Added ability to mass butchery pigs via player owned butchery.
Fixed Tobacco ready for harvest image.
Added ability to chip white pine during harvest versus straight log harvest.
New Animal: Chickens (Use Bird Coops)
New Breed: Chicken - Cornish Cross
New Slurry Spreader: 550 Series
Fixed image for 5518 Series Manure Spreader
New Harvesting Dredge: Model H (To be used with several upcoming crops, and some transitioning!)
Made it possible for sheep to age out to 10 years.
Turned On Butchery For Sheep.
Added pregnancy, gestating and birthing of sheep.
Added ability to sheer sheep, once per game year (12 days)
Adjusted Mass butcher pasture to fix issue with non-filtered butchering
Adjusted match butcher self butchery from pasture to fix issue with pasture counts not updating.
Added ability to see remaining spots and total spots available on all animal bearing buildings in agri overview.
Fixed issue with adding irrigation to a field.
Fixed issue with adding drainage to a field.
Added irrigation and drainage indicators to fields with these installed.
Added 'Next Ship' button for Salvage ships.
Fixed missing image for Antiquities Restoration facility.
Added in new potential avenues of gaining RP while also adjusting some existing methods for balancing.
Added ability to filter and look for all equipment of a certain type in all countries instead of only in specific countries.
Made it possible to view details page for the new XL HQ.
Added 'Port Data' page under Data Center. Includes all player ports, available piers/bays, as well as if you click the details button you can see what modules are available for install currently.
New Research: Load Scaling. Each level increases load liaison load finding by 5% (larger loads). 10 levels available.
Made Load Scaling research effects live.
Fixed issue with 'Unload Here' dispatch command.
Added 'Refuel This Group' dispatch quick command, refuels all semis in group.
Added ability to see a group tag for a semi from the overview page if they have a tag group assigned.
New Ship Class: Tug - Will be used for recovering stranded vessels (player & npc) as well as delivering supplies to various offshore operations (player & npc)
New Ship: Tug 339 Class.
Added ability to load a semi tag group onto a RORO in bulk.
Updated Sappertonian train transport to 65000 from 1000 for new VSU loading model.
Added ability to load trains onto Train Transport Ships.
Made live train scheduling for retrieval of raw goods and bringing them back to station.
Adjusted Semi Logistics Load Algorithm.
Adjusted Semi Logistics Expiration timers for NPC generated loads to accommodate above changes.
Updated Player Port map for sealane shipping with all recently added player ports.
Fixed issue with 'Send Semi Group To Site' command, both with and without equipment.
Updated Semi Driver rest system to use the newer system allowing you to choose the number of hours or days instead of only one hour at a time.
New Building: Fleet Maintenance - Large, can handle up to 25 vehicles / equipment at once.
New Building: Fleet Maintenance - XL, can handle up to 50 vehicles/equipment at once.
Added a safety check that engineer has to be removed from train before selling.
Added in additional docking/undocking safeguards for Ports.
Added in ability to see how many bays or piers are available when you are in a shipyard.
Option to dock at a bay or pier will no longer show up if one isn't available, and form will not show at all of there are no piers or bays available.
Fixed image for Oil Derrick - Platform
Fixed image for Rig Drill System Upgrade
New Recipe: Pumpkin Latte, produced in food factory
New Recipe: Ice Cream Cake, produced in food factory
New Recipe: Elmartains Heath Candy Bar, produced in food factory.
New Recipe: DSSV - Series 210 (RR), produced in Specialty Factory
New Recipe: DSSV - Series 300 (RR), produced in Specialty Factory
New Recipe: DSSV - Series 620 (RR), produced in Specialty Factory
New Recipe: Table - Iroko Walnut, produced in Furniture Factory
Recipe Update: Simple Interior module, increased to 100 units per hour, linear increase in material inputs.
New Recipe: Oil - Regular, produced at Generic Factory.
New Recipe: Oil - Synthetic, produced at Chemical Factory.
New Recipe: Propylene Glycol, produced at Chemical Factory.
New Recipe: Mineral Oil, produced at Chemical Factory.
Fixed missing image for Golf Clubs
Fixed missing image for Guitar - Electric
Fixed missing image for Styrofoam.
New Item: Eggs, only produced through chickens.
New Recipe: Egg - Carton, produced at Food Factory
New Recipe: FN FAL, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)
New Recipe: R52 Sight System, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: M4 - SOPMOD - CR1, produced at Miltech Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Pet Bed, produced at General Factory.
Added 150 new operators to operator pool
Added 20 new male portraits
Added 20 new female portraits
Real Estate
New Building: Office Space - 150 Floor
New Building: Hotel - 1500 Unit
Resource Acquisition
Updated weight of fuel bladder 10k to 500kg.
Updated weight of fuel bladder 50k to 2000kg.
Added 'Remove All' option in fuel bladders area to remove all bladders from a site regardless of amount.
New Jaw Crusher: QJ341, capable of 1260tph.
Updated perks heading in land overview.
Added ability to perform In-Situ surveying of certain mine sites.
Added new 'Terrain' filter for city level resource sites allowing you to filter sites by terrain type.
Added module slots to all drill ships (2 on non-LE, 3 on LE)
Made live module functionality of Drillship Rig Upgrade module. This allows drilling 50% deeper than a vessels standard max depth.
Made live module functionality of Drillship CAC module. This allows drilling 25% faster than a vessels standard drilling rate.
Added in display of In-Situ resource if found on mine details page.
Added in new option under "Other OPS" if there is a In-Situ resource found, this will be where you conduct In-Situ Operations.
Added ability to add In Situ equipment to mine site, as well as remove.
Added ability to conduct In-Situ mining once all resources are on site.
New Jaw Crusher: LT200, capable of 2700tph.
Updated surface surveying to finish on ticks.
Updated core drilling to finish on ticks.
Added notification for completion of surface surveying.
Added notification for completion of core drilling.
Made continued progress on oil derrick agreement system.
Made continued progress on oil derrick framework for deployed derricks.
Added in new terrain modifier 'Silty'. This is another type that qualifies for In-Situ.
Added in In-Situ qualification for Muddy terrain.
Added in new terrain modifier 'Magnetic Anomaly'.
Updated odds of finding strange or sample (Slight buff at all land sizes)
The Beyond
Fixed issue with solar system drop down selection in some station creation scenarios.
Added rudimentary star directory where public space stations are listed.
Updated powerplant output for T2.
Updated FT and JFT capacities for T2.
Updated Ore & Cargo bay capacities for T2.
Added ability to add items to Galactic Market from warehouse.
Added Galactic market overview for a station.
Added 4 new ship design images for 0-25HS.
Added 4 new ship design images for 25-50HS.
Added purchasing ability on Galactic market.
New Article: The Beyond > Ship Class Designations
New Article: The Beyond > Reaching The Stars
New Article: Resource Acquisition > In-Situ Mining
Updated the way notifications are handled to allow new and more optimized ways of storing notifications for system performance and ease of use.