts.
Fixed issue that would prevent industrial buildings from transferring if they had previous run data stored in their production groups.
Fixed image for Spare Parts - Large.
New Factory: Electronics Factory - Large, capable of up to 25 lines of production.
Removed the $6 cap on sending quotes for people interested in sending them as opposed to closing / denying.
Fixed issue that would cause error when hiring fuel trucks for a refinery.
Added ability to cancel or deny an agreement offer in pending or offer pending status.
Added in further details on contract including mine site number, and type of fuel requested.
Added new recipe - Flashlight, produced in the Electronics Factory
Added new recipe - Remote Control Car, produced in the Electronics Factory
Fixed being able to send a squad on more than one mission at a time.
Fixed not being able to see debrief screen after a mission.
Made it so that the country generated for a mission is randomized.
Resource Acquisition
Added ability to select NPC supplier for fuel on mine sites. Price is $6 per liter, and the contract will be auto-accepted and will auto start.
New Service Truck (Storage): MS4000
New Service Truck (Storage): MS8000
New Service Truck (Mechanic): Model 100
New Service Truck (Mechanic): Model 300
New Service Truck (Mechanic): Model 500
Moved the "Haul In Products" function to the "Fuel Operations" area, as this keeps all fuel related items in 1 screen for ease of understanding.
Added work hour gain to equipment actively working.
Added the default on site fuel capacity of 2,500 liters to all mines. This will always be available, and will serve as a way for small mines to operate without needing to haul in bladders.
Added ability to cancel or deny an agreement offer in pending or offer pending status.
Added ability to accept offered fuel agreement. Once accepted, all other offers will be auto-denied, and fueling will start within 24 hours, and then continue to occur once daily until cancelled, or until delivery attempts fail for more than 14 days (meaning your site isn't consuming fuel enough and the bladders are full.). After 14 days of not being able to make delivery, the agreement will auto cancel.
NOTE: On the above, first fuel delivery date will be this coming weekend, I'm just finishing testing on the automation portions, but expect this live during split.
Added new article "Mining Fuel & Maintenance/Breakdowns", added a lot of information on the fuel system, and the information we have available to put out regarding the maintenance system.
Added new column "Ideal pH" level to Crop & Harvest requirements page.
Added new page "Advanced Fieldwork" under agriculture. This discusses more advacned fieldwork techniques and yield bonus potentials.
Made initial update to the old "Global Exchange" article, now called "The Exchange".
Updated "Ore Types & Data" under resource acquisition to include base market value and whether the mineral is found shallow/deep/both
Added new article/category "Corporate Structuring", this area will be used to explain how the corporate structure works, employee staffing requirements, etc.
Added global notification chance when marking land for prospecting.
Made grain harvest notifications chance check for other harvest operations within the past 15 minutes as a validation for global notification.
Removed and closed out old savings accounts tied to banks that have closed (This is a normal process conducted a couple times per year. Remember when a bank is closing there is a 90 day window where it will show "Closing", this means it is time to get your savings out!)