Fixed wrong label on redirect for milking cows.
Added more distinct redirects for all actions regarding agriculture, so now if something goes wrong you should better understand why, and if a ticket is ever needed, can give the team a more precise area to look for potential issues with the code.
New Equipment: Auger Wagon 1020xr
Straw harvesting will be turned off next week for a period of 2 weeks to resolve remaining issues and prepare for new crop types as well as crop processes.
Launch of airlines has been postponed 1 week to fix a couple of looming stubborn bugs in regards to routing. Expect a launch next week with 6 airports around the world, and the beginning of route purchasing options for valid companies.
New Aircraft: C919
Global Exchange
Global exchange officially goes live in partial capacity. Currently you are able to place buy and sell orders, and buy/sell to orders for the finished goods market. I am working out a few last minute adjustments to raw goods as I am trying to future proof the code for planned expansions in the future, so for this week resource exchange will remain available to use for raw goods (Also note, all raw goods orders will carry over properly into the GE.)
NOTE: Not all links may be active this week, I am continuing to slow roll this out to ensure minimum issues and future proof coding for planned expansions. Thanks for your patience!
Added the ability to haul player created finished goods loads, player loads will show up with a gold framing, a red '-P' in the cargo type, and will list what is being hauled. When you accept the load you will see the name
of the company you are hauling it for.Began dynamic weight overhaul to all recipes to give each recipe a dynamic accurate weight.
Note: Items that do not yet have a dynamic weight will not show up as an air shippable option.
Began framework for reputation monitoring for logistics companies. Plan to have a centralized placed to view current reputation as opposed ot having to look under each transport category type to view your current reputation level.
Work has begun on documentation for the contract/reputation system and should be part of this months flagpole week atleast in brief overview form.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue that could prevent returning valid land to be returned to government using adhoc system.
New Equipment: Feller Buncher TL745C
New Equipment: Dump Truck AH60
New Equipment: Jumbo Drill ZJ21
Starting next week those with oil plots being drilled will be able to queue up a ship to await production starting.
Conducted tests regarding training, there will be a reset and all underway training timers will complete and the operators will be available again for training before the weekend is out now that most bugs around this have been solved. You can train an operator more than once.
Testing continues on basic missions and all forms of training to ensure everything is going smoothly, expect continued small but measured deployments in the coming weeks.
Added the ability to create finished good warehouse loads via aircraft. Any route under 3000nm will be available. Please note that shipping by air is an expensive endeavor. You can estimate the cost to ship items to a
location from your finished goods warehouse under the air shipment menu, it will give an estimated price to ship 1,000kg of any material to the selected location.New Recipe: Bottled Water, produced at Food Factory
New Recipe: Balsa Plank, produced at Lumbermill
New Recipe: Iroko Plank, produced at Lumbermill
Pause was placed on delivery of fishing prizes to check for a possible bug, but they should go out within the next 72 hours, and the next tournament should start as planned/scheduled.
Work has continued on new support ticket system, we're now about 50% of where I want to be to release it to you guys.
Handled approximately 10 player support items and small bug fixes.