


  • Fixed issue with drain hose not being consumed in some instances when installing on a field.

  • Updated and fully made accessible ability to turn on and off irrigation.

  • Updated and fully made accessible ability to turn on and off drainage.

  • Both above features now actively affect drainage and moisture alongside weather events.

  • Added ability to move manure from dairy barns to warehouse.

  • Added ability to move manure from feedlot to warehouse.

  • Added ability to move manure from pig barns to warehouse.

  • Note On Above: Pig will likely convert to slurry in the future, this is just a test run implementation of the transfer system in preparation for field fertilization mechanics! Also, the amount of "Manure" you get in warehouse is approximately 20% of the number shown in the ag facility, this represents it being a sellable bag worth, like solid fertilizer.

  • NOTICE: Aging and culling will begin to occur throughout all husbandry animals soon, meaning (most) animals surpassing 10 game years (120 days) will have a increasing chance of passing away. If this happens you will lose them from your facility and gain nothing from the loss, so be sure to be culling normally!

  • Began framework for fertilizing of fields. Fields will be able to be fertilized two times, and must be ~ 48 hours apart from one another. More coming on this soon.


  • Added 'kit cost' to the job quote dropdown for construction companies, allowing them to quickly see how much the build kit costs to better price their quotes without searching.


  • Removed Meta Boxes from DD (They will now only be part of naut club & giveaways instead of a a'la carte option)

  • Removed 'FSN XP' as a possible prize from Meta Boxes

  • Removed 'Golden Bales' as possible prize from Meta Boxes

  • Removed 'Sprinter Van' as possible prize from Meta Boxes

  • Removed 'Box Truck Voucher' as possible prize from Meta Boxes

  • Added in Several more Bux prizes to replace the removed items.


  • Updated minimum raw good semi load size to 1000 liters.

  • Updated minimum raw good train load size to 10,000 liters.

  • Updated minimum raw good ship load size to 10,000 liters.

  • Performed the above to prevent rounding errors and creation errors on bulk shipping system. Please remember you can create a warehouse listing for a production a country and then make a buy order versus trying to ship a very small amount from elsewhere with the same intent.

  • Fixed issue that could cause electronics sales not to add properly to HoS prosperity statistics.


  • Turned off prosperity metrics, they may show movement but levels will not be gained or lost for the next 1-3 months while I perform a major update to Prosperity and tie it into the next large update for the HoS system, so feel free to stockpile those goods!


  • Updated the way 'Deliver Deadlines' happen with semi loads. Delivery deadlines are now assigned at time of accepting a job, versus at job creation, as the new way of load handling is moving towards a more dynamic system, and this was the
    more sensible way system. This should also resolve the issues with loads being taken and then not showing to attach.

  • Added the ability to do domestic flights for finished material goods from warehouses.

  • Updated the way loads are found in ports for bulk ships, which should show several more loads available per port now.

  • Performed more optimization updates to code on ship loading page as part of the longer term optimization effort to improve page load times.


  • New Recipe: Dogfood, produced at General Factory.

  • New Recipe: Diffuser, produced at General Factory.

New Player Experience

  • Accomplished getting another 4 missions in for the logistics branch of the tutorial system, which have now moved to testing.

Player Market

  • Hotfixed issue with LE Building Vouchers not displaying in market listings.


  • New Research Branch: Private Mobilization 10 levels spanning 25k research points.

  • Updated training algorithms for future balancing update.

  • Began framework for next phase of mission system.

  • Began framwork for non-operator system.

Resource Acquisition

  • Hotfixed issue with In-Situ prospecting erroring out.

  • Updated In-Situ so that if there is no result, "none" will display instead of blank to prevent confusion.

  • Slight updates to In-Situ algorithm based on continued data from player use.

  • Added ability to cancel active fuel agreements.

  • Fixed issue with manual delivery of fuel to mine sites.

  • Added 'LIVE agreement' indicator to fuel operations page of mine sites so you can easily tell if you have an active fuel agreement there.

The Beyond

  • Updated 'Space' menu option to show for any company above 25000 RP, but limited options based on company type and on strange ore research situation.

  • Added ability to access individual warehousing at a station that is public even if you do not own the station.

  • Updated warehousing display to use station name versus station id.

  • Added ability to cancel T3 manufacturing draft.

  • Added in station security checks.

  • Implemented minimum Strange Ore requirements for viewing galactic market.

  • Added in fuel consumption for Hyper Sublight travel.

  • Added ability to delete unused designs.

  • Added requirement of class names to be unique for ship designs.


  • Updated "Reaching the Stars" article with new information.

  • Added paydirt and waste ratios for optimum blasts in 'subsurface mining operations' article.

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