Added approximately 20 new recipes for tech as it is revealed via researching.
Added Payload, Recovery System and Safety System in to Rocket designer.
Added Aerodynamic Pressure Test Bracket module to complex module possibilities
Added the auto payment and delivery of land auctions won. This will generally happen once per day within 24 hours of you winning an auction, so be sure to have your funds ready!
Removed the username from recent bids so that players looking to expand sectors of their companies they may not want public yet can do so.
Fixed issue with being able to see bobtailing semis on origination city construction sites while they were enroute to new location.
Head of State
Began framework of government setup. This framework once live will take you through some initial questions to design the HoS system around your particular tastes for running your virtual country.
Built framework for HoS homepage.
Built roughed out menu for HoS that is unique from other company menus.
Adjusted and upped spawn rate on NPC semi loads while new contract system is being finalized. Should now see more national and international loads starting to propagate.
Moved all domestic load generation onto the new free roam system, meaning all semi generation is now done via the new freeroam programming which is more efficient and generations more unique results for you guys, and will now provide unique international, and domestic routes.
Fixed Albania showing duplicate routes in some instances via sealane.
New Ship: Recovery Class 1 (Note! Currently this is only for Aerospace companies, in the future they can contract out the job to other companies.)
New Ship: Recovery Class 2 (Note! Currently this is only for Aerospace companies, in the future they can contract out the job to other companies.)
Fixed missing routes for St. Petersburg, Russia port.
New Port: Riga, Latvia
Fixed recipe book to not show other companies prototypes of blueprint items, only the original base item that can be researched if you meet the research requirements.
New Recipe: Portable Bluetooth Speaker, Produced at Electronics Factory
New Recipe: Packaged Steak, will be produced at Butchery.
New Recipe: Cooking Pan Set, produced at Factory.
New Recipe: Bed Sheets, produced at Textile Factory.
Revamped and cleaned up interface for prototyping.
Cleaned up functionalities under specialty research area.
Removed 50 scientist cap from specialty research now that multiple facilities can be combined.
Fixed issue with some industry specific researches acting wonky when completing.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed bug that could cause strange ore sample to be given but not properly displayed in inventory.
Venture Capital
Added the ability to perform soft buy back of part of an offering. You can still buyback all at once, or you can buy back share by share in any quantity, up to the amount of your largest shareholder per transaction. This is done from the same area that you would perform a mass buyback previously.