Fixed issue with drainage pipes sometimes requiring a field to be in Ready to Harvest state before allowing. Now drainage can be turned on and off freely.
Resolved issue with Mass Self Butcher from Dairy Cow barn redirecting improperly on completion.
Resolved issue with mass butchering sheep at or above 50kg.
Implemented culling of cows. Cows at or over 10 years (120 months) have a 20% chance of being culled each game month (RL day).
Added initial iteration of fertilizing. Requires either SP-Spreader or tractor with spreader (Lime for fert, manure for manure, slurry for slurry.) For week 1, no inputs are required
meaning you all get free fertilization! Next week requirements and time between ferting will come into play if all goes smooth with this launch. Must fertilize in planted or growing stage!Animals are rebelling. Particularly the pigs are running amok. Due to this unforeseen rebellion, we will be keeping animal breeding and aging down for 1 more week, if pigs aren't in line by then they will remain off so the others can roam freely and peacefully.
Made framework updates to harvest algorithms. Starting Monday crops that have been fertilized will have yield bonuses.
Conducted work on the 'front end' portion of satellite contracting, expecting release in 2-3 weeks for companies to be able to sign up for contracts with providers
Updates to the way satellite payloads deploy along with risk odds algorithm.
Added in Player Only - Public sales option for finished goods. Will sell to players without code, but will disallow NPCs from buying.
Added in Player Only - Public sales option for raw goods. Will sell to players without code, but will disallow NPCs from buying.
Fixed issue with NPC listings sometimes still generating Herbron for a city instead of Hebron on land plots.
Added in requirement for driver to be out of truck in checks for sales of Semi Trucks.
Added additional checks to remove any previous driver data from a truck upon selling to prevent accidental skill spillover.
Resolved issue with In-Situ equipment not being transportable in certain instances.
Began working on Train Contracting framework.
Conducted data review on semi logistics contracting to prepare for next update and balancing.
Updated bot announcement to reflect 15 piers/bays for a new large shipyard.
Fixed issue that could cause no bays or piers to be available when a new shipyard is activated.
Refixed an issue that could cause some Marksman rifles not to be equip able for valid operators.
Fixed an issue that prevented AX-SR for being used for marksmanship training.
Began framework additions for 'Squad Level' training regimes. These will require research but will enable you to train at the squad level for a certain task (respective weapons training, combined cqb training, workouts, etc)
Began framework additions for basic LIVE missions (not training)
Began framework additions for ground transport vehicles.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue that was causing double fuel usage on some mining sites when they ran out of fuel and then were re-activated.
Fixed issue with being unable to add In-Situ equipment to mine sites.
Fixed issue with not being able to deliver a partial semi load to mine site fuel bladders, now if you try to send more than can be held, it will just top off your bladders.
Update: Derrick deployments. In a small oversight the team forgot that in some cases the crane ship may be in another port compared to the derrick, and also that the derrick may need to be hauled to a new port before being hauled to an oil site. These two things are being worked on so that we can ensure the contract system releases with all needed features (self or hired hauling from local port with ships hired from same or different port, with the option to have a derrick transported to a new port before deployment.) We thought it best to make sure all angles were in before deployment!
Added in safety oversight to set fuel hp to zero if it ever somehow goes below zero.
Began testing fuel consumption on construction sites.
Venture Capital
Fixed issue that could cause a company to have more than one open offering in limited select situations.
Added in new requirements on VC offerings as we move towards a more realistic economy model. A companies first VC may be up to 3x it's NET NAV. Second up to 6x. Third up to 10x. Fourth and beyond 20x. This choice was made after reviewing data from the past couple years on failures and successes, and speed of scaling companies. I feel this will allow people to still grow their companies while mitigating people taking on more than they are ready to handle, and providing a measured but meaningful growth pattern based on previous VC successes.
Increased notification page limit from 25 to 50, in time we plan on moving this back to 25 and bringing in pagination most likely.
Reticulated splines.