


  • Fixed issue with sunflowers not displaying properly in pig barns.

  • FINAL NOTICE: Next patch feeding animals will be LIVE for - Cows, Pigs, Sheep and Horses. Make sure you have food ready! If you don't have it, get an ad up and find a player who does!

  • New Vehicle Cat: Fruit Harvester. These will be used for harvesting trees like oranges, apples etc in the next patch, so grab one up if you need one!

  • New Fruit Harvester: 3220

  • New Tractor: MT765E

  • Implemented Framework for soil nutrients system. This will be a realistic system that will promote the rotation of crops from time to time, or paying for specialized fertilization of a certain type to bring certain nutrients back up. Documentation will be coming with this in the near future, and will be a way you may either lose a little yield, or gain some yield from proper practices!

  • Fixed bug that was causing pigs to become pregnant too young, now pregnancy cannot occur until atleast 12 months of age.

  • Fixed issue with broken image on your agricultural overview for a given city when looking at a straw harvested field of any type.


  • Filled all aviation tanks installed on salvage ships to max capacity as promised in previous update.

  • Fuel consumption, and overloading, will turn on next week. Delayed this one final week just to make sure consumption is working as intended.

  • Addressed two minor bugs with calculations of buoy pings. If anyone has COMPLETELY searched their grid with no hits, you may submit a ticket that will be validated and fixed, if you just started or are underway searching, please continue searching!


  • Added the ability to select and perform delivery of won ships.

  • Delivery of vehicles and trains is coming with next patch.


  • Added trophies in for Sockeye Salmon

  • Added trophies in for Striped Bass


  • Made slight update to calculations of how many construction workers you have, removed 'In Transit' status from active workers given during this time the equipment isn't operating with an operator.

  • Pay for construction workers is now live. Pay is based on equipment type. Larger equipment requires more skilled operators and thus more daily pay. (Pay is 150 per day per 400 hp roughly). This is for any equipment not idle or in transit.

  • Pay for semi drivers has returned to live status. Drivers are paid a flat rate $100 per driver currently, in the future we may consider upping pay rates for drivers with certifications.


  • Fixed issue that was sporadically causing player business entities not to be able to see top menu.


  • Made it so that raw warehoused orders that pass expiration date without renewal disappear.

  • Made it so that finished warehoused orders that pass expiration date without renewal disappear.

Holding Company

  • Made it possible to see 'The Exchange' again for people who like to use the PP market through their holding companies.

  • Made is possible to transfer semis that do not have an active driver in them. Semis that DO have a driver, the driver will move to the new company.


  • Fixed minor spelling issue in semi contracting area.

  • Updated load liaisons to be able to provide 3 generated loads per type of cargo, instead of 3 overall. This should eliminate the issue of not knowing why your LL will not generate a load in some cases.

  • Continued framework operations on first version of dispatch. Due to time constraints we are unable to release this week, but did provide a peek in the general channel of the discord.

  • Performed regular maintenance and clean up of logistics backend items as part of optimization routine.

  • Removed the ability to sail to arctic rally point as the event is well past now. The rally point has also been tied to the bug with ships losing their location, so it will not be returning until next winter so we can address issues with it before it is re-released. If you have a ship or ships at the arctic rally point, please drop a ticket with IDs for us to move, and a port you'd like them in.

  • Added infrastructure for certified loads to Semi NPC contract framework.

  • Added functionality that players may now earn training cert points for their contracting fleet while performing contracting work.

  • Fixed issue with missing flag in some screens for country of Lichtenstein.


  • Removed access/links to old intermediate warehousing system that was located in the industrial overview page as this is now defunct with the Exchange launching.

  • New Building: Plastics Factory - Large

  • New Recipe: Uniform CIW - Urban Multiterrain, produced at Textile Factory (RR)

  • New Recipe: Reinman Noodles, produced at Food Factory

  • Reminder: April 1st NPC payout on Leprechaun outfits will be going down to standard amount!

  • REMINDER: Peat & Coal consumption returns with next patch (This will also be when you'll see the correct warehouse display for how much you have at a location on the powerplant page)

  • New Recipe: MP443, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)

  • Added ability for oil refineries to purchase oil delivery trucks, price is 80k each.

  • Added ability for oil refineries to set service range. Can choose from "Closed to new jobs", city, country, region, and any reachable.


  • Notice: Training missions officially go live next week. After much internal deliberation I've decided how I will have the initial missions 'ran', so get ready, lock and load!

Real Estate

  • Made several algorithm updates as to how housing fills. This should assist the 'slow fill' issue people have seen in a meaningful way, while not making it just a money bank. This is continued preparation for updates to real estate including marketing, customer loyalty, etc.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed inability to fire up timber equipment in some instances on not fully prospected sites.

  • Added details to the Fuel Operations page for a mine site to indicate lifetime fuel use, estimated daily use, and reserve amounts, to help make it easier when deciding how much to bring in or what agreements to make.


  • Removed 'type' column from public bug tracker as it presents little relevance to front end playerbase.

  • Updated frequency check on global notifications for manufacturing, now less likely for someone starting up a bunch of lines in a short period to show up a bunch of times on notification item.

  • Added global notifications for helicopters dropping sonobuoys in search of underwater salvage.

  • Added global notifications for construction companies breaking ground on a player structure.

  • Added global notifications for milking of cows.

  • Performed maintenance and cleanup work on backend data for owned land, fixing issues of negative land, missing land, etc.

  • Added in 'Fixed' function to development teams bug tracker. This allows the dev team to mark a bug as fixed. When we do, it will update the bug, and notify anyone with an attached ticket that the issue has been resolved both in a ticket reply, and in a notification, while also closing out the ticket.


  • Updated Crop & Harvest requirements article to show which crops will require the new Fruit Harvester starting NEXT patch.

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