


  • Added in value of Officers Club vaults into savings calculations.

  • Added in daily interest gain for Officer Club vaults. Right now interest will adjust weekly, though I may experiment with different dynamic rate timelines. Please note that you will only accrue interest up to 250m in these accounts, and that if you have over 275m in the account, it will no longer generate interest.

Commodity Brokers

  • Fixed hyper link linking trade monitor to specific cities.


  • Fixed issue with level 4 and 5 constructions sometimes having issues recognizing Pipe Layers were there to lay pipe!

Diamond Den/Officers Club

  • New OC Item: Love Potion Tanker with 50% capacity boost and 33% fuel efficiency gain, based off of C3 tanker!

  • New Den Item: Neon AN-140 with a 100% range boost and a 30% boost to capacity, based off of the AN-140! First LE plane in quite some time!

Group Project

  • Added New Group Project Homepage. This page can be accessed by clicking the group project banner in the bottom right of your homepage.

  • Added new Group Project sealane loads. These will be container loads spawned for "Suez Canal Commission". Loads will NOT pay! But you will be contributing to the group project and thus earning your share!

  • Added new Group Project ground laods. These loads will generate ONLY if there are containers at port awaiting shipment to the site. They will be intermodal loads but will NOT require a intermodal cert to haul since they are for a special project! Again, as with sealane shipments, they do not pay but will contribute to the cause and shareholding!

  • Added in group project tracking of sealane shipment deliveries to overall project, individual company statistics, and project log system.

  • Added in group project tracking of ground shipment deliveries to overall project, individual company statistics, and project log system.

  • NPC's will no longer sell to buy orders for raw crops during the duration of the special project due to global shortages.

  • NPC's will no longer deliver new equipment to Egypt due to overwhelming demand for the duration of the project.

  • NPC gas stations have dried up in Egypt! You'll have to truck fuel in from accross the border, or fuel up at a player station.

  • In a move to be equitable and fair to it's citizens and visitors, Egypt has imposed a Gas price cap to ensure there is no price gouging in the absence of State ran stations.

  • Removed ability to deliver LE semis to Egypt for duration of special group project.

  • Added ability to contribute a monetary contribution to a group project. This is not available for banks.

  • Added ability to dedicate a semi to the group project.

  • Added ability to add construction equipment to the group project.

  • Updated Equipment Lists to Not show equipment stationed at group project.

  • Added ability to add Generators to the group project.

  • Manufacturing shipment and delivery to project will be defined in near future. Stay tuned!


  • Updated insurance charging for fleet vehicles that are currently for sale. They will no longer be active on a policy if for sale. Policies will continue to update actual fleet count before each charge. Please note updates coming in near future for changing / cancelling and modifying policies, as well as random events that will make you want to have them!


  • Unstuck 160 vehicles that were caught in weird RORO status. Please remember to not load any PLAYER vehicle onto RORO's or move them to docks until I finish the RORO overhaul!

  • Removed the ability to select RORO loads that are out of the range of the current ship UNLESS it is a player load (Please remember that players should not be shipping vehicles right now though!)

  • Fixed Homs Syria as a destination not working sometimes for various logistics such as trains.

  • Added in St. Patricks 2022 ship, based on Paltala class. Available in Diamond Den.

  • Added in Splash of Pink 2022 ship, based on Platinum class. Availabel in Diamond Den.

  • Properly fired some engineers who were hanging out loitering on trains after dismissal causing confusion about why multiple loads couldn't be unloaded.

  • Added visual indicator of NPC company a sea shipment is for if it has been loaded onto your ship.

  • Fixed issue with "waypoint" destination showing the wrong destination when on semi fleet overview and one or more trucks is being shipped.

  • New City: Manzanillo, Mexico (Domestic Shipping Not Yet Available, But Land, Resource Exchange & Air Flights Are Working)

Marketplaces (RE/GM/Etc)

  • Upgraded quantity capacity for sales options to be able to handle larger sales transactions.


  • Added in correct daily power calculations for Peat power plants.

  • Ensured Peat power plants begin producing power properly once completed and onlined.

  • Added available coal in warehouse to visual view on coal power plants.

  • Added available peat in warehouse to visual view on peat power plants.

  • Added in proper consumption of raw materials for coal plant at a rate of 100,000 liters per hour.

  • Added in proper consumption of raw materials for peat plant at a rate of 25,000 liters per hour.

  • Fixed issue that could cause Industrial yards to draw power while active.

  • Fixed instances in which power plants would require power to online.

  • Fixed instances of Peat Power Plants not staying online properly.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed Fuel deliveries not being visible on a mine/timber site (Even though they were still working.)

  • New Feature: Thors Hammer goes live. Utilize it on any Pit Mine that has not yet been prepped for a chance at improving the mineral, the remoteness, and or the quantity of the deposit. Upon usage you will get a message stating what effects the Hammer had. Enjoy and again thank you to the Officers who help keep the lights on!

Resource Exchange

  • Returned the ability to domestically ship raw goods to ease production woes while I finish up the realistic shipping overhaul.

Venture Capitalism

  • Fixed issue that could cause someone to not be able to create a new offering if they had a previously failed offering.


  • Corrected issue with being unable to see FFG crate count in My Perks area.

  • Removed 9 files to do with dealerships from the FSN side as splice apart work continues.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing meta land purchase limit not to reset daily.

  • Made Donator rank image clickable to go to officers club. Be advised Trooper and Cadets do not earn officer points and therefore won't be able to shop there!

  • Distributed "Neon AN-140's" to those who qualified from the 2/24-2/27 drive. Vouchers are in inventory.

  • Resolved ~ 20 player support items.

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