Added in framework for 2nd stage rockets.
Added in dynamic thrust vectoring to allow orbital flight if appropriate height and speed are reached.
Created dynamic fuel use to simulate throttle back at MAX-Q and upon velocity requirements being met for any given operation.
Created ability to launch Satellite & Station deployment missions if appropriate research has been completed.
Added in Space Station registration.
Added in basic space station interface.
Added in capability for payloads and payload simulated loads for launches.
Added new Complex module, landing pads.
Added Auxiliary Engine Image
Added ability for Generation 2 recovery operations.
Added the ability to merge fields. Does not work with pastures at the moment. Any field in same city can be combined with any other for a fee of $500 per acre merged. Merging will be immediate and the field will be set to a plowed state with no crop on it.
Added ability to list idle equipment for sale. Find the put to sale button in the All Equipment section of the farm that contains the equipment. There is a 3% fee and listings are valid for 90 days. Please note that it will be 1-2 patches before the ability to buy the used agricultural items are in place, as I would like to combine this with the ability to transport them, if at all possible timewise.
New Crop: Peas! Harvested with normal grain style harvester.
Wiped all old Mystery & Structure auctions to allow new system integration for automation.
Started up Mystery auctions including automation of payment and delivery. Items will now be paid and delivered within 24 hours of winning the auction.
Expect the remaining structure auctions to be automated within 2 weeks.
If you win a Vehicle in a mystery auction, it will be automatically paid, but delivery will not yet be possible, this also will be coming within the next 1-2 patches.
Limited finished auction list to 10 auctions to keep from erroneous information being shown on very old completed auctions.
Fixed issue with cruises completing voyages in timely manner.
Fixed issue that could cause issues with starting a new cruise in some conditions after a previous cruise had been completed.
Added ability to both list and purchase Crown Authority Modules on player marketplace.
Added ability to both list and purchase Commanders Order Modules on player marketplace.
Added in basic Diamond Ledger. This has all been tracked on the back end forever, but I've wanted and players have wanted a way to see their ledger balances, so I've been working to make that possible, and so now there is a basic ledger function for your last 20 transactions for the Diamond Den, or Diamond purchases! In the near future we will also add in a way to track your OC Point balances from your end, so hang in there!
Removed ability to activate Crown Authority and Commanders Order module while I get shipyards sorted properly.
Removed Roulette from Gaming area. This has been planned for sometime, as the only 'Gaming' style element we intend on keeping is the lotto system.
Fishing still remains here, but all functionality will transfer to the competitive area, and the 'lotto' as well as other special events will be moving to a 'Events' area in the near future!
Added ability to remove semi drivers.
Added ability to fire semi drivers.
Added ability to add driver to semi from existing available driver pool.
Team is working through updating statistics on many LE ships as some are in need of adjustment due to the Ship Fuel Balancing earlier this year. We hope to have all LE's completed by December.
Updated LE Statistics For Verdansk 4th Of 21
Updated LE Statistics For Paws Cause 21 Edition
Updated LE Statistics For Krakken 21
Updated LE Statistics For Brew Fish 21
Updated LE Statistics For Blizzard Express 21
Updated LE Statistics For Mummy Express 21
Updated LE Statistics For New Years 22
Added ability to remove Ship Captains.
Added ability to fire Ship Captains.
Added ability to add ship captains to ships from existing available captain pool.
Fixed sell button text for semis.
Extended listing time for used semis from 30 days to 90 days for the 3% listing fee.
Fixed issue that could cause LE Shadow Drakkett image to not appear under certain circumstances.
Fixed issue that was causing collectibles not to spawn for Special Holiday events.
New Port: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Added the ability to filter Political Point listings by listings that you have posted. You can then 'Buy' those points in order to return them to yourself, at no cost other than the listing fee.
Updated field requirements on finished goods market listing placements to ensure there aren't issues in listing some products in some situations.
Expect Downtimes with production over the coming 2 weeks. These downtimes will keep everything in your factory lines, but they won't produce or consume any product. This is your advanced heads up this will be starting as I begin to put everything in place to roll out the revised production.
New Recipe: Biofuel - Canola
New Recipe: Biofuel - Sorghum
New Recipe: Biofuel - Corn
New Recipe: Biofuel - Soy
New Recipe: Semi Module - Biofuel Kit
New Recipe: Semi Module - GPS Uplink
2 New Gas Plant Recipes (Research Locked)
(This is the first couple of many planned 'modules' for semis and other land vehicles. These will be installed using Fleet Maintenance facilities (Where you will also maintain all land vehicles.), so take advantage of the early chance to have some produced for your future plans or to market to other players!Oil production officially turned on. No lines here. You just turn the facility on and start production, as long as it has adequate barrels it will run and produce the currently 5 bi-products. These products aren't yet for sale by NPC and the prices in the system are pretty baseline, so you may want to consider stockpiling, or you can sell for some float money while the new multi-fuel system gets coded in!
Added 13 new Aerospace Factory Recipes (Research Locked)
New Facility: Nuclear Power Plant
Added in 98 items to the Logistics research tree. All are immediately researchable. This concludes the PRE-1 install of the new research program that was on the roadmap. This will now go into the newly planned update cycle that will be spoke about in the near future, which will include more industries and the go live of various researchable items from the new research system which boasts over 1000 learnable things! However... logistics companies rejoice, you can now begin your research journies!
Resource Acquisition
- New Excavator: 395 Series
- New Excavator: R980 Series
Removed Swag Menu item as it is now a depreciated function.
Handled 10 Player Support Issues
Set up integrations for All For One bot.
Started T4T Trailer Loads 329
Started T4T Ship Loads
Started T4T Air Loads
Created T4T information page.
Made live the ability to group tag a piece of construction equipment or a semi. Please note that tags are created for 10k each in your holding company area, the tag must be defined by it's company, and it's type being either semi or construction. Right now, you can only tag things into groups. There are no other affects. I've put this in place for people who are planners to prepare for upcoming features including better tracking of where things are, management of gear, and of course, the much anticipated wonder worker program. After you've created a tag, you can assign it to a semi on the semi details page, and to a construction piece in the equipment details page.
Adjusted layout of homepage for future updates.
Removed implemented features from the Diamond Den feature vote area, as well as partially released features! Please check back soon for other planned future features to put your votes in for what you'd like to see next, and check back often to make sure your items are up top!
Fixed Image for Thanksgiving Pie Slice.